Page 25 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 25

current issues
                                                                                          cur  r ent issues

                                          South Africa

                          needs to embrace the

         Undetectable = Untransmittable

                                   (U=U) campaign

                          Mandisa Nikita Dukashe, B-Cur, Adv HIV management, Adv Project Management
                           Department of Public Health, Walter Sisulu University, Eastern Cape, South Africa

          It is more than 5 years since science has  treatment works as prevention against   knowledge may relieve people living with
          shown that viral suppression could stop  HIV transmission but translating these   HIV (PLHIV) of stigma associated with
          the transmission of HIV. Four large studies  findings into population-level benefits   their HIV status, too many patients are
          (HPTN052, PARTERS, PARTNER2 and  has proven more difficult.            unaware that viral suppression can stop the
          Opposites Attract) were conducted from                                 transmission of HIV.
          2007 to 2016 and included thousands  Based on earlier studies, the World
          of serodiscordant couples in which there  Health  Organization  (WHO)  UNAIDS’ 2015 incremental treatment
          was not a single case of sexual (vaginal  recommended early treatment and   scale-up targets, and the even bolder
          or anal) HIV transmission from a virally  national guidelines globally began to   90-90-90 targets by 2020  were both
          suppressed partner.  These couples were  reflect the growing scientific consensus   met with collective failure and a minority
          engaging in condomless sex and not  that HIV could not be sexually transmitted   of countries did reached their targets.
          using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).   when the virus is undetectable.  Despite   Instead, the world is now on the fast
          These clinical trials prove that HIV  research bodies understanding that this   track to epidemic control by 2030,
                                                                           HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 23
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