Page 253 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 253

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Influencing factors.
              Influencing factor                                               Frequency (n)  %   Confidence  Knowledge
                                                                                                     p        p
              1. Experience
              Years of experience in HIV management
              Less than 1 year                                                     4        5.2     0.25      0.45
              1 to less than 2 years                                              25       32.5
              2–5 years                                                           28       36.4
              More than 5 years                                                   20        26
              Years of experience initiating ART
              Less than 1 year                                                     6        8.1     0.08      0.16
              1 year to < 2 years                                                 34       45.9
              2–5 years                                                           28       37.8
              More than 5 years                                                    6        8.1
              2. Training
              Training course
              Time of HIV management training (various courses)
              > 3 years                                                           46       59.7     0.06      0.68
              3 years or less                                                     31       40.3
              Time of PACK training
              > 3 years                                                           47       61.0     0.75     < 0.01
              3 years or less                                                     30       39.0
              Time of dispensing course
              > 3 years                                                           32       41.5     0.75      0.01
              3 years or less                                                     12       15.5
              None                                                                33       43.0
              NIMART training and mentoring
              Time of NIMART training
              >3 years                                                            24       31.2     0.14      0.56
              3 years or less                                                     53       68.8
              Duration of NIMART mentoring
              1 week                                                              20        26     < 0.01     0.09
              2 weeks                                                              5        6.5
              > 2 weeks–2 months                                                  29       37.7
              > 2 months                                                          21       27.2
              Other                                                                2        2.6
              3. Continuous mentoring and support
              How often does the ART doctor visit the clinic?
              Daily                                                               40       51.9     0.78      0.06
              Weekly                                                              28       36.5
              Monthly                                                              1        1.3
              Annually                                                             0        0
              Never                                                                8       10.4
              Are clinical mentors or a supervising clinician for HIV/TB/ART assigned to your clinic or district?
              Yes                                                                 57       74.0     0.49      0.43
              No                                                                  20       26.0
              How often do you have contact sessions with your clinical mentor or a supervising clinician?
              Daily                                                               20       35.1     0.37      0.10
              Weekly                                                              19       33.3
              Monthly                                                             14       24.6
              Annually                                                             3        5.3
              Never                                                                1        1.8
              4. Workload, motivation, facility equipment and general satisfaction
              Do you feel your workload is acceptable?
              Yes                                                                 43       55.8     0.65      0.28
              No                                                                  34       44.2
              Do you feel motivated towards your work?
              Yes                                                                 68       88.3     0.45      0.34
              No                                                                   9       11.7
              Do you feel that the facilities and equipment at the clinic are adequate for the delivery of HIV care?
              Yes                                                                 58       75.3     0.70      0.98
              No                                                                  19       24.7
              Are you satisfied with your work conditions (e.g. work environment, salary and work hours)?
              Yes                                                                 40       51.9     0.27      0.31
              No                                                                  37       48.1
              5. Quality assurance mechanisms
              Feedback is received about
              Personal performance relating to prescribing and monitoring patients on ART
              Yes                                                                 51       66.2     0.47      0.01
              No                                                                  26       33.8
              Performance of the clinic related to the provision of ART
              Yes                                                                 62       80.5     0.92     < 0.05
              No                                                                  15       19.5
              PACK, Practical Approach to Care Kit (flowchart-based ART guidelines); HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ART, antiretroviral therapy; NIMART, nurse-initiated and managed antiretroviral
              Note: The median number of monthly ART initiations by participants in the 3 months prior to the study was 7 (IQR 9) and the median number of ART follow-ups was 126.5 (IQR 347).

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