Page 241 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 241

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              who  defaulted. Throughout the study, at least 98% of the   (2.3%) had two or more VLs >1000 copies/mL at least
              cohort were on a first-line regimen. There was no one on a   6 months apart and still remained on the failing regimen.
              third-line regimen throughout the period under review.
                                                                    Immunologic responses
              Virologic response                                    The mean CD4+ cell counts at specific times after initiation
              After 6 months of cART, 64% (n = 648) were virally suppressed.   on cART from baseline were calculated. The mean CD4+ cell
              At 12 months, 70% (n = 577) were suppressed, 70% (n = 453)   count  at  baseline  was  227  cells/µL.  This  increased  to
              at 24 months and 69% (n = 392) at 36 months. The proportion   372 cells/µL at 6 months. The increases were consistent until
              virally suppressed almost consistently increased with   at 60 months after initiation, at which point it was 538 cells/µL.
              duration on cART.  At 132 months, 94% (n = 16) were   At 120 months, the mean CD4+ cell count was 487 cells/µL
              suppressed. When the definition of viral suppression was   (Figure 2). Fifty-five per cent had a CD4 cell count below
              changed to ≤ 400 copies/mL, at least 80% viral suppression   200 cells/µL at baseline. This proportion decreased to 26%
              was  attained  at every  interval  throughout  the  study   after 6 months and 11% after 60 months. However, only 47%
              (Figure 1). Those with consecutive virally suppressed results   achieved a CD4+ cell count ≥ 500 cells/µL after 60 months
              were reviewed. The proportion with at least two consecutive   on  cART. Furthermore, there was no significant difference
              suppressed VLs was 59% (N = 882). Only 14% had consistent   (p = 0.952) in achieving CD4+ cell count of ≥ 500 cells/µL at
              viral suppression over a 54-month period. Twenty-eight   60 months, when individuals with a baseline CD4+ cell count

                 120                                                                                       ≤50  ≤400

                 100                                                                      93     91     95   94
                                83     83     84     80      85     82     82     84                  80
                  80                 70     70     69      74     72     74     75      79     78
                Frequency (%)  60  64



                               6      12     24     36     48      60     72     84      96     108    120    132
                             month   month  month  month  month   month  month  month  month   month  month  month
                                                               Time (months)

              FIGURE 1: Proportion of patients with suppressed viral loads (using < 50 copies/mL and < 400 copies/mL) at fixed intervals.

                                                                                   609    538            487
                Mean CD4+ cell count (cells/µL)  500  227  372  419  465



                         0      6      12     24      36     48      60     72     84      96     108    120    132
                                                             Dura on (months)
              FIGURE 2: The mean CD4+ cell counts at fixed intervals over the time among the study population.

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