Page 28 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 28

Can we bring the U=U               organisation began a virtual support  VL, all of them know what VL means and
       messaging to South Africa?         group which now has over 200 members   the importance of treatment adherence
                                          across the country. When the group first   in preventing HIV transmission.
       Despite U=U having proven to improve  started, members knew nothing about
       personal health, sexual safety, intimacy  U=U nor the role of ARVs in preventing   The question is, does South Africa have the
       and self-image; reduce social stigma;  viral transmission, less than 60% of the
       and promote adherence and viral  members knew their VL, and 45% of     political will to scale up such U=U programs?
       suppression,  the U=U message has not  members had  a  detectable  VL.  Since   Only then will the scientific knowledge
       been formally endorsed in South Africa  joining this virtual support group, more   that viral load suppression prevents HIV
       and the U=U message has not been  than 90% of members have a suppressed  transmission translate in to reality.
       spread sufficiently to those who need to
       hear it the most -  PLHIV, especially those
       newly diagnosed and those struggling   U=U in action
       with adherence. South African ARV
       guidelines  do not incorporate the U=U   The founder of this U=U project has been in a serodiscordant relationship
       messaging, clinicians are not trained in   for eighteen years and the couple spent thousands of rands on wanting to
       it, and the message is not shared in the   safely conceive their first-born daughter in 2009. In 2013, when wanting to
       media. Currently the message is only   conceive their second-born, the husband came across U=U studies and the
       shared by individual advocates and a   couple decided to conceive naturally with no condom and no pre-exposure
       few organisations on social media.     prophylaxis (PreP), which they successfully did.

       Organisations facilitating adherence   Their two daughters are both HIV-free and healthy, the husband remains HIV
       clubs and support groups, with discussion   negative and the couple has since been relying on U=U completely. This
       topics centred around ARV adherence    shows us that U=U can give women living with HIV an opportunity to practise
       do not have adequate knowledge about   their sexual and reproductive health rights freely, with no fear of infecting
       U=U and it would be beneficial if group   their partner/s. Many serodiscordant couples are unaware of how to plan a
       facilitators could be empowered to     healthy pregnancy, but the U=U message can help in reducing this anxiety
       share the U=U message thus promoting   and providing couples with the confidence to conceive safely.
       ARV adherence and viral suppression.
       Clinicians conducting Provider Initiated
       Counselling and Testing (PICT) at
       health facilities and Community Health
       Workers conducting HIV testing (HTS)   References
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       a  project  that has  successfully  proven   8.   2019 ART Clinical Guidelines for the Management of HIV in
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