Page 287 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 287

Page 3 of 9  Original Research

              Objectives                                            non-responders  possibly  skewing the  results.   Forty-five
                                                                    per cent (74/166) of the participants did, in fact, not submit
              The specific objectives are:
                                                                    responses. The investigator attempted to minimise this
              •  to analyse clinicians’ use of the WhatsApp chat group as   threat as much as possible by regular email and WhatsApp
                 a learning tool                                    reminders.  The questionnaire was kept as short as possible
              •  to assess clinicians’ confidence in managing complicated   and attempts were made to simplify access to it with an easy
                 HIV/TB patients after participating in the WhatsApp   to use Internet link being sent to the participants – all this to
                 case discussion group                              minimise non-responses. 17
              •  to describe the perceived usefulness of the chat group as
                 a learning tool                                    A link to the questionnaire in the Google form was initially
              •  to understand clinicians’ knowledge and use of informed   sent to each clinician in the WhatsApp discussion chat group
                 consent when sharing patient case details on a public   via WhatsApp. When the clinicians clicked on the link, they
                 platform such as WhatsApp.
                                                                    were taken to the electronic Google form. Google saved each
              Research methods and design                           completely filled questionnaire in the investigator’s Google
                                                                    drive. This form was completed by the respondent by a click
              Study design                                          on the most appropriate response. There were no open-ended
                                                                    or continuing questions, making the questionnaire simple
              An observational, descriptive cross-sectional design was
              used, with an anonymous Internet questionnaire, distributed   and fairly quick to answer; the investigator estimated around
              to the clinicians who formed part of the WhatsApp group, as   5 to 10 min per form. Participants were able to answer the
              the data source. A quantitative approach was chosen for the   questions within their own time frame, enabling them to
              study as the responses from the questionnaire were graded   have privacy or choice of space.
              and therefore easily quantifiable.
                                                                    All the completed forms were available to view on the drive,
              Study population, setting and sampling                which was password protected, and could be downloaded
                                                                    when needed for analysis. The clinicians were also emailed
              The study population that was used in this study were 166   the link as well. Emailing helped to collect data from the
              doctors from the EC province that accepted the organiser’s   clinicians that may have at any stage left the group during
              invitation to be part of the WhatsApp clinical discussion   the period under investigation.
              group from January 2016 to July 2017. The inclusion criteria
              for  the  study  included  doctors  from  the  EC  Department
              of  Health, as well as clinicians from collaborating non-  Data management and analysis
              governmental organisations (NGOs). All the 166 doctors in   The individual responses saved on Google drive were
              the group were included to minimise any non-response, and   collected and transferred to an Excel spreadsheet, where data
              to improve representation of the clinicians in the group. 17  cleaning occurred. Any incompletely answered questionnaire
                                                                    was removed as a data source. Text responses were also
              Data collection tools and collection                  allocated a numerical key for easier analysis. The data were
                                                                    then imported into Epi info statistical programme for analysis
              Data were collected using a structured, anonymous Internet   and were initially explored using basic frequencies for the
              questionnaire. This comprised 17 statements or questions,   categorical data.
              each with a corresponding answer or choice of answers. The
              main themes for the questionnaire centred on access to the   Summary statistics were presented to give a general
              WhatsApp or Internet; usage of the group; aid in improving   description of the above responses using analysis tables and
              clinical  confidence; usefulness  as a learning tool and the
              confidentiality of cases posted (doctors’ perceptions).  graphs. These categorical variables were summarised as the
                                                                    number and percentage of responses in each category or
              To reduce information bias, the investigator used a   exposure variable. Further analysis was done by looking
              standardised tool, and each doctor received the same   at  other possible associations between clinical confidence
              questionnaire. The questionnaire had been reviewed by a   to  group engagement  and clinical confidence  because of
              group of three colleagues to ensure clarity and the exclusion   perceived usefulness of the group as a learning tool. In
              of external bias. Once ethical approval was received and   the  confidence variable, like–like response options were
              before distribution to the participants, the questionnaire in its   recorded for ease of analysis. Other associations included the
              electronic format was piloted with the same colleagues who   recommendation of the group based on the perceived
              are a part of the WhatsApp group to further improve question   usefulness of the group as a learning tool. For all the above
              clarity and ease of participation. The questionnaire was self-  associations, frequency distributions and cross-tabulations of
              administered, so no measurement bias was introduced by a   the  above-mentioned  variables were generated.  Bivariate
              third party. 18                                       analysis was done to determine significant associations
                                                                    between the differing variables using p-values, odds ratios
              There was a  threat  to  validity  in terms  of sampling  bias   (ORs) and 95% CIs. The assessment  of any significant
              when administrating the questionnaire, with the potential of   differences was conducted using a Mid-P Exact test. This was

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