Page 18 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 18

burden of CM, estimated at 162 500  The evolution of CrAg tests        overburdened referral hospitals in South
       cases (73% of total), resulting in 135  and birth of a national CrAg   Africa.  As a result of this task shifting,
       900 deaths.  Although the incidence  screening programme in South      primary healthcare (PHC) nurses have
       of  CM  has  declined  in  resource-rich  Africa                       become primarily responsible for large
       countries with close-to-universal ART                                  numbers of HIV-infected patients, and
       access, CM is still a problem in many  In the past, a cryptococcal latex  therefore play a pivotal role in the CrAg
       sub-Saharan African countries where  agglutination test (CLAT) was used to  screening process.
       the HIV prevalence is very high, access  detect CrAg in the blood and CSF. 11,12
       to healthcare is limited, a large number  While the CLAT was previously  Important updates to the CrAg screening
       of  people  are  still  unaware  of  their  considered the gold standard for CrAg  process are included in the South
       HIV status and interruption of ART is a  testing, this is a labour-intensive and  African National Department of Health’s
       common occurrence.  In South Africa,  expensive test requiring specialised  (NDoH) consolidated guideline for the
       over 30% of people entering into HIV  laboratory infrastructure. 11,12  A lateral  management of HIV updated in February
       care are diagnosed with AHD and over  flow assay (LFA) was developed and  2020.  According to this guideline, all
       15% have very advanced disease (i.e. a  became commercially available in  patients with a first positive CrAg test on
       CD4 count of <100 cells/µL).       2011. This test format was found to  blood now require a lumbar puncture
                                          have >99% sensitivity and specificity  (LP) to exclude CM.  PHC nurses who
       Cryptococcal antigen (CrAg)        for CrAg detection in the context of  manage many of these patients need
       screening                          CM.[13] An LFA is a rapid dipstick test  to vigilantly check all screening blood
                                          which is inexpensive and ideal for use  CrAg results in their facilities, and
       In March 2011, the WHO first  for CrAg screening in resource-limited  timeously refer those patients needing
       recommended screening of HIV-infected  settings. An LFA meets all of the WHO’s  LPs, in order to ensure early diagnosis
       people with a CD4 count of <100 cells/  A.S.S.U.R.E.D. criteria (i.e. affordable,  and treatment of CM.  Reflex CrAg
       µL using a rapid cryptococcal antigen  sensitive, specific, user friendly, rapid or  screening results can  easily  be missed

       (CrAg) test. CrAg, which is a component  robust, equipment-free and delivered).   as they are not ordered by clinicians.
       of the cryptococcal polysaccharide  In 2011, the WHO recommended routine  Results for Action (RfA) is an electronic
       capsule, can be detected in the blood of  blood CrAg screening in populations  result delivery portal which enables
       infected people weeks, or even months,  with a high prevalence of cryptococcal  South African clinicians to access positive
       before the onset of symptomatic CM.  antigenaemia using either the CLAT  blood CrAg results at facility, subdistrict,
       Therefore, a CrAg test can serve as a  or LFA. 9,10   The recommendation  was  and district levels as soon as these results
       valuable biomarker for early detection  later updated in 2018 to use an LFA for  are available. Clinicians can register for
       of cryptococcal disease in asymptomatic  screening. In 2012, a pilot programme  the RfA by going to, clicking
       patients.  A positive blood CrAg test  for reflex laboratory-based CrAg  on M&E Dashboard and selecting self-
       must be immediately followed by a  screening was launched in South Africa.  service registration.
       lumbar puncture to exclude subclinical  The pilot was expanded into a national
       or asymptomatic CM. If the patient has  screening programme in 2016, so that  The NDoH guideline further recommends
       no evidence of CM (i.e. cerebrospinal  all blood samples with a CD4 count of  that following referral for an LP, patients
       fluid [CSF] CrAg-negative) soon after  <100 cells/µL now automatically receive  with a CrAg-negative test on CSF should
       screening blood CrAg-positive, pre-  a CrAg test. Between February 2017  receive oral pre-emptive fluconazole.
       emptive anti-fungal therapy can prevent  and September 2020, over 990 000  Many patients are referred back to PHC
       progression to CM.                 reflex CrAg tests were performed, with  facilities for their pre-emptive therapy,
                                          a 6% of those having a positive result.  necessitating a good level of knowledge
                                          (Unpublished data, National Institute for  on fluconazole prescribing among
                                          Communicable Diseases, 2020)        PHC  nurses.  Among  adults,  the  pre-
                                                                              emptive fluconazole regimen includes
              South Africa’s CrAg         The role of the primary             an induction phase of 1200 mg daily
            screening programme is        healthcare nurse in CrAg            for 14 days, followed by a consolidation
            important for the early       screening                           phase of 800 mg daily for 8 weeks.
                                                                              The maintenance dose of 200 mg daily
           diagnosis of cryptococcal      Decentralisation of the ART services,  should follow these phases and continue
           disease and prevention of      together  with   the  nurse-initiated  for at least a year. Fluconazole can be
              progression to CM.          management    of   ART   (NIMART)   discontinued when patients have a CD4
                                          programme,    has   been   integral  count of >200 cells/µL on ART and viral
                                          in  relieving  pressure  on  already-  suppression is achieved.

       HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 16
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