Page 228 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 228

Page 3 of 6  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Baseline demographics of the subset compared to the total cohort.
              Variable                        Cohort                                  Subset                    p
                               n     %     mean   s.d.  Median  IQR    n     %     mean   s.d.  Median  IQR
              Number           230    -     -      -     -      -     135    -      -      -      -      -      -
              Female sex       150   65.2   -      -     -      -     125   92.6    -      -      -      -    < 0.0001
              Age (years)       -     -    34.5   9.1    -      -      -     -     33.7   8.9     -      -     0.338
              Weight (kg)      69     -    69     15.1   -      -      -     -     71.6   15.1    -      -     0.312
              Height (cm)       -     -    164    8.6    -      -      -     -     161.2   7      -      -     0.019
              CD4 count (cells/mm ) 3  -  -  -     -    225.5  131.5–287  -  -      -      -    234.5  152.5–290.5  0.266
              Log HIV RNA (copies/mL)  -  -  -     -     4.9  4.4–5.4  -     -      -      -     4.7   4.4–5.3  0.114
              s.d., standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; RNA, ribonucleic acid.

              Results                                               TABLE  2:  Cumulative  electronic  adherence  monitoring  device  adherence  at
                                                                    weeks 16 and 48 for the cohort and subset.
              Baseline characteristics                              Variable      Week 16              Week 48
                                                                                 Adherence %         Adherence %
              Of  the  230  individuals  enrolled  in  the  parent  study,  135   n  Median  IQR  n   Median   IQR
              individuals provided hair samples. The majority, 92.6%, of   Cohort 19  160  93   74–98  180  86   59–94
              this subset cohort were Black African females. A total of 257   Subset  93  100   92–100  89  101   96–107
              hair samples were collected from the 135 individuals,   EAMD, electronic adherence monitoring device; IQR, interquartile range.
              consisting of 93 at week 16, 75 at week 32 and 89 at week 48.
              On average, two hair samples were collected from each of the
              individuals who participated in the sub-study. A comparison   50
              of the baseline demographics for the cohort and the subset is   45
              detailed in Table 1.                                     40

              Cohort and subset adherence                              35

              High levels of adherence were observed in the subset. The   Hair EFV concentra on (ng/mg)  30
              median adherence of the subset was higher at weeks 16 and   25
              48 compared to that of the cohort. Of the 230 individuals   20
              enrolled in the parent study, only 160 individuals returned
              for the week 16 visit, for blood sampling, and only 180 at   15
              week 48. These individuals provide the adherence comparison   10
              for the subset with hair samples (Table 2).
              Few individuals enrolled in the subset displayed virologic   0
              failure: at week 16, 4 out of 93 (4.3%) individuals had         Extensive     Intermediate   Slow
              viral  loads greater than 400 copies/mL, and at week 48,                   Metaboliser status
              5 out of 89 individuals (5.6%) had viral loads greater than   FIGURE 1: Median (interquartile range) efavirenz (EFV) concentrations in hair
              50 copies/mL.                                         according to CYP2B6 metaboliser status. Hair EFV concentrations determined at
                                                                    weeks 16, 32 and 48 were combined for the above analysis.
              Hair efavirenz concentrations according to
              CYP2B6 metaboliser status                             Relationship between efavirenz concentrations
                                                                    in hair and plasma
              Results from the genotyping of the participants indicated
              that out of the 135 participants who provided hair samples,   Scatterplots of the correlation between hair and plasma
              34 (25.2%), 61 (45.2%) and 35 (25.9%) were extensive,   EFV  concentrations are presented  in  Figure 2. Spearman’s
              intermediate and slow metabolisers, respectively, similar to   correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship
              the parent trial cohort.  The metaboliser status for five of   between the concentrations of EFV in the two matrices. The
              the participants was missing. The EFV concentrations   results  indicate  that  hair  and  plasma EFV  concentrations
              measured in the hair samples were analysed according to   were strongly correlated at all three sampling time points in
              the metaboliser status for each of the participants and are   the study (correlation coefficients, 0.672–0.741; all  p-values
              presented in  Figure  1. There was a significant difference   < 0.0001).
              between the median EFV concentrations in hair for
              each  metaboliser status (ANOVA, 95% CI,  p < 0.0001).   Hair efavirenz concentrations as a predictor of
              Median EFV concentrations for the extensive, intermediate   adherence and virological outcomes
              and slow metaboliser genotypes were 3.54 ng/mg        The relationship between adherence measured by the EAMD
              (IQR: 2.35–4.59), 5.11 ng/mg (IQR: 2.93–7.94) and 10.66 ng/mg   and hair  EFV concentrations  is presented in  Figure 3.
              (IQR: 7.01–15.93), respectively.                      Regression analysis showed that the only variable with

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