Page 247 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 247

Page 3 of 5  Original Research

              and blue colour, respectively. In both groups, reactive   TABLE 3: CD4 count: Effect of CD4 count on malignant lesions.
              lymphoid  hyperplasia  was found  in  77% of  patients.   Variable     CD4 count (cells/mm ) 3  Total
              Actinomycosis  was found  in 12% of  patients  in  the HIV-           ≤ 200       ÿ 200
              infected group, while in the HIV-uninfected patients, it was   Malignant lesion  2  5          7
              observed in 11% of patients.                          Benign lesion    27          73          100
                                                                    Total            29          78          107
                                                                    Chi square = 0.008; p = 0.928.
              Chi-square test of independence
                                                                    to have malignant tonsillar pathology than HIV-uninfected
              The majority of patients (both HIV-positive and negative)
              had benign pathology of their tonsils. In the HIV-infected   patients. The Wald tests showed that only age significantly
              patients, eight patients (9.3%) had a malignant pathology. In   predicted the presence of malignant pathology (p = 0.017).
              the HIV-uninfected group, six patients (8.1%) had a malignant   HIV infection did not influence the risk of developing
              pathology. We concluded that there was no statistical   malignant pathology (p = 0.586). This result is in accordance
              evidence that HIV infection conferred an increased risk for   with the chi-square test in Table 3.
              the development of malignant tonsillar disease (see Table 1                                  3
              and Table 2).                                         Patients with a lower CD4 count (< 200 cells/mm ) would be
                                                                    expected to have more severe HIV disease and, therefore, a
                                                                    greater chance of having an HIV-associated malignancy. In
              Logistic regression was performed to test the effects of age   our study, a low CD4 count did not appear to affect the
              and HIV infection on the presence of malignant lesions. The   occurrence of malignant lesions (p = 0.928).
              results indicated that when controlling for the effect of age in
              the model, HIV-infected patients are 1.380 times more likely   Discussion

                                                                    We reviewed 160 tonsillectomy specimens. The most common
                                           HIV nega ve %  HIV posi ve %
                                                                    finding on histopathology was reactive lymphoid
                  100                                               hyperplasia, which is a pattern of hyperplasia seen in tonsils
                  90                                                secondary to an inflammatory or immune response.  This
                  80   77  76.7                                     was present in 123 patients (77%). The findings were the
                  70                                                same in both the HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected groups.
                                                                    Our findings are consistent with previously published
                Percentage  60                                      studies, which found reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in the
                                                                    vast majority of patients.
                  20        10.8  11.6                              There are minimal data available on the histopathology of
                  10              8.1  4.1  1.2  2.7  1.2  2.7  2.7  2.7  1.4  routine tonsillar specimens in the adult HIV-infected
                   0                                                population. A South African study by Lierop et al. reviewed
                                                                    the tonsil histology in 344 paediatric patients.  Reactive
                       Reac ve lymphoid  hyperplasia  Ac nomycosis/reac ve  lymphoid hyperplasia  Kaposi sarcoma  Lymphoma  Normal tonsil  Normal tonsil  Squamous cell  carcinoma  Tonsillar cyst  lymphoid hyperplasia was present in all their patients with
                                                                    HIV  infection  (four patients).  Our  findings  suggest that
                                                                    reactive lymphoid hyperplasia remains the most common

                                                                    HIV status or age.
                                       Results                      finding in patients undergoing tonsillectomy, regardless of
              FIGURE 1: Histology results in HIV-infected (red) and HIV-uninfected patients   Dell’Aringa et al. studied 250 patients between the ages of 2
                                                                    and 34 years; the mean age was 7.3 years. Of these, 245 (95%)
                                                                    had lymphoid hyperplasia or inflammation; 2 (0.8%) had
              TABLE 1: The association between malignancy and HIV status.                                      15
              Variable             HIV results        Total         tonsillar cysts and 2 (0.8%) had actinomycosis infection.  Our
                             Positive    Negative                   study, which was of a similar size, had an older population;
              Malignant        8           6           14           the mean age was 35 years. We had greater proportions of
              Benign           78          68          146          patients with actinomycosis 45 (14%), squamous cell
              Total            86          74          160          carcinoma (SCC) 8(2.5), KS 7 (2.2%) and lymphoma 4 (1.3%)
              Chi-square statistic = 0.071; p = 0.790.              in our study. In both studies, granulomatous disease was
                                                                    present in only one patient.
              TABLE 2: Logistic regression of malignancy at age and HIV results.
              Variable    Coefficient  Wald statistic  Significance  Odds ratio  Actinomyces are commonly found in the oral cavity where
              Age          -0.053    5.659    0.017     0.948
              HIV result   0.322     0.297    0.586     1.380       they are commensals.  Their role in the  development  of
              (positive)                                            tonsillar disease has not been firmly established. 16,17  In our
              Constant     4.264    19.725    0.000    71.106       study, actinomycosis was equally present in both patients

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