Page 258 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 258

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.  In addition, the high   Participants who presented with organ failure and fulfilled
              rates of tuberculosis co-infection in individuals with   intensive care admission criteria were referred to the intensive
              HIV leads to the use of a vast array of drugs to treat these   care unit where they were co-managed with critical care
              infections. This results in greater susceptibility to SJS/TEN   specialists and the dermatology team.
              and an associated increase in mortality.  9
                                                                    Data collection and classification
              Other factors that contribute to mortality included   The review of patient’s clinical records during admission,
              lymphopenia, neutropenia and hypernatremia, as well as   weekly after discharge for the first month and then monthly
              low-serum haemoglobin and hypoalbuminemia. 9,10
                                                                    for  the  following  3  months  were  recorded.  Demographics,
                                                                    SCORTEN score, drug history, CD4 count, comorbidities and
              The use of systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of   complications were documented from the records.
              SJS/TEN is controversial.  Systemic steroids in the setting of
              SJS/TEN  has  immune-modulating  anti-apoptotic  effects   SCORTEN (SCORe of toxic epidermal necrosis) is a score
              which downregulate Fas-Fas L binding.  This results in   used to assess severity and predict mortality in patients
              anti-inflammatory properties which inhibit interleukin 2,   with SJS/TEN. It uses seven criteria (Table 1). One point is
              tumour necrosis factor (TNF)  α and interferon (IFN)γ, and   given to each criterion, and this correlates with a predicted
              immunosuppressant  properties which  inhibit T  cells. 12,13    mortality rate. 10
              Intravenous  immunoglobulins (IVIGs) contain  anti-Fas
              antibodies that block the Fas-Fas L interactions on the   Criteria used to determine drug causality were timing of the
              keratinocyte and thus prevent apoptosis that results in   skin lesions after the administration of the drugs (temporality),
              epidermal detachment.  Studies have shown that IVIG   increase of drug dose, previous history of drug reactions and
              arrests disease progression and reduces time to skin   if the drug reaction occurred when the drug was restarted,
              healing. 14,15,16  By combining systemic corticosteroids and   criteria noted in the Naranjo scale.  Score of > 9 = definite
              IVIG, the inflammatory cascade and the undesirable    ADR (adverse drug reaction), 5–8 = probable ADR, 1–4 =
              adverse effects are prevented. Systemic corticosteroids and   possible ADR, 0 = doubtful ADR.
              IVIG abort the inflammatory cascade in SJS/TEN and,
              hence,  the deleterious effects that ensue. Therefore, this   Treatment plan
              retrospective cohort study assessed the outcomes of intensive   The  standard-of-care  protocols  included  identifying  and
              supportive care combined with systemic corticosteroids and   eliminating the possible causative drug, initiating oral
              IVIG for 3 consecutive days in HIV-infected patients with   prednisone (1 mg/kg/day) on admission for 3 consecutive
              TEN. In addition, we assessed the outcome of managing   days, and adding IVIG (1 g/kg) for 3 consecutive days to
              these  patients  in a general dermatology ward without   participants with TEN (n = 12).
              implementing wound debridement. Some centres treat SJS/
              TEN as a partial thickness burn  as the clinical presentation   Biochemical assessments on admission included a full blood
              is similar to a burn wound, although it is an immune-  count, glucose level, and renal and liver function tests.
              mediated hypersensitivity  reaction. However, SJS/TEN   Vital  signs were registered every 4 h, and plasma glucose
              should not be  managed strictly as a burn but rather in a   was  monitored every 12 h.  A screen for sepsis was done
              specialised dermatology ward without debridement. 1,18,19  We   when  clinically indicated. Fluid depletion and electrolyte
              believe the treatment of SJS/TEN should differ from that of   abnormalities were corrected, nutritional support was guided
              burn treatment because of the different aetiology and   by the dietician and pain management was optimised. Oral
              pathophysiological mechanism. 1,20                    mucosal care included glycothymol irrigation every 6 h,
                                                                    removal of haemorrhagic crusting and the application of a
              Methods                                               mixture of prednisolone, remicaine, nystatin and sucralfate
                                                                    (8:8:8:1 formulation) to the lips and oral mucosa. Genital
              The study was undertaken at the Greys Hospital Department   mucosa was treated with daily potassium permanganate sitz
              of Dermatology, a tertiary referral centre in Pietermaritzburg,   baths and lubricated with petroleum jelly (Vaseline ®) to
              KwaZulu-Natal, South  Africa. It is a 530-bed tertiary
              hospital,  serving 3.5 million  people  in the  western  part  of   TABLE 1: SCORTEN score.
              KwaZulu-Natal.                                        SCORTEN score  Mortality rate (%)  Criteria
                                                                    1               3.2      Age > 40 years
              Study population                                      2 3            12.1      Heart rate > 120 bpm
                                                                                             BSA > 10%
              The clinical records of all 39 participants with SJS/TEN   4         58.3      Serum urea > 10 mmol/L
              admitted to a general dermatology ward from 01 January   ≥ 5         90.0      Serum bicarbonate < 20 mmol/L
              2010 until July 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Three   - -       - -      Serum glucose > 14 mmol/L
                                                                                             Cancer or haematological malignancies
              patients were HIV-negative and were thus excluded from the   Source: Bastuji-Garin et al. 10
              study. All participants were of black African descent.  BSA, body surface area; bpm, beats per minute.

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