Page 329 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 329

Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE  4:  Antiretroviral  therapy  exposure  and  adverse  events  for  abnormal   Firstly, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
              breast (n = 41).                                      (IRIS) has been described as a possible mechanism through
              Characteristic   Variable            N      %
              EFV exposure     Accumulative time on   5.5 years  3.8–8.5  the production of cytokines which increase breast tissue
              n = 37 (100%)    EFV-based regimen†,‡                 aromatase activity causing increased oestrogen production.
              D4T exposure     Accumulative time on D4T   4.9 years  1.8–7.2
              n = 22 (59.5%)   based regimen‡,§                     This was an unlikely cause in our cohort, as IRIS usually
              Lipodystrophy syndrome  Total        19    46.3       takes place within 6 months of starting  ART,  and most
                               Lipoatrophy          6    14.6       adolescents with abnormal breasts had received ART for a
                               Fat accumulation     9    22.0       median time of 5 years, with the median duration of their
                               No description       4     9.8
              Investigations   Total                3     7.3       current ART regimen being 2 years.
                               Sonography           1     2.4
                               Blood tests          2     4.8       Secondly, abnormal breast development in adults is frequently
              Prescribed interventions   Total     21    51.2       attributed to lipodystrophy syndrome.  Lipodystrophy,
                               EFV substitution    13    31.7       defined as the presence of lipoatrophy and/or lipohypertrophy,
                               Other ART change     3     7.3
                               EFV and other substitution  3  7.3   was by far the most common comorbidity seen in patients in
                               Diet and exercise    1     2.4       this cohort, with nearly half of those with abnormal breasts
                               Tamoxifen prescribed¶  1   2.4       reported to have lipodystrophy. Lipodystrophy is associated
              ART, Antiretroviral therapy; EFV, efavirenz.          with  receiving  D4T  and  zidovudine.   Despite  very  few
              †, Measured up until first breast abnormality/change from EFV.  patients with breast abnormalities receiving D4T at the time of
              ‡, Median (IQR).
              §, Measured up until change from stavudine (D4T).     censure (n = 10), D4T was found to be associated with the
              ¶, Tamoxifen prescribed but not received (taken from the clinical notes).  development of abnormal breasts (p = 0.028). The mechanism
                                                                    is most likely through altered fat accumulation as part of
              Discussion                                            lipodystrophy.

              This study aimed to determine whether ART drugs, especially
              EFV, were associated with breast abnormalities in adolescents.   Thirdly, hypogonadism, which is a mechanism thought to
              We found that the prevalence of breast abnormalities in this   cause gynaecomastia in adult male patients on ART, was not
              cohort of HIV-infected adolescents on ART was 5.9% and that   explored as a cause in this cohort;  however, the imbalance
              breast abnormalities in adolescents on ART were associated   between oestrogen and androgens during adolescence may
              with current EFV use (p = 0.016) and older age in adolescence   play a role in adolescent boys. 3
              (p < 0.0005).
                                                                    Lastly, oestrogen receptor activation by ARV drugs, particularly
              With such large populations of adolescents on ART in South   EFV,  is a likely cause in this cohort. At the time of reporting
              Africa, common side effects, such as breast abnormalities   of an abnormal breast event, receiving EFV was significantly
              experienced in a specific age group, become evident.  A   associated with the development of breast abnormalities.
              significant difference in age was observed and adolescents   Furthermore, all patients with abnormal breast conditions had
              with breast abnormalities were older, and thus on ART for
              longer, than those without breast conditions. Most    received EFV as part of a previous regimen and their exposure
              abnormalities of the breast in this cohort were experienced at   was often long-term with the mean time of exposure being 5.5
              a  median  age  of  15.5  years,  which  is  somewhat  later  than   years. Efavirenz use was associated with the development of
              physiological gynaecomastia in boys, peaking earlier   abnormal  breast  conditions  in  this  adolescent  population
              between the ages of 13 and 14 years. 3                which is supported by other adolescent and adult studies with
                                                                    similar outcomes. 1,5,6,16
              Despite there being more girls in the cohort, there were
              significantly more breast events seen in male patients. Breast   Breast abnormalities
              abnormalities in males are easier to detect and define because
              of the ‘all or nothing’ nature of the abnormalities.  Nearly half of the cases of breast abnormality were described
                                                                    as enlargement and just less than half were described using
              The link between ART drugs and breast abnormalities has   the terms ‘gynaecomastia’ and ‘lipomastia’, which appear to
              not been well established. In this cohort, most patients were   be  used  interchangeably.  The  prevalence  of  severe  breast
              receiving EFV in combination with abcacavir (ABC) and 3TC   abnormalities for the whole population was 0.5%, which was
              (65.2% of the cohort). From this regimen, only EFV was   the same as the prevalence reported in the Collaborative HIV
              shown to be associated with abnormal breast development.   Paediatric Study. 1
              This suggests that in most patients with breast abnormalities
              who were receiving ABC/3TC/EFV, EFV remains the likely   Obtaining a definitive diagnosis of gynaecomastia or breast
                                                                    enlargement  remains  a  challenge  because  of  the  lack  of
                                                                    available diagnostic modalities and expertise. Sonography is
              Theories about abnormal breast development            suggested to differentiate between lipomastia related to
              At present, there are four plausible mechanisms by which   lipodystrophy and true gynaecomastia; however, in practice,
              ARV  drugs  or  HIV  itself  can  cause  breast  abnormalities.   this is not definitive. 4

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