Page 280 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 280

Page 6 of 10  Original Research

              TABLE 2: Characteristics, care and outcomes of adult clients initiating antiretroviral therapy in 2017 by baseline CD4 count.
              Variable                                   Johannesburg district                Mopani district
                                               Baseline CD4 < 200  Baseline CD4 ≥ 200  p  Baseline CD4 < 200  Baseline CD4 ≥ 200  p
              Gender                                                       < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Male                             5255   45.2%  5294   29.3%          1347   40.4%  1471   23.3%
              Female                           6375   54.8%  12 747   70.7%        1986   59.6%  4831   76.7%
              Age at ART start, years (median, range)  37.0  15.0–79.1  33.7  15.0–78.1  < 0.001  39.0   15.1–78.2  34.7  15.0–79.3  < 0.001
              Facility type                                                < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Clinic                           11199  96.3%  17 606   97.6%        3116   93.5%  6032   95.7%
              Hospital                          431   3.7%    435   2.4%           217    6.5%   270    4.3%
              WHO stage at ART start                                       < 0.001                            < 0.001
              I                                6044   54.7%  14 252   82.8%        2190   69.1%  5269   87.2%
              II                               1838   16.7%  1877   10.9%          577   18.2%   610   10.1%
              III                              2244   20.3%   901   5.2%           325   10.3%   142    2.4%
              IV                                915   8.3%    175   1.0%           79     2.5%   22     0.4%
              Pregnant at ART start, females aged 15–50 years              < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Yes                               927   16.6%  2918   25.4%          255   15.8%   1115   26.8%
              No                               4666   83.4%  8560   74.6%          1358   84.2%  3049   73.2%
              CPT at ART start                                             < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Yes                              2453   23.1%  1015   6.1%           784   25.5%   846   14.5%
              No                               8156   76.9%  15 538   93.9%        2295   74.5%  5004   85.5%
              IPT at ART start                                             < 0.001                             0.037
              Yes                               901   10.2%  1422   8.8%           709   25.6%   1605   27.7%
              No                               7915   89.8%  14 747   91.2%        2063   74.4%  4186   72.3%
              Mortality                                                    < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Active                           9061   98.5%  14 533   99.8%        2333   95.0%  4591   98.9%
              Died                              140   1.5%    32    0.2%           124    5.1%   51     1.1%
              Programme outcome                                            < 0.001                             0.019
              Active                           9061   85.2%  14 533   86.8%        2333   80.3%  4591   82.4%
              Died or lost to follow-up        1572   14.8%  2214   13.2%          573   19.7%   983   17.6%
              Suppression at last viral load test                          < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Suppressed                       4092   79.0%  8107   89.4%          1202   80.7%  2818   87.5%
              Not suppressed                   1090   21.0%   957   10.6%          287   19.3%   404   12.5%
              Mortality                                                    0.099                              < 0.001
              Active                            248   98.0%   297   99.7%          72    69.9%   126   98.4%
              Died                              5     2.0%    1     0.3%           31    30.1%    2     1.6%
              Programme outcome                                            0.697                               0.002
              Active                            248   92.9%   297   93.7%          72    60.5%   126   77.3%
              Died or lost to follow-up         19    7.1%    20    6.3%           47    39.5%   37    22.7%
              Suppression at last viral load test                          < 0.001                            < 0.001
              Suppressed                        134   46.5%   251   72.3%          46    63.0%   107   85.6%
              Not suppressed                    154   53.5%   96    27.7%          27    37.0%   18    14.4%
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; CPT, cotrimoxazole preventive therapy; IPT, isoniazid preventive therapy; WHO, World Health Organization.
              Data are n (%) unless otherwise indicated. Total value differs between variables because of missing data.
              Statistically significant differences are shown in bold.
              low CD4 counts in Mopani hospitals remained significant   who only initiate treatment once they have advanced HIV
              even when this hospital was removed from the analysis   disease.  Although the proportion of clients initiating  ART
              (p < 0.001).                                          with CD4 counts < 100 and < 200 cell/mm  declined in the
                                                                    initial years of the ART programme, as has been previously
              Discussion                                            demonstrated from 2001 to 2012,  there has been little change
                                                                    in recent years, with the proportion of clients with low
              This study of routine TIER.Net data demonstrates an increase   baseline CD4 counts remaining concerningly high. This is
              in mean and median baseline CD4 counts over time, in line   unexpected in the context of UTT, but it confirms findings
              with South African guidelines that have repeatedly raised the   from a recent South African study of laboratory data which
              CD4 cut-off for ART initiation 5,8,9,10  and in agreement with   also noted little change in the proportion of adult clients
              previous findings in South Africa and other countries. 2,16,24,25,26    initiating ART with CD4 counts < 200 cells/mm  between
              However, the improvement in these population measures is   2012 and 2016, ranging from 32.9% to 34.8% nationally.
              masking a high-risk group of clients with low CD4 counts   This  is also a challenge in other low- and middle-income
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