Page 21 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 21

current issues

          retention in care.  NIMART has also been
          shown to reduce patient waiting times,    This short synopsis on the TLART programme demonstrates
          offer more affordable  healthcare and   how vital the nurse’s role is within the multidisciplinary team when
          improve  health-related  quality  of  life  in   addressing the complicated needs of treatment-experienced
                                                                      HIV-positive patients.
          As NIMART nurses are now managing
          the majority of our country’s HIV positive
          population, they are well positioned to  on adherence, but still present with a viral  2.  Improve patient adherence
          identify patients that are struggling with  load (VL) > 1000 copies/mL. In adults,   and simplify the ART regimen
          their ART, and those that may be failing  these PI-based regimens are generally
          second-line regimens. This is key to the  the  patient’s  second-line  regimen.  In  Patients who have a high VL while
          identification of patients requiring TLART.  children, however, the situation is more  taking a PI-based regimen require extra
                                             complicated as a PI-based regimen can  attention to find out if they are struggling
          Antiretroviral regimens            be their first-line regimen. Patients who  with  adherence, whether  it  is  patient,
                                             fulfil the above criteria are eligible for  provider, medicine or health system-
          Medicine access in the South African  a drug resistance test (DRT) through the  related factors.  It is important to address
          public healthcare sector is guided by  National Health Laboratory Services,  psychosocial issues and involve social
          the Standard Treatment Guidelines  and if the drug resistance test indicates  workers, counsellors, psychologists, and
          (STGs) and Essential Medicines List  that there is PI resistance, these patients  psychiatrists when necessary.  It may also
          (EML). The PHC STGs and EML assist  are then candidates for TLART.     be beneficial to simplify the ART regimen
          healthcare workers at PHC facilities                                   to reduce the pill burden, side effects,
          in selecting appropriate treatment  Patients who have had tuberculosis (TB)  drug interactions or make the regimen
          regimens and includes medicines that  treatment  with  a  PI-based  ART  regimen  once a day instead of twice a day.  An
          can be prescribed and dispensed by  are also more likely to develop resistance  expert or ART helpline can be contacted
          nurses for various conditions. The latest  to ART.  This is why it is vital for nurses  to assist with this (see Table 1).
          edition, 2020, provides guidance for the  to remember to double the dose of
          initiation of patients on first- and second-  lopinavir/ritonavir in adults on rifampicin,  3.   Preparing the patient for a
          line ART.  As TLART involves complicated  and to give ritonavir super-boosting to   drug resistance test (DRT)
          resistance mechanisms, specialist review  children on rifampicin.   If a nurse finds
          of the patient and recommendation of  a patient with a high VL on a PI-based  In some cases, it is possible that the patient
          an appropriate regimen on a case-by-  regimen this should prompt them to check  appears to be failing their ART because
          case basis, is needed. This is performed  whether the patient has been on TB  they may not be taking their medicine
          by a National TLART Expert Review  treatment at the same time, and if the ART  correctly, or not taking their medicine at

          Committee.  Nurses can manage the  was managed correctly during this time.  all. Doing a DRT is expensive and is only
          patients and liase with the committee to  If not, the nurse should call an expert  beneficial to the patient if the patient is
          provide TLART for their patients in PHC  to discuss the case, as the patient may  adherent to their treatment. It is therefore
          facilities so that patients do not have to  require resistance testing sooner.    important that the patient is counselled
          travel long distances to hospitals.                                    before this test is done, and are advised to
                                             Role of the nurse: to identify patients that  take their treatment appropriately for at
          What role can nurses play to support  would be candidates for TLART.   least one month before the DRT is taken.
          patients who require TLART?
                                             Table 1: ART Helplines
          1.   Identifying patients who are
             failing second-line (protease    Institution                                   Contact Number
             inhibitor-based) treatment       National HIV & TB Care Worker Hotline:        0800 212 506 or
                                                                                            021 406 6782
          The first step is to identify those patients   KZN Paediatric Hotline             0800 006 603
          that may be potential candidates for
          TLART and to bring them to the attention   The following can also be contacted via SMS/Please Call Me/WhatsApp:
          of the medical doctor. These are patients   National HIV & TB Care Worker Hotline:    071 840 1572
          who have been on a protease inhibitor   Right to Care Adult HIV Helpline          082 957 6698
          (PI), such as lopinavir/ritonavir or
          atazanavir/ritonavir, for more than two   Right to Care Paediatric and Adolescent    082 352 6642
          years and who have also been counselled   HIV Helpline

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