Page 259 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 259

Page 3 of 8  Original Research

              prevent adhesions. Pain was controlled with Tramadol   Results
              hydrochloride 50 mg – 100 mg 6 hourly and paracetamol 1 g
              6  hourly. Pethidine was used to alleviate the pain while   Of  the 36  patients  in the  study, 32  (88.9%) were women.
              dressing the wounds. Cutaneous lesions were managed by   Eleven had SJS, 13 had SJS/TEN overlap and 12 had TEN.
              strict barrier protection nursing and meticulous wound care   The number of days of hospitalisation increased exponentially
              without debridement using nanocrystalline silver dressings   along the spectrum of the disease (Table 2).
              (Acticoat®).  Antibiotics were not used prophylactically
              unless there was a clinical indication. Expert opinion   Sixteen  (50.0%) women  in the study  were pregnant.  The
              was  sought from the ophthalmologists on admission and   mean  (s.d.)  CD4  cell  count  in  the  pregnant  women  was
              instructions were carried out as per the ophthalmologist care   267.2  (60.6) cells/mm .  A significant number of pregnant
              plan.  Their management  plan entailed  the  use of  a topical   women (93.8%) developed SJS/TEN secondary to nevirapine,
              steroid (Maxitrol®), lubricants and glass rodding to prevent   while one was due to isoniazid prophylaxis. The pregnant
              adhesions. Obstetricians and physicians were consulted   women  presented  at  a mean  (s.d.)  of  29.13  (3.76)  weeks
              when indicated.                                       gestation. Five (31.25%) of the women delivered prematurely
                                                                    as a result of foetal distress, and all five of these patients had
                                                                    TEN.  One  of  the  deliveries  was  a  stillbirth  at  34  weeks’
              Data analysis                                         gestation. The other four infants were healthy and showed

              Data were analysed using Stata 13.0 SE (StataCorp. 2013.   no signs of any drug reaction.
              Stata  Statistical Software: Release 13. College Station, TX:
              StataCorp LP). Descriptive statistics included means   CD4 cell counts were available for all the patients but one
              (standard deviations) for continuous  variables and   (Table 3). There was no association between the CD4 cell
              frequencies (n [%]) for categorical variables. Relationships   count and SCORTEN score (Spearman rho correlation test of
              between continuous predictors and dichotomous outcomes   0.039). There was no significant difference in the mean CD4
              were assessed using the standard  t-test or non-parametric   cell count by drug type with an ANOVA  p-value of 0.594
              Wilcoxon rank-sum test if the normality assumptions were   (data not shown).
              violated. Similarly, analysis of variance (ANOVA, or non-
              parametric  equivalent, namely  the  Kruskal–Wallis  equality-   The mean (s.d.) CD4 cell count and confidence interval
              of-populations  rank test) was employed to compare the   noted in patients with complications were 236.8 (186.4–287.2)
              means of continuous predictors across the three-drug   cells/mm .  There  was no  statistical  difference across  all
              reaction groups. Correlation between continuous variables   complications. Thus, the complications seen in the patients
              was assessed using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.   with SJS/TEN were not influenced by the CD4 cell counts
              Differences  in  frequencies  of  categorical  explanatory   and hence the level of immunosuppression in the sample.
              variables by drug reaction category were assessed using the
              Pearson chi-square (χ ) test or Fisher’s exact test if an expected   The average SCORTEN scores for SJS, SJS-TEN overlap and
              cell count contained fewer than five observations. A p-value of   TEN were 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There was a significant
              < 0.05 was deemed statistically significant.          difference in the median SCORTEN score by drug reaction
                                                                    type p < 0.001. Thus, the more severe the drug reaction, the
              Ethical consideration                                 higher the SCORTEN score observed.

              Ethical approval was obtained from the University of   Comorbidities included hypertension, tuberculosis and
              KwaZulu-Natal Biomedical Research Ethics Committee    epilepsy (Table 3). Ten (27.8%) of the patients in the
              (reference number BE417/14).                          study reacted to the anti-tuberculosis therapy, two due to

              TABLE 2: Demographics of 36 HIV-infected patients presenting with Stevens–Johnson syndrome–toxic epidermal necrolysis.
              Variable                       Total (n = 36)     SJS (n = 11)      SJS/TEN (n = 13)     TEN (n = 12)
                                          n   %   s.d.  Mean  n  %   s.d.  Mean  n  %   s.d.  Mean  n   %   s.d.  Mean
              Age (years)
              < 40 years                 30   83.3  -  -    10   27.8  -  -     10   27.8  -  -    10   27.8  -  -
              > 40 years                  6   16.7  -  -     1   2.8  -   -     3   8.3  -   -     2   5.6   -   -
              Mean (s.d.) age
              Male                        -   -   7.6  34.3  -   -    -  34.3   -    -   -   -      -   -    -   -
              Female                      -   -  10.4  32.4  -   -    -  27.1   -    -   -  34.8    -   -    -   33
              Male                        4   11.1  -  -     4   11.1  -  -     0    -   -   -     0    -    -   -
              Female                     32   88.9  -  -     7   19.4  -  -     13   36.1  -  -    12   33.3  -  -
              Length of hospital stay (Mean s.d.) no. days  -  -  11.2  15.1  -  -  2.4  5.8  -  -  6.9  13.0  -  -  11.3  25.8
              Pregnant patients (n = 32)
              Y                          16   50  -    -     5   31.3  -  -     5   31.3  -  -     6   37.5  -   -
              N                          16   50  -    -     2   12.5  -  -     8   50   -   -     6   37.5  -   -
              SJS,  Stevens–Johnson  syndrome;  TEN,  Toxic  epidermal  necrolysis;  SJS,  TEN  overlap;  Y,  yes;  N,  no;  Regimen  1:  NVP,  nevirapine;  3TC,  lamivudine;  D4T,  stavudine;  TMP/SMX,  trimethoprim/
              sulfamethoxazole; TB, tuberculosis; N/A, not applicable.

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