Page 31 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 31

current issues

            to the ART regimen that the patient   Figure 1 – Suggested timing of viral load testing for patients on ART.
            is taking
          3.  The drug levels in the patient are
            too low, as a result of something like        Baseline                   If VL > 100 000 copies/mL, then
            being prescribed an incorrect dose,                                         RPV is contraindicated.
            or a drug-drug interaction (such as
            rifampicin’s effect on dolutegravir).
                                                                                   If not virally suppressed, then should
          In practice though, it can be very difficult    3 months                   provide adherence counselling.
          to tease these possibilities apart. They
          are also not mutually exclusive, since
          non-adherence  or  low  drug  levels                           VL > 50 copies/mL
          can lead to the development of drug             6 months

                                             VL < 50 copies/mL
          How do you interpret a high
          viral load?                                                    VL > 50 copies/mL
                                                                                            •  Adherence counselling
                                                         12 months                         •  Repeat VL in 2–3 months
          It is important to realise that the
          interpretation of a high viral load   V
                                             VL < 50 copies/mL
          depends on the regimen the patient is
          on. Non-nuclear reverse transcriptase            Every         VL > 50 copies/mL
          inhibitors  (NNRTIs) are  notoriously         6–12 months

          brittle, and early resistance is common
          on these regimens. By contrast, protease   VL < 50 copies/mL
          inhibitors (PIs) tend to have a far higher
          barrier to resistance, and are far more
          forgiving of episodes of non-adherence.   •  There must not be any pre-existing  This applies for both first- and second-
          Thus, a patient should generally not be   DTG resistance mutations (e.g. from  line regimens (again, this assumes the
          assumed to have significant resistance to   having previously virological failure  criteria in the previous section have been
          PIs unless they have been on a PI-based   on a raltegravir-based regimen).  fulfilled).
          regimen for more than 1-2 years.
                                             Provided that none of the above are  By contrast, since NNRTI-based regimens
          A  high  viral  load  in  a  patient  on   met, it is not recommended to perform  are so much less robust, resistance
          dolutegravir (DTG) requires yet another   resistance testing for patients on a  testing  is in  theory  more  useful  at  an
          paradigm to interpret. Because DTG has   DTG-based regimen within 2 years of  earlier stage. However, a resistance test
          shown itself to be so robust in first and   commencing it. Furthermore, patients  at the point of failure of first line therapy
          second-line regimens, patients on a DTG-  should not be switched off a DTG  is not routinely recommended, since
          based regimen who have a high viral   containing regime without a resistance  an effective second-line regimen can
          load should generally not be assumed to   test documenting DTG resistance.  generally be constructed without the
          have resistance. Rather, non-adherence                                 need for resistance testing.
          is almost always the cause. Importantly   When should a resistance test be
          though, a number of other factors need   ordered?
          to  be  checked  for  this  assumption  to
          hold, namely:                      A critical limitation of resistance testing   References
          •  The patient’s regimen must contain  is that they are generally only successful   1.   Tucker JD, Bien CH, Easterbrook PJ, Doherty MC, Penazzato M,
                                                                                    Vitoria M, et al. Optimal strategies for monitoring response to
            at least one other fully active  when the patient’s viral load is >500   antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected adults, adolescents, children
                                                                                    and pregnant women: a systematic review. AIDS. 2014;28
            nucleoside/nucleotide  (NRTI)  drug  copies/mL. Beyond this, knowing when   Suppl 2:S151-60.
            as part of its backbone.         to order a resistance test also depends   2.   Cohen CJ, Molina JM, Cassetti I, Chetchotisakd P, Lazzarin
                                                                                    A, Orkin C, et al. Week 96 efficacy and safety of rilpivirine in
          •  There must not be any concerns  on the particular ART regimen the      treatment-naive, HIV-1 patients in two Phase III randomized trials.
                                                                                    AIDS. 2013;27(6):939-50.
            for suboptimal DTG levels as a  patient is on. For patients on a DTG- or     3.   Hermans LE, Carmona S, Nijhuis M, Tempelman HA, Richman
                                                                                    DD, Moorhouse M, et al. Virological suppression and clinical
            result of drug-drug interactions (e.g.  PI-based regimen, resistance testing is   management in response to viremia in South African HIV
                                                                                    treatment program: A multicenter cohort study. PLoS Med.
            rifampicin has been given but the  only recommended when the viral load   2020;17(2):e1003037.
                                                                                 4.   Nel J, Dlamini S, Meintjes G, Burton R, Black JM, Davies N,
            DTG was accidentally not given  is elevated for more than 2 years after   et al. Southern African HIV Clinicians Society guidelines for
                                                                                    antiretroviral therapy in adults: 2020 update. South Afr J HIV
            12-hourly to compensate for this)  the regimen has been commenced.      Med. 2020;21(1):1115.
                                                                           HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 29
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