Page 301 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 301

Page 2 of 5  Original Research

              a longer duration of illness (p = 0.03), a longer hospital stay   Ethical consideration
              (p = 0.0004) and a higher mortality (p < 0.01). However, in a
              report by Sension et al.  from Kinshasa, there were similar   Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the
              rates of pneumonia, diarrhoea and death in the HIV-positive   Human  Research Ethics  Committee  of the  University  of
              and HIV-negative children. In South Africa, there have been   Witwatersrand (Clearance Certificate No. M10104).
              three studies comparing HIV-positive and HIV-negative
              children infected with measles. Morrow et al.  concluded   Results
              that  although  HIV-infected  patients  were  1.6 times  more   A total of 51 adult patients with suspected measles were
              likely to be hospitalised, there was no difference in death rate   admitted to the IDU of CMJAH between 29 September 2009
              between the two groups. Le Roux et al.  documented that the   and 31 March 2010. Thirty-three (64.7%) of these patients
              length of hospital admission was longer, the number of re-  were confirmed to have measles by serology. In 12
              admissions was greater and the odds ratio (OR) of death was   patients  (23.5%), measles serology was negative and six
              seven times higher in the HIV-positive group. Pamacheche   patients (11.8%) were not tested. Of the 33 patients confirmed
              et al.  described the clinical profile of children admitted with   to have measles by serology, 24 (72.7%) consented to a test
              measles to a teaching hospital in Johannesburg. There were   for HIV infection. These 24 patients were studied further.
              two deaths, both in children that were HIV-negative.
                                                                    Figure 1 shows the study population included in this
              Between 2009 and 2011, an outbreak of measles occurred in
              South Africa that resulted in 18 431 laboratory-confirmed cases   Of the 24 patients, 13 were female and 11 were male. The
              being reported to the National Institute of Communicable   mean (standard deviation) age of the HIV-positive group was
              Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service.  During   28.1 (5.6) years and of the HIV-negative group was 29.6 (9.0)
              this outbreak, a number of cases were admitted to the adult   years. Of the 24 patients, 18 patients (12 females) tested
              Infectious Diseases ward at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg   seropositive for HIV infection. Of the entire group, only one
              Academic Hospital (CMJAH) in Johannesburg and this    HIV-positive patient reported a measles contact and two
              afforded us the opportunity to describe the clinical features   patients in the HIV-positive cohort remembered previously
              and outcome of adult patients with measles comparing the   being vaccinated against measles as a child.
              HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases.

              Methods                                               Presenting features and examination findings are depicted in
                                                                    Tables 1 and 2. There were no significant differences between
              This was a retrospective record review of adult patients with   the two patient groups. The median duration of symptoms
              confirmed measles, who were admitted to the Infectious   was 4 days (range: 1–7 days) in the HIV-positive group and
              Diseases Unit (IDU) at the CMJAH during the peak of   3 days (range: 3–6 days) in the HIV-negative group.
              the  2009 and 2011 South  African measles outbreak. The
              majority of cases occurred from week 37 in 2009 to week 24 in   Laboratory investigations also revealed no significant
              2010. The study period was 29 September 2009 to 31 March   differences between the two groups (Table 3). In the HIV-
              2010.                                                 positive group, the median CD4 count was 109 cells/mm³
                                                                    (range: 18–599 cells/mm³) (16 patients had data), the HIV
              The data collected included all available demographic and   viral  load (VL) was  available for  seven  patients (with  a
              clinical features and laboratory parameters. Patients with   median of 15 000 copies/mL) and three patients had a VL
              clinical  features  suggestive  of measles  were  confirmed  to   lower than the detectable limit. Eight patients (44.4%) were
              have measles by serological testing, using the Enzygnost   newly diagnosed with HIV infection on this presentation
              Anti-Measles Virus/IgM assay (Dade-Behring, Marburg,   and four patients were already on highly active antiretroviral
              Germany). HIV testing, using a chemiluminescent       therapy.
              microparticle immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative
              detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV type 1
              and/ or type 2 (ARCHITECT HIVAb/Ag Combo Calibrator,                  Admiƒed with suspected   Excluded n = 18 (35.3%)
                                                                                      MV infec on n = 51
              Abbott Laboratories, Wiesbaden, Germany), was offered to                                • Not tested for MV
              all confirmed measles cases. The clinical characteristics and                               n = 6 (11.8%)
              outcomes of these patients were compared in HIV-positive                Confirmed posi ve    • Nega ve MV serology
                                                                                        MV serology
              and HIV-negative cases. Outcome measures were length of                  n = 33 (64.7%)        n = 12 (23.5%)
              hospital stay, complications and mortality.

              The HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected groups were
              compared  using the Mann–Whitney  U test for continuous   MV and HIV     MV without HIV  Unknown HIV status
                                                                                        co-infec on
                                                                        co-infec on
              variables, and the Fisher’s exact (two-tailed) test for   n = 18/33 (54.5%)  n = 6/33 (18.2%)  n = 9/33 (27.3%)
              categorical variables. Analyses were done using GraphPad
              InStat  version  3.  A  p-value  <  0.05  was  considered  to  be   MV, measles virus.
              statistically significant.                            FIGURE 1: Flow diagram of the study patients.

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