Page 27 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 27

current issues

                Despite U=U having proven to improve personal health, sexual safety, intimacy and self-image;
            reduce social stigma; and promote adherence and viral suppression,  the U=U message has not been
              formally endorsed in South Africa and the U=U message has not been spread sufficiently to those
                                                who need to hear it the most.

          2020.   South Africa  needs to better  campaign is to decrease the number of  is working which has a positive effect
          address the second target of 95 percent  people who transmit drug resistant HIV,  in  combating  HIV  stigma  and  shame,
          by increasing linkage to care, given  in the context of costly second-line ART.  and barriers to ART initiation. It has
          that only 71% have been reached to  According to the current South African  also played a role in motivating people
          date. This is the country’s weak link and  ART guidelines, these patients will not be   to remain on treatment, thus enabling
          deserves the necessary resources and  tested for drug resistance prior to first-line   sustained VL suppression. If South Africa
          programming.                       treatment initiation.  They will be initiated   is to follow Vietnam’s lead, it can end the
                                             on a first-line regimen thus limiting viral   HIV epidemic by 2030.
          Potential challenges to sustained  suppression success and negatively
          viral load suppression             affecting the third UNAIDS 90 target   U=U footprints in Africa?
                                             and potentially spreading the virus while
          There are several challenges to viral load  under monitoring.          The U=U campaign is already present
                                                                                 in some African nations.  In 2019,
          (VL) suppression, including ignorance of                               Ethiopia began a viral load movement
          HIV status, stigma and discrimination,  The U=U global movement        in which a delegate stated “Mindful of
          poor adherence to ART, and drug                                        the fact that HIV treatment with sustained
          resistance. Pre-treatment drug resistance,  The U=U movement has engaged more   viral suppression is the most effective,
          also termed acquired  drug resistance,  than 1000 organisations from 100   scientifically proven HIV prevention, as
          is caused by ARV naïve people having  countries with key populations on every   Undetectable equals Untransmittable”.
          aquiring HIV from  someone with a  continent. The consensus statement   In addition, Nigeria and Uganda
          resistant viral strain. Bessong et al. 7   from researchers, health providers  launched a U=U campaign in 2019. 10
          maintain that the level of drug resistance  and advocates includes the scientific
          in the pre-treated population in South  background for U=U and identifies  Thomford et al.  state that short of a
          Africa has increased over the years,  gaps in scaling up the message.   cure for HIV, U=U can substantially
          although it is heterogeneous across and                                reduce the HIV burden and change
          within provinces. The authors state that  Vietnam officially endorsed the U=U  the landscape of HIV epidemiology
          “At least one study has documented a  campaign via its national guidelines,   on  the  continent.  From  a  public  health
          pre-treated population with moderate  with the Vietnam Authority for HIV/AIDS   perspective, the U=U concept will
          (> 5%) or high (> 15%) levels of drug  Control  (VAAC)  mobilising  a  movement   reduce stigma in PLHIV in sub-Saharan
          resistance in eight of the nine Provinces”.  to advocate for access to HIV services   Africa and strengthen public opinion
          Bessong et al. further mention that  and  to  reduce  HIV-related  stigma  and   to accept that HIV infection is not a
          optimal management of the drivers  discrimination in men who have sex with   death sentence. This will also promote
          of drug resistance in the pre-treated  men (MSM), transgender, and other key   ART adherence by motivating PLHIV
          population will be beneficial in ensuring  populations most affected by HIV.  Bach   to achieve viral suppression within the
                                                                                 shortest possible timeframe.
          sustained viral suppression in at least  Mai, one of Vietnam’s hospitals, was used
          90% of those on ART, a key component  as a pilot site for the U=U campaign. This   Even though ART coverage is not
          of the 90-90-90 strategy.          site has provided HIV services for over   where it is expected to be in the African
                                             10 years, and is a centre of excellence in   region, according to the UNAIDS report
          As Bessong et al state, there is a need  HIV treatment, with 98.4% of HIV patients   published in 2019, an estimated 67%
          for implementation of optimal measures  achieving an undetectable viral load.   of PLHIV were on treatment (up from
          to promote adherence and enhance  Vietnam is also the first PEPFAR country to   53% in 2015), representing 70% of
          viral suppression in order for the country  achieve viral suppression in over 95% of  the 21.7 million people accessing ARVs
          to curb the spread of the pre-treatment  people on ART. 9              globally.  This is the first step toward
          drug resistant virus. This translates to a                             achieving regional viral suppression but
          need for South Africa to embrace the  Vietnam’s success on the third UNAIDS  robust adoption of the U=U campaign
          U=U messaging. One of the aims of this  90-90-90 target shows us that U=U  by country states is lacking.

                                                                           HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 25
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