Page 14 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 14

Dolutegravir and weight gain

                                                   B Bosch, MBChB
                                                  E Bhaskar, MBChB
          Ezintsha, a sub-division of Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

       Introduction                       integrase which in turn prevents HIV  In 2019, the South African National
                                          viral material from being merged with  Department of Health published updated
       South Africa, home to one of the largest  the DNA of the patient’s cells. Other  ART clinical guidelines, including DTG
       populations  of people  living with  HIV  drugs in this class include cabotegravir,  as an option for first, second and third-
       (PLWH) is also no stranger to continuously   bictegravir, elvitegravir and raltegravir   line ARV regimens. The primary goals
       rising obesity figures – two seemingly   (RAL). Of these, only DTG and RAL   of ART continue to place emphasis on
       unrelated health concerns now closely   are available in public healthcare   the reduction of HIV-related conditions
       intertwined.  The introduction of newer   programmes in South Africa and DTG is   (this including opportunistic infections
       antiretroviral (ARV) agents over the last   preferred for several reasons including   such as tuberculosis (TB), minimise the
       decade has brought with it significant   a higher barrier to developing drug   development of resistance to ARVs and
       concerns around associated weight gain   resistance, the option for once daily   improve patients’ quality of life.  DTG, in
       and the long-term consequences thereof,   dosing and widespread availability in a   many ways, satisfies the above criteria,
       particularly since PLWH are living longer   fixed dose combination.    offering rapid viral suppression, a high
       and experiencing a higher burden of                                    genetic barrier to the development  of
       non-communicable diseases (NCDs)                                       resistance and proving more tolerable
       than ever before.  In South Africa, the   Dolutegravir has proven beneficial   than EFV, a drug dominating first-line
       rollout of dolutegravir (DTG) into state   in multiple randomised control trials,   ART in South Africa for many years.
       programmes and ongoing data from   justifying  its use in  PLWH who are
       recent clinical trials has highlighted this,   both antiretroviral therapy (ART) naïve   As a drug class, the side effects
       raising fears around the suitability of   and experienced. These include trials   associated with InSTI use are mild,
       DTG in our population.             comparing  DTG  to efavirenz  (EFV)    largely self-limiting and rarely lead
                                          RAL , darunavir  and ritonavir-boosted   to  treatment  discontinuation.  These
       Dolutegravir and weight gain       atazanavir , as well as several treatment   commonly include neuropsychiatric
                                          switch-studies in patients failing first-line   symptoms such as insomnia, abnormal
       Dolutegravir is part of an ARV drug class  ART. 10–12  Additionally, clinical trials are  dreams, headaches and dizziness.
       known as integrase strand inhibitors  underway using DTG in a two-drug  InSTI-related weight gain, however, was
       (InSTI), which prevent viral replication  treatment regimen in efforts to decrease  first noted in mid-2018 and thought to
       through  blocking  of  the  viral enzyme  long-term drug exposure and toxicity. 13  be a drug class side effect. As evidence

       HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 12
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