Page 330 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 330

Page 6 of 7  Original Research

              Interventions for breast abnormalities                  and, therefore, may have similar algorithms for managing
                                                                      their patients. This may have affected the detection of
              While  over  half of  patients  received  an intervention   cases, descriptions used, paucity of investigation as well as
              (n = 21/41), only three cases were reported to resolve. Of these   interventions used, particularly those of drug substitution.
              patients, all three received an EFV to nevirapine substitution,
              whereas no resolution was seen in patients with any other   Conclusion
              drug substitution, drug prescription or prescribed lifestyle
              changes. There was no association established between the   Children on ART may develop breast abnormalities during
              resolution of abnormal breast events with substitution to   adolescence. It is proposed that the drug choice for
              nevirapine; however this was most likely because of the   adolescent  ART,  particularly  those  regimens  containing
              small numbers of breast abnormalities and the limited study   EFV, when interacting with the fluctuating hormonal levels
              period.                                               during puberty, may account for this unique presentation of
                                                                    breast abnormality. This study demonstrated that the use of
              While tamoxifen, an antioestrogen drug used for treating   EFV  and  increasing  age  were  associated  with  breast
              gynaecomastia, 3,16  was prescribed for one patient, it was   abnormalities in this population. The role of EFV in the
              never received. For this reason, tamoxifen remains an   development of breast abnormalities in both male and
              unexplored intervention in this cohort.               female adolescents requires further exploration to determine
                                                                    the appropriate investigations to perform and the most
              Most patients’ breast abnormalities  were not reported to   effective interventions to employ.
              resolve and very few were referred on to the next level of
              care. Of the three that were referred, none received a definitive   Acknowledgements
              intervention. This could be attributed to a lack of knowledge
              on how to manage these cases at a specialist level and thus   Competing interests
              our findings support that further research is needed to   The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
              develop management algorithms.

                                                                    Authors’ contributions
              Comorbidities and concomitant medication
                                                                    All  authors  contributed  actively  and  meaningfully  to  this
              One  or  more  comorbidity  was  observed  in  almost  three-
              quarters of patients with abnormal breast conditions.   article.
              Lipodystrophy was noted in just under half of the patients.
              Only 12% of this cohort were overweight; however, a   Funding
              relationship between gynaecomastia and obesity was not   This work was financially supported by United States Agency
              established. 3                                        for International Development (USAID) under Grant No.

              •  Although a sample size of 631 patients from 1376 files   Data availability statement
                 should be sufficient  to answer the  research question, a   The data set will be made available from the corresponding
                 small number of cases were identified, resulting in small   author upon request.
                 subgroups (e.g. boys and adolescents  using particular
                 ARVs). It is therefore a possible limitation that the sample
                 size was too small for subgroup comparisons.       Disclaimer
              •  There  are  no  comparative  studies  establishing  the   The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of
                 frequency of breast abnormalities in this population with   the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
                 a control group (i.e. adolescents who are not HIV-infected   position of any affiliated agency of the authors.
                 or HIV-infected adolescents not on ART).
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