Page 54 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 28 of 39  Guideline

              20. Liver disease                                     ÿ   Using 3TC without TDF to treat HBV/HIV co-infection

              Antiretroviral dose adjustment in liver                 leads to HBV resistance in 80% – 90% of patients after
                                                                      5 years of treatment.
              impairment                                            ÿ   Interruption of TDF and/or 3TC (or FTC) has been
              Key points                                              associated with flares of life-threatening hepatitis in
                                                                      patients with hepatitis B in case reports.
              ÿ   There is no single blood test for accurate quantification of   ÿ   Adjust dosing frequency of TDF in patients with HBV
                 liver impairment.                                    infection and renal dysfunction; if renal function is severe
              ÿ   Child–Pugh class C may require dose adjustment for   or deteriorates with TDF, then 3TC monotherapy or other
                 some ART drugs.                                      drugs with anti-HBV activity should be considered.
              ÿ   The combination of TDF + 3TC (or FTC) + DTG (or RAL)
                 is regarded as least hepatotoxic.                  Hepatitis B virus is a common co-infection with HIV in
                                                                    southern Africa, with significant implications for progression
              Antiretroviral dose adjustments                       to cirrhosis, as well as for treatment options.  Access to
              Table 23 shows the outline of dose adjustments for the   vaccination, laboratory resources and treatment options is
              relevant ART drugs in patients with Child–Pugh class C liver   limited to some extent in southern African countries, and the
              impairment.                                           recommendations below should be considered in the light of
                                                                    the local context.
              Hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus
              co-infection                                          Hepatitis B virus and HIV co-infection is associated with:
              Key points                                            •  an increased risk of chronic liver disease
                                                                    •  a higher HBV VL
              ÿ   All HIV-infected individuals should be screened for   •  diminished responses to HBV vaccine
                 active HBV – hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)   •  an increased risk of drug-induced hepatotoxicity
                 screening is an appropriate test.                  •  a flare of hepatitis within 3 months of commencing ART
              ÿ   The HBV VL correlates with disease progression and is   (because of HBV-related IRIS, which is difficult to
                 used to monitor anti-HBV therapy.                    differentiate from drug hepatotoxicity).
              ÿ   All  children  and  adults  eligible  for  HBV  vaccination
                 should be vaccinated.                              Drugs directed against HBV that have no or minimal anti-HIV
              ÿ   Antiretroviral therapy drugs with anti-HBV activity are   activity (e.g. entecavir and telbivudine) are largely unavailable
                 TDF + 3TC (or FTC).                                or extremely expensive in southern African region. Instead, it
              ÿ   For all HIV-infected HBsAg-positive patients, the  ART   is usually necessary to use ART drugs that also have anti-HBV
                 regimen should include TDF + 3TC (or FTC).         activity: TDF + 3TC (or FTC).  As with HIV, these drugs
                                                                    suppress HBV but do not eradicate it. Effective treatment
                                                                    prevents  or  slows  the  progression  to  cirrhosis.  For  all  HIV-
              TABLE 23: Prescribing antiretroviral therapy in liver impairment.  infected HBsAg-positive patients, the  ART regimen should
              Class   Drug   Prescribing notes                      include TDF + 3TC (or FTC). Using 3TC without including
              NRTI    TDF   •  No dose adjustment necessary         TDF leads to the development of HBV resistance in 80% – 90%
                      3TC   •  No dose adjustment necessary
                      FTC   •  No dose adjustment necessary         of patients after 5 years of treatment. If a patient meets the
                      AZT   •   Decrease dose by 50% or double dosage interval in   criteria for switching to a second-line ART regimen (to treat
                             significant liver disease              HIV), then this combination – TDF + 3TC (or FTC) – should be
                      ABC   •   Reduce adult dose to 200 mg twice daily in significant   continued to suppress HBV infection, as interruption of TDF
                             liver disease
                            •  Contraindicated in severe liver disease  and/or 3TC (or FTC) has been associated with flares of life-
              InSTI   DTG   •   No data on recommendation for those with severe liver   threatening hepatitis in case reports. The second-line  ART
                             disease (Child–Pugh class C)           regimen should be shaped around these two drugs.
                      RAL   •  No dose adjustment necessary
              PI      DRV   •  Use with caution or avoid in significant liver disease
                      ATV   •  Avoid in severe liver disease        In patients with HBV and renal dysfunction, the use of TDF
                      LPV/r  •   LPV is highly metabolised in the liver and   may be considered with dosing frequency adjustment based
                             concentrations may be increased in patients with   on CrCl (Table 24) and more frequent creatinine monitoring.
                             hepatic impairment
                            •   Therapeutic drug monitoring should be done if
                             available                              TABLE 24: Suggested tenofovir disoproxil fumarate dose adjustment in patients
              NNRTI   EFV   •  Not recommended in severe liver disease  with hepatitis B and renal dysfunction.
                      ETR   •  Use with caution in severe liver disease  eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m )  Suggested dose of TDF
                      RPV   •   Use with caution in severe liver disease (Child–Pugh class   ≥ 50  Usual dose
                             C) – dose recommendation not established
              CCR5 blocker MVC  •   Concentrations likely to be increased with liver   30–49  300 mg every 48 h
                             impairment                             10–29          300 mg every 72–96 h
              3TC, lamivudine; ABC, abacavir; ATV, atazanavir; ARVs, antiretrovirals; AZT, zidovudine; CCR5,   < 10  Avoid (consider 3TC monotherapy, or other drugs with
              C-C  chemokine  receptor  type  5;  DTG,  dolutegravir;  DRV,  darunavir;  EFV,  efavirenz;  ETR,   anti-HBV activity)
              etravirine; FTC, emtricitabine; InSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; LPV, lopinavir; LPV/r,   Haemodialysis  300 mg every week (dose after dialysis on dialysis days)
              lopinavir/ritonavir; MVC, maraviroc; NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors;
              NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; PI, protease inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; RPV,   3TC,  lamivudine;  eGFR,  estimated  glomerular  filtration  rate;  HBV,  hepatitis  B  virus;  TDF,
              rilpivirine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.      tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.

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