Page 26 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 26

by expanding these testing,  linkage  the benefits of U=U are not undermined  Will the status quo get South
       to care and viral suppression targets  by the increase of other unintended  Africa to the end of the epidemic
       to 95-95-95.  To help realise this, the  consequences of reduced condom use.  in 2030?
       Prevention Action Campaign launched
       the Undetectable = Untransmittable  South Africa’s mixed progress      Even though, according to Johnson,
       (U=U) campaign in 2016 to increase  on the 90-90-90 UNAIDS targets     the viral suppression rate among those
       awareness  of  the  relationship  between                              on  ART  has  exceeded  the  90  percent
       viral suppression and the prevention of  The Thembisa model estimates show that,  target,  it is important that this indicator is
       HIV transmission.  This revolutionary  in South Africa in 2019, 92% of PLHIV  interpreted in the context of low reported
       finding can relieve those living with HIV  knew their status.  University of Cape  ART coverage. If the country accounts

       of stigma and the need for consistent  Town-based Dr Leigh Johnson stated  for all PLHIV in South Africa (those
       condom use, while also encouraging  “[this] is good and means we’ve met  diagnosed,  on treatment and  not  on
       individuals to attain and maintain viral  the first of the UNAIDS targets [...] We  treatment), more than 30% of them are
       suppression. The result is both individual  are unfortunately not doing well on the  not virally suppressed and are therefore
       well-being and lower  population-level  second target with only 71% of people  potentially infectious.
       HIV transmission.  The shortfalls in viral  diagnosed with HIV on treatment”. This
       load (VL) monitoring, and the concern  gap is despite South Africa being home  Between 2010 and 2019 there has
       that U=U does not protect against STIs  to the largest HIV treatment programme  been a 57% reduction in the rate of new
       and unwanted pregnancy, may be  in the world. “We exceeded the third  HIV infections in South Africa. As much
       affecting U=U uptake in the region.  target” said Johnson, noting that 91%  as there is noticeable progress, this falls
       These concerns could be addressed with  of  people on  treatment  were  virally  short of the UNAIDS interim target of
       comprehensive and clear messaging that  suppressed. 6                  a 75% reduction in new infections by

                                                                         EXPANDING ACCESS TO PrEP AND ARVs
                                                                         INNOVATION CONSORTIUM

                                                               NURSE INITIATED MANAGEMENT
                                                               OF ANTI-RETROVIRAL THERAPY

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                                                              NIMART Course and Exam = R1500
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                                                              you wish to only do the case studies and/or exam.
        Criteria: proof of NIMART training completed within
       HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 24              Also visit sahivsoc/ The
        the last year must be supplied.                       course fee includes a 1-year SAHCS membership.
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