Page 369 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 369

Page 8 of 12  Original Research

              TABLE 4: Summary of congenital malformations reported in HIV-infected women on antiretroviral treatment.
              Number       ART regimen exposure/s   Onset of ART regimen in relation to LMP†  Congenital malformations
              Definitive and Entire First Trimester Exposure
              1‡           D4T/3TC/NVP              5 years pre-LMP                Microcephaly, flat nasal bridge, short neck, left club foot
              2            TDF/3TC/NVP              3 years pre-LMP                Hydrocephalus
              3            TDF/3TC/EFV              4.3 years pre-LMP              Unilateral hypoplastic thumb
              4§           TDF/FTC/EFV              Self-reported as starting before pregnancy but    Talipes equinovarus, and low set ears
                                                    start date recorded as 6 months post LMP
              Ambiguous/Partial Exposure – First Trimester Initiation
              5¶           TDF/3TC/NVP - switched to    Initiated NVP-based regimen in first   Lumbar Myelomeningocele
                           TDF/FTC/EFV in second trimester  trimester
              6††          TDF/FTC/EFV              57 days post-LMP               Myelomeningocele
              7            TDF/FTC/EFV              12 weeks post-LMP              Cleft Lip and Palate
              Second Trimester ART Initiation
              8‡‡          AZT/3TC/LPV/r            4 months post-LMP              Hypospadias
              9            TDF/FTC/EFV              4 months post-LMP              Dysmorphic facial features, micrognathia, unilateral
                                                                                   preaxial polydactyly
              10           TDF/FTC/EFV              4 months post-LMP              Exomphalos
              11           TDF/FTC/EFV              6 months post-LMP              Hypospadias
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; LMP, last menstrual period; NVP, Nevirapine.
              †, LMP = First date of last menstrual period.
              ‡, Mother reported use of alcohol before pregnancy.
              §, Case excluded from risk analysis due to uncertain timing of initiation in relation to pregnancy.
              ¶, Neonatal death post discharge.
              ††, Baby born at 3100 g 2 months before the estimated due date suggesting inaccurate LMP.
              ‡‡, Unusual regimen as mother was part of a clinical trial (no record of prior exposures to first line treatments).

              TABLE 5: Risk of congenital malformations detected at birth: Analysis A.
              Variable                                            Number of CM      N        Unadjusted Risk ratio   p
                                                                N         %                Risk ratio  95% CI
              Primary risk analysis
              Risk in HIV-negative pregnancies + HIV-positive late initiation pregnancies  29  0.4  7532  1.00  -  -
              ART initiated before pregnancy                     3        0.8      368      2.11     0.65–6.92  0.214
              EFV-based regimen initiated before pregnancy       1        0.3      297      0.87     0.12–6.40  0.895
              NVP-based regimen initiated before pregnancy       2        3.5       56      9.28    2.27–37.94  0.002
              Sensitivity Analysis (including initiation during first 15 weeks post LMP)
              ART initiated before LMP + during T1               6        0.6      998      1.56     0.65–3.75  0.319
              EFV-based regimen initiated before LMP + during T1  3       0.3      915      0.85     0.26–2.79  0.791
              NVP-based regimen initiated before LMP + during T1  2       3.2       61      8.52    2.08–34.90  0.003
              NVP, Nevirapine; LMP, last menstrual period; CI, confidence interval.
              Risk Analysis B, comparing the risk of the composite endpoint of other ABOs with ART initiation (1) at any time during pregnancy, (2) before and (3) during pregnancy is reflected in Table 6.

              TABLE 6: Risk of other adverse birth outcomes:† Analysis B.
              Risk analyses                            Number of ABOs   N  Unadjusted risk ratio  p  Adjusted risk ratio  p
                                                        N      %         Risk ratio  95% CI    Risk ratio  95% CI
              Singleton births to HIV negative women   1597   26.0  6134   1.00
              ART initiated any time during or before pregnancy  1069  29.9  3577  1.15  1.08–1.23  < 0.001  1.23   1.14–1.31  < 0.001
              ART initiated before conception          118    31.2  378    1.20  1.03–1.40  0.022  1.34   1.14–1.58  0.001
              ART initiated during pregnancy           617    29.2  2112   1.12  1.04–1.21  0.004  1.20   1.11–1.30  < 0.001
              EFV-based regimen initiated any time during or before pregnancy  1015  29.8  3411  1.14  1.07–1.22  < 0.001  1.22   1.14–1.31  < 0.001
              EFV-based regimen initiated before conception  93  30.6  304  1.18  0.99–1.40  0.07  1.31  1.09–1.57  0.004
              EFV-based regimen initiated during pregnancy  608  29.2  2083  1.12  1.04–1.21  0.005  1.20   1.11–1.30  < 0.001
              NVP-based regimen initiated any time during or before pregnancy  32  33.3  96  1.28  0.96–1.70  0.09  1.46  1.10–1.95  0.01
              NVP-based regimen initiated before conception  20  34.5  58  1.32  0.93–1.89  0.123  1.54  1.07–2.20  0.019
              NVP-based regimen initiated during pregnancy  3  30.0  10    1.15  0.45–2.97  0.769  1.29   0.50–3.32  0.6
              ART initiated before conception           118   31.2  378    1.00     -      -      -     -      -
              ART initiated during pregnancy            617   29.2  2112   0.94  0.79–1.10   0.427  0.90   0.76–1.07  0.237
              EFV-based regimen initiated before conception  93  30.6  304  1.00    -      -      -     -      -
              EFV-based regimen initiated during pregnancy  608  29.2  2083  0.95  0.80–1.14  0.613  0.93   0.77–1.12  0.42
              NVP-based regimen initiated before conception  20   34.5  58  1.00    -      -      -     -      -
              NVP-based regimen initiated during pregnancy  3  30.0  10    0.87  0.32–2.39  0.787  0.57   0.17–1.98  0.379
              EFV-based regimen initiated before conception  93  30.6  304  1.00    -      -      -     -      -
              NVP-based regimen initiated before conception  20   34.5  58  0.89  0.60–1.31  0.551  0.80   0.54–1.19  0.267
              ABOs, adverse birth outcomes; ART, antiretroviral treatment; EFV, Efavirenz; NVP, Nevirapine; CI, confidence interval.
              †, Other ABOs include pregnancy losses, early neonatal deaths, preterm delivery and small for gestational age.

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