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require TB prophylaxis.                            34. All newly diagnosed HIV positive patients should initiate
       19. Pregnancy  does  not preclude screening  for  cervical   ART on the same day unless there are medical reasons
          cancer, and it can  be  performed  up to  20 weeks     to defer.
          gestation.                                         35. Before initiating ART, screen for TB and cryptococcal
       20. Link  pregnant women  back to  care post-delivery     meningitis  (CM) symptoms.  Patients with TB  or CM
          to  ensure  treatment  adherence. Additional  support   symptoms should defer same-day ART initiation and be
          includes  referral  to  a community health worker,  or   referred to a clinic for additional tests.
          support group such as a postnatal club.            36. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, strengthen
       21.  At discharge post-delivery,  provide women with 2    facility-level  Infection Control  Practices;  including
          months of ART.                                         physical  distancing,  washing/sanitising  hands  and
       22. A tuberculin  skin  test  (TST) is not  required  prior  to   the correct use of masks and other personal protective
                                                                 equipment (PPE).
          starting TPT. DTG increases metformin levels, therefore
          the maximum metformin dose in patients on DTG should   37.  Support ART adherence and ensure missed appointment
          be 500mg 12-hourly.                                    lists are actively managed in facilities to bring patients
                                                                 back to care.
       23. If  a patient  is on  rifampicin,  DTG needs  to  be  given
          12-hourly rather than daily. If a patient is on a TLD fixed   38. If you have any  concerns  about  the stock  levels  of
          dose combination, add DTG 50mg 12 hours To this.       TEE or  TLD,  please contact your  district  pharmacist
       24. Adult patients who are not yet on ART when TB treatment   immediately.
          is initiated should initiate on efavirenz (EFV) containing   39. If a couple encounters difficulty in achieving pregnancy,
          regimen.                                               it is important to involve both partners and refer them
       25. Switch a stable pregnant woman on ART from EFV to     for infertility interventions.
          DTG if her VL is <50 copies/mL and she is no longer in   40. Rilpivirine should not be used as the third agent in first-
          the first 6 weeks of pregnancy.                        line regimens when the VL is >100,000 copies/mL.
       26. Patients switched to TLD do not need to return for review   41.  Pregnant women with a CD4 <350 cells/uL and without
          after 1 month, unless they are a new patient. Those who   contraindications  should  be given TB preventative
          switched from TEE to TLD and have been decanted to     therapy (TPT) for 12 months.
          an external ART pick-up site, can stay decanted.   42. TB  preventative therapy  (TPT)should be deferred in
       27.  Patients with persistent low-grade viraemia (VL 50-999   pregnant women  with a CD4 >350 cells/uL until  6
          copies/mL)  should be discussed with a HIV expert      weeks post-delivery.
          before switching from TEE to TLD.                  43. The code  C#PMTCT should  be on the  lab  form of
       28. There  is no  longer  a need for  the  SAHPRA  Risk   every viral load request in a pregnant or breastfeeding
          Acknowledgment  Form  to  be  completed  before        woman, to ensure electronic gatekeeping rules do not
          switching patients from TEE to TLD.                    lead to sample rejection.
       29. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, introduce   44. DTG and TAF use may be associated with weight gain.
          outdoor  clinic  service points and community-  based   Counsel and manage patients appropriately, especially
          distribution points for ARVs.                          pregnant  women  in order  to  reduce  pregnancy
                                                                 associated adverse outcomes.
       30. To  reduce the the  risk of  COVID-19 transmission,
          patients  in  community-based  adherence clubs or   45. In recurrent treatment defaulters, consider re-initiating
          support groups should be seen individually for support   ART with a DTG or PI-based regimen, provided there
          and ART distribution, rather than in groups.           are no contraindications.
       31.  To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, implement   46. Avoid resistance tests before 2 years on ART in patients
          2 monthly dispensing for all ART and TB patients across   who are  not virally suppressed on a DTG- or PI-based
          all facilities.                                        regimen.
       32. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, accelerate   47.  The dose of lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) must be doubled
          decanting  of patients to external  ART  pick-up points   if the patient is on rifampicin-based TB treatment.
          based on the revised eligibility criteria.         48. Neither atazanavir nor darunavir can be prescribed if
       33. Fast-track people living  with HIV (PLHIV) with       the patient is on rifampicin-based TB treatment.
          comorbidities and a higher risk for severe COVID-19
          patients as well  as those  presenting to  facilities  with

       Abbreviations: ART – antiretroviral therapy; ARV – antiretroviral; CD4 – cluster of differentiation 4; IPT – isoniazid preventive therapy;
       PrEP – pre-exposure prophylaxis; TB – tuberculosis; U=U – undetectable = untransmissible; UTT – universal test and treat; VL – viral load.

       HIV Nursing Matters | June 2021 | page 32
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