Page 30 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 30

Viral load and resistance:

               updates from the Southern

          African HIV Clinicians’ Society

               Adult ART 2020 Guidelines

                                    Jeremy Nel, MBChB, FCP(SA), Cert ID(SA), DTM&H
               Division of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

       The viral load remains the best way  When should subsequent viral      recommended that 2 consecutive viral
       of monitoring patients who are on  loads be checked?                   loads >50 copies/mL, taken 2-3 months
       antiretroviral  therapy  (ART)  and                                    apart, is a more appropriate definition of
       outperforms both the CD4 count and  Assuming the patient’s viral load remains  virological failure.  However, guidelines
       a clinical assessment when it comes  suppressed, repeat viral load testing  from the South African National
       to determining early treatment failure. 1   is recommended at months 3, 6, and  Department of Health and the World
       The following questions reflect the latest  12 on ART, then every 6-12 months  Health Organization still recommend a
       advice from the Southern African HIV  thereafter. Patients whose viral loads  viral load threshold of 1000 copies/mL.
       Clinicians’ Society (SAHCS) Adult ART  remain suppressed up until 12 months,
       2020 guidelines.                   and who demonstrate that they have  What is a viral blip?
                                          been taking their medication regularly
       What is the role of a baseline     and reliably, can probably be followed  A viral blip is a low level (<1000
       viral load?                        up with an annual viral load thereafter  copies/mL) episode of HIV viraemia
                                          (Figure 1).                         that is not sustained – i.e. the viral load
       The Southern African HIV Clinicians’                                   measurement following the blip returns
       Society still recommends a baseline viral  What is the definition of   to a level <50 copies/mL. The causes
       load for patients newly initiated on ART.  virological failure?        of viral blips are not completely known,
       The reasons for this are three-fold. Firstly,                          but probably include a recent episode
       this allows for clinicians to interpret a  The SA HIV Clinicians’ Society Adult  of immune activation (such as following
       repeat viral load done 3 months later, at  ART 2020 guidelines have made an  an acute infection), and recent non-
       which time point the viral load should be   important change to the definition  adherence.
       1/100th (at least a 2 log drop) or less   of virological failure (VF). Whereas
       of the baseline viral load. Secondly, it is   previous guidelines had used a threshold  What are the possible reasons
       important because rilpivirine is relatively   of 1000 copies/mL to define VF, there is  for virological failure?
       contraindicated if the baseline viral load   now good evidence that sustained viral
       is more than 100,000 copies/mL, as   loads at levels of anything more than  In theory, virological failure can occur
       at these high levels rilpivirine has been   50 copies/mL cause the accumulation  for only one of three reasons:
       associated with decreased efficacy.    of resistance mutations, and ultimately  1.  The patient isn’t taking their
       Lastly, a viral load can also act as a   lead to virological failure. The Adult   medication (non-adherence)
       confirmatory test for HIV itself.  guidelines   committee    therefore  2.  There is significant drug resistance
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