Page 277 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 277

Page 3 of 10  Original Research

              who were lost to follow-up (LTFU) or had transferred out of   analysed  anonymised  TIER.Net  data  that  were  routinely
              the ART programme were also excluded.                 collected at healthcare facilities for monitoring purposes. No
                                                                    data collection was performed for the purposes of this study.
              Statistical analysis                                  In addition, no patient files or electronic medical records
                                                                    were retrieved or accessed at any stage.
              Descriptive statistics were used to explore trends in  ART
              initiation and baseline CD4 counts over time. Kaplan–Meier   Results
              survival  analysis  was  used  to  estimate  the  probability  of
              death  over time in clients with low baseline CD4 counts   Description of study population
              (< 200 cells/mm ). Only clients known to have died and those   The Johannesburg data set comprised 340 023 records from
              active in care were included in the Kaplan–Meier analysis.   adult clients aged  15–80 years initiating ART between 2004
              Follow-up time, defined as the time between ART start and   and 2017. Records from 83 677 (25%) clients were excluded,
              last ART visit, was censored at 5 years after ART initiation.   as  these individuals were not newly initiating  ART.  A
              Where clients died after the initiation visit (i.e. ART initiation   further 53 178 (16%) records were excluded because of missing
              date and last visit date were the same), a follow-up time of   baseline CD4 counts. Among the remaining 203 168 records,
              half a day (0.001 years) was assigned. Survival curves were   37 (< 1%) had baseline CD4 counts above 2000 and thus were
              compared using a Peto–Peto–Prentice test for equality of   also excluded, leaving a Johannesburg data set of 203 131
              survivor functions, which is not affected by differences in   records for analysis. The initial Mopani data set comprised
              censoring patterns across groups and is appropriate even   159 904 records from adults initiating ART between 2004 and
              when hazard functions are not proportional. 23        2017, of which 36 553 (23%) were excluded because of ART
                                                                    initiation in clients who were not treatment naïve and a further
              To describe the  population presenting late for  HIV care in   21 517 (13%) were excluded because of missing baseline CD4
              2017, clients with baseline CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  were   counts. Among the remaining 101 834 records, 20 (< 1%) with
              compared to those with CD4 counts ≥ 200 cells/mm using   baseline CD4 counts above 2000 were also excluded, leaving a
              Mann–Whitney  and  chi-squared  (χ )  or  Fisher’s  exact  tests   Mopani data set of 101 814 records for analysis.
              for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Viral
              load suppression was calculated using the last viral load test   Antiretroviral therapy initiation and baseline
              on record for each client and was defined as a last viral load   CD4 counts over time
              result < 1000 copies/mL as per South  African guidelines,
              which use 1000 copies/mL as the cut-off for virological   The  ART programmes in both Johannesburg and Mopani
              failure.  Delivery of CPT to clients presenting for HIV care   districts expanded rapidly over time (Figure 1).  A total of
              with baseline CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  was compared   203 131 adults were initiated on treatment in Johannesburg
              between clients with advanced clinical disease (World Health   compared to 101 814 in Mopani. The number of ART initiations
              Organization [WHO] stage III or IV disease) and clients with   increased steadily each year from 2004 to 2013, but began to
              WHO stage I or II disease using 95% confidence intervals   decline in Johannesburg from 2016 and in Mopani from 2015.
              over the last 5 years (2013–2017). Analyses were performed   Across all years, the majority of clients in both districts were
              using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Stata version 14.2 (StataCorp   women, ranging from 63% to 66% in Johannesburg and 68%
              LLC, College Station, TX, USA).  A  p-value  of < 0.05 was   to 77% in Mopani. Median age at ART initiation ranged from
              considered significant.                               35 to 37 years in Johannesburg and from 36 to 39 years in
              Ethical consideration                                 The mean and median baseline CD4 counts increased from

              The study was approved by the University of the       2004  to  2017  in  both  Johannesburg  and  Mopani  districts
              Witwatersrand’s  Medical  Ethics  Committee  (M140461).   (Figure 2a and b). The increase has been consistent in
              Individual patient consent was not required as this study   Johannesburg, but Mopani took a longer time to show this

                           New treatment ini a ons (Bars)  Cumula ve ini a ons (line) a  New treatment ini a ons (Bars)  Cumula ve ini a ons (line) b
                                Johannesburg district                               Mopani district
                   50 000                              225 000        50 000                             225 000
                   45 000                              200 000        45 000                             200 000
                   40 000
                                                                      40 000
                                                                                                         175 000
                                                       175 000
                New treatment   ini a aons (Bars)  30 000  150 000  Cumula ve   ini a ons (line)  New treatment   ini a ons (Bars)  30 000  150 000  Cumula ve   ini a ons (line)
                                                                      35 000
                   35 000
                                                                                                         125 000
                                                       125 000
                                                                      25 000
                   25 000
                                                                                                         100 000
                                                       100 000
                                                                      20 000
                   20 000
                                                       75 000
                                                                                                         75 000
                   15 000
                                                                      15 000
                   10 000
                                                       25 000
                                                                                                         25 000
                                                                       5 000
                    5 000                              50 000         10 000                             50 000
                      0                                0                  0                               0
                          2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017
              FIGURE 1: Antiretroviral therapy initiations over time among adult clients newly initiating treatment in (a) Johannesburg district and (b) Mopani district.
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