Page 363 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 363

Page 2 of 12  Original Research

              delivery (PTD),  low birth weight (LBW),  small for   with confirmed exposure to specific antiretroviral regimens.
              gestational age (SGA), 9,10  stillbirth (SB),  neonatal death   Two separate analyses were conducted for CM (where the
              (NND)  and, according to some reports, congenital     risk of teratogenic exposure is highest in the first trimester
              malformations (CM). 12,13,14  In most of these situations, the   when organogenesis occurs) and for other ABOs where the
              contribution of the underlying HIV infection and other   risk period of exposure is less well defined and more likely to
              maternal risk factors is difficult to rule out.  Further studies   be continuous.
              have investigated the relative safety of different  ART
              regimens, 16,17  while others have assessed whether the timing   Methods
              of the initiation of ART, in relation to conception, influences   Setting
              the risk of ABOs. 6,7,8,18
                                                                    The birth defect (referred to as ‘congenital malformations’
              Questions persist about the risk of  ABOs associated with   [CM] in this article) surveillance was carried out at Prince
              exposure to specific antiretrovirals such as nevirapine (NVP)   Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital (PMMH) in the KwaZulu-Natal
              and protease inhibitors (PIs). 16,19  Most recently, concerns   province of South  Africa, where approximately 14  000
              about the safety in pregnancy of dolutegravir (DTG), a long-  deliveries occur each year. HIV prevalence among pregnant
              anticipated agent with an improved efficacy and safety   women in this province at the time of the study was steadily
              profile, have been raised by early signals of higher rates of   increasing from approximately 37.4% (95% CI 35.8% – 39.0%)
              neural tube defects in infants exposed in utero at the time of   in 2011 to 44.4% (95% CI 42.5% – 46.3%) in 2015,  with
              conception compared to efavirenz (EFV). 12            antenatal  ART initiation rates increasing from 85.4% in
                                                                    2013 and 2014 to 97.2% in 2015 and 2016. 29
              A robust meta-analysis of data from the outcomes of 2026 live
              births of women exposed to EFV during the first trimester   Surveillance method
              found only one case of a neural tube defect, and the rate of   Five surveillance nurses surveyed the hospital’s maternity
              CM was not higher than in infants exposed to non-EFV-
              containing first-trimester regimens.  In preclinical primate   wards and labour ward registers to identify women who had
              and clinical studies, in utero exposure to tenofovir (TDF) has   recently delivered. The surveillance nurses collected
              been associated with growth restriction, bone mineral content   information on demographics, health and health-seeking
              reduction and bone toxicity. 21,22  However, the Antiretroviral   behaviour during pregnancy, obstetric and neonatal history,
              Pregnancy Registry (APR), based in the United States,   HIV  status,  medical  conditions, medicine  use  including
              concluded that a doubling and 1.5-fold increase in risk of   folate, calcium and iron supplementation, and labour/
              CMs, with  EFV and  TDF, respectively, could  be ruled  out   delivery information. As they only worked from Monday to
              based on the  American background CM rate of 2.7%.    Friday during office hours, there was incomplete coverage of
              Similarly, no increase in the risk of CM has been observed   deliveries during this initial pilot period. The women’s
              with NVP to date. 24                                  maternity case records (MCRs) were used to confirm and
                                                                    expand  on  what  was  reported  during  a  brief  interview. A
              Given the relative rarity of CMs, lack of available data on   systematic neonatal surface examination, recommended by
              baseline rates of CM from low- and middle-income countries   the WHO, was performed on all live infants and stillbirths
              and the great number of exposures in HIV-affected settings   (whenever feasible) by the trained surveillance nurses.  Birth
              like South  Africa,  Ford  and  others  have  recommended   weight, length, head circumference and reported gestational
              ongoing prospective  birth  outcomes surveillance. 20,25,26,27    age at birth were collected from the MCR. Gestational age at
              Concerns about the safety of  ART in the unborn child,   birth is routinely documented by nursing staff based on the
              applicable to millions of women who are and will be   estimated date of delivery calculated during antenatal care
              receiving ART during pregnancy in the coming years, will   based on the last menstrual period (LMP) reported at the first
              persist in the absence of controlled studies that are able to   antenatal visit, and confirmed by ultrasound, when available.
              quantify the risk of potential CMs and other ABOs such as   Major CMs identified at birth were recorded on the
              LBW, PTD, NND, SB and SGA. Hence, in 2013, the South   surveillance system’s case record form. In the case of infants
              African NDoH implemented a pregnancy exposure registry   in the nursery who were premature, febrile, ill, or too fragile
              (PER) and birth defect surveillance (BDS) system at selected   to be unnecessarily handled, the surveillance nurses did not
              sentinel sites to assess the association of medicines   physically examine the infant themselves but rather referred
              commonly used in pregnant women, initially focusing on   to the clinical notes to complete the form.
              antiretrovirals, with  ABOs. In partnership with the
              KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Provincial Department of Health   In the case of major CMs, digital photographs were taken if
              and other supporting partners, the project was launched on   consent was obtained from the mother. A CM confirmation
              07 October 2013.                                      form was completed and signed by a neonatologist or senior
                                                                    clinician in the nursery ward designated to support the
              We describe the findings of the first 12 months of this project,   surveillance system. A CM review panel comprising medical
              focusing on the risk of CM at birth and other ABOs (pregnancy   geneticists, paediatricians and neonatologists confirmed
              losses, NND, SGA, PTD and LBW) in infants born to mothers   diagnoses of CMs by viewing photographs, the results of any

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