Page 327 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 327

Page 3 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE  2:  Demographic  and  clinical  characteristics  of  patients  with  abnormal   plotting  one  standard deviation above  the  mean, while
              breast events (n = 41).                               approximately 5% (n = 2/41) were classified as thin, defined
              Characteristic      Description        Count  %
              Age at breast event  < 10 years         2    4.9      as plotting two standard deviations below the mean. The
                                  10–15 years         28   68.3     other 83% had a normal BMI (n = 34/41).
                                  > 15 years          11   26.8
              Years on ART from initiation   < 1      3    7.3      Association of breast abnormalities to
              to breast event
                                  1                   8    19.5     patient characteristics and prescribed
                                  2                   2    4.9      antiretroviral therapy
                                  3                   3    7.3
                                  ≥ 4                 25   61.0     Table 3 shows the characteristics of those patient files that
              Years on regimen leading   < 1          7    17.1     had documented abnormal breast events compared to files
              to breast event
                                  1                   12   29.3     that had normal breast development or no mention of breast
                                  2                   6    14.6     conditions. Patient age, at the latest visit in the study period,
                                  3                   5    12.2     with breast abnormalities was significantly older than the
                                  ≥ 4                 11   26.8     group with normal breasts (p < 0.0005). Furthermore, a
              CD4 count at breast event   < 200       4    9.8
              (cells/µL)†                                           significantly higher percentage of boys (7.9%) than girls
                                  200–500             8    19.5
                                  500–1000            21   51.2     (4.0%) had abnormal breast conditions (p = 0.043).
                                  > 1000              8    19.5
              HIV-1 viral load at breast   Undetectable (< 50)  29  70.7  The different associations of ART drugs prescribed in those with

              event (copies/mL)†  Viral load 50–1000  10   24.4     abnormal  breasts  versus  those  presumed  to  be  developing
                                  Viral load > 1000   2    4.9      normally are displayed in Table 3. In both groups, most patients
              Age-related BMI (kg/m )  Underweight (< −2 s.d.)  12  29.2  were receiving abacavir with lamivudine (3TC) as their
                                  Normal (−2 to 1 s.d.)  21  51.2   nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) backbone.
                                  Overweight (> 1 s.d.)  8  19.5
              Description of breast‡  Enlargement     18   43.9
                                  Breast buds         2    4.9      A significantly greater proportion of patients with
                                  Gynaecomastia       12   29.2     abnormalities were receiving EFV (n = 34/37; 91.2%)
                                  Lipomastia          4    9.8      compared to those with normal breasts (n = 384/594; 64.6%)
                                  Gynaecomastia or Lipomastia  3  7.3  (p = 0.016). Of the remaining three events, two abnormal
                                  Breast lump         1    2.4      breast events occurred on lamivudine monotherapy and the
                                  None recorded       1    2.4      third one occurred on another NRTI-only holding regimen.
              Severity of breast   Early and small    2    4.9      The prevalence in these three cases was 4.3% and was non-
              condition§          Moderate or mild    11   26.8
                                  Severe or very large  3  7.3      significantly lower than the overall prevalence of abnormal
                                  None recorded       25   61.0     breast events in the cohort. For those patients taking
              Unilateral or bilateral  Unilateral     5    12.2     lopinavir combined with ritonavir, no breast abnormalities
                                  Bilateral           8    19.5     were recorded.
                                  None recorded       28   68.3
              ART, Antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index; s.d., standard deviation.  Association of breast abnormalities to
              †, Defined as test taken ± 3 months from the visit date when breast event is recorded.  antiretroviral therapy characteristics and
              ‡, The description provided by the clinician was used to classify the breast condition.  management of adverse events
              §, Only single count for each event was taken; in case of multiple description of size from
              clinician, the largest size is taken.
                                                                    All patients with abnormal breast conditions had received
                                                                    EFV as part of a prior or current regimen. The median time of
              Over two-thirds of patients had CD4 counts higher than 500
              cells/µL (70.7%, n = 29) and were virologically suppressed as   exposure to EFV was 5.5 years. Comparatively, almost 60% of
              defined by a viral load of 50 copies/mL or fewer (70.7%,   those with abnormal breast conditions had been exposed to
              n = 29). The median CD4 count and viral load in this review   D4T with a median time of exposure of 4.9 years. This is
              were 708.0 cells/µL (IQR: 439.0–957.0 cells/µL) and 176.5   displayed in Table 4.
              copies/mL (91.5–373.5 copies/mL) respectively.
                                                                    From Table 4, we see the prevalence of lipodystrophy in
              Clinical and breast characteristics for               the sample investigations and interventions for patients
              abnormal breast events                                with abnormal breast conditions. Co-morbid lipodystrophy
                                                                    was diagnosed in 46.3% of those with abnormal breast
              Table 2 shows that there was a lack of information recorded   conditions (n = 19).
              about the pubertal stage of the adolescents with only four
              patients (9.8%) with abnormal breast conditions having   The most common intervention was the substitution of EFV
              Tanner staging mentioned in their file. 11            for another  ARV (n = 16, 39.0%). Of the 19 patients who
                                                                    received any  ART drug substitution, only three cases of
              Figure 1 shows a BMI scatter plot for patients at each   resolution of the breast condition following ART substitution
              abnormal breast event. Approximately 12% (n = 5/41) were   were observed, with all three cases occurring in the EFV to
              reported as being overweight, which was defined as a BMI   nevirapine group.

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