Page 23 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 23

Was the mother on therapy during
           pregnancy or breastfeeding?
           What treatment did the mother take and for
           how long?
           Was child breastfed?
           Did child receive any ARV at birth/ after
           birth/ during breastfeeding? State ARV and
                                          ADHERENCE IN LAST 3 – 6 MONTHS
           Regular clinic attendance
           On-time pharmacy refill
           Correct pill counts
           Treatment partner observes taking of
           Alcohol / drug abuse
           Severe GIT or other side effects experienced                                   current issues
           If adherence problem, what interventions were
           undertaken to address the issue?
          Figure 2: Laboratory results required in the TLART application form
                               CD 4 COUNT                                          VIRAL LOAD
                 DATE              RESULT         Children CD4             DATE                  RESULT
             day/month/year                             %             day/month/year
           Date:                                                    Date:
           Date:                                                    Date:
           Date:                                                    Date:

                Most recent available tests           Date

           Hb (g/dL)
           ALT (U/L)
                                                                    Results of Viral Resistance Test - submit

           Creatinine (µmol/L)                                             together with application to:
           Creatinine Clearance                                             [email protected]
           (mL/min/1.73 m )
           White cell count (x 10 /L)
           Hepatitis B status (HbsAg

         Table 2: Important drug-drug interactions with ART
          Antiretroviral              Concomitant medicine        Comment
          Protease inhibitors         Rifampicin                  Rifampicin, which is a main component of anti-
          (lopinavir, atazanavir,                                 tuberculosis (TB) treatment, interacts strongly with PIs.
          darunavir)                                              Only lopinavir and rifampicin can be administered
                                                                  together, and only if the lopinavir dose is increased. If
                                                                  the patient is on atazanavir or darunavir, and needs anti-
                                                                  TB medicine, the rifampicin component must be changed
                                                                  to rifabutin. This drug-drug interaction is so strong that if
                                                                  not resolved, it can result in resistance forming to ART,
                                                                  resulting in the patient needing third-line ART or losing
                                                                  their last line of ART. More detailed information can be
                                                                  found in the PHC STGs and EML.

          Dolutegravir                Metformin                   While on dolutegravir, a patient must not take more than 1g
                                                                  of metformin a day to decrease the risk of lactic acidosis.

          Darunavir                   Atorvastatin                While the patient is on darunavir, a patient must
                                                                  not take more than 20mg of atorvastatin a day to
                                                                  decrease the risk of myopathies.

          For  more  drug-drug  interactions,  see  the  2019  ART  Clinical  Guidelines  for  the  Management  of  HIV  in  Adults,  Pregnancy,
          Adolescents, Children, Infants and Neonates. 4

                                                                           HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 21
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