Page 59 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 33 of 39  Guideline

              other cardiovascular risk factors, a threshold of total   ÿ   Corticosteroids have been shown to reduce morbidity
              cholesterol > 7.5 mmol/L (or LDL cholesterol > 5.0 mmol/L)   and improve symptoms in paradoxical TB-IRIS.
              should be used for initiating statin therapy, and the patient
              should be referred to a lipid clinic for investigation if feasible.   Approximately 10% – 20% of patients who start ART with
              In  patients  with  cardiovascular  risk  factors  (e.g.  smoking,   advanced  immunosuppression  experience  clinical
              diabetes and hypertension), decisions should be made using   deterioration during the first few months because of IRIS.
              the Framingham heart disease risk score. All patients with   Most presentations of IRIS occur within the first 3 months of
              established atherosclerotic disease (coronary, cerebral or   ART. Two forms are recognised:
              peripheral) or familial hypercholesterolaemia should be
              started on statin treatment. In addition, type 2 diabetics   •  Unmasking  IRIS  occurs  in  patients  who  have  an
              should also be started on a statin treatment if they have   unrecognised OI when ART is initiated, and who then
              chronic kidney disease, or if they are older than 40 years of   present with exaggerated inflammatory features of that
              age (or have had diabetes for more than 10 years) and have   infection during early ART because of it being ‘unmasked’
              one or more additional cardiovascular risk factors. 91  by recovering immunity.
                                                                    •  Paradoxical IRIS occurs in patients who are being treated
              Many statins have interactions with PIs that can lead to   for an OI when they start  ART, but who develop an
              potentially toxic statin concentrations, with the exception of   immune-mediated worsening or recurrence of features of
              pravastatin and fluvastatin. Atorvastatin concentrations are   that infection after starting ART.
              significantly raised by PIs, but low doses (maximum 10 mg
              daily) can be used with monitoring for symptoms of myalgia.   Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome is most
              Lovastatin and simvastatin should not be co-administered   frequently described in association with TB and CM. Skin
              with PIs, as their concentrations are dramatically increased,   conditions such as molluscum contagiosum and Kaposi’s
              and severe rhabdomyolysis has been reported. We also   sarcoma may also worsen because of IRIS. The diagnosis of
              advise against the use of rosuvastatin with PIs because of a   IRIS can be difficult, mainly because there is no confirmatory
              complex drug–drug interaction; PIs increase the plasma   diagnostic test. Diagnosis relies on recognition of the
              concentrations of rosuvastatin whilst reducing their efficacy   characteristic clinical presentation, ensuring that OIs are
              in the liver.                                         correctly diagnosed, and excluding alternative causes of
              °   Common pitfalls:                                  deterioration, such as drug resistance (e.g. multidrug-
                 °   Not routinely assessing lipids whilst the patient is   resistant TB). Case definitions for TB and cryptococcal IRIS
                   receiving PI-based ART.                          have been published. 92,93  It is important to ensure that the
                 °   Failure to recognise that many statins have interactions   underlying OI is treated appropriately. Antiretroviral therapy
                   with PIs that lead to toxic statin concentrations.  should be continued, unless the IRIS is life-threatening
                 °   Monitoring of LDL-C in patients on a high-dose   (e.g.  neurological involvement in TB-IRIS with depressed
                   statin for secondary prevention. Such monitoring is   level of consciousness). Corticosteroids have been shown to
                   not necessary.                                   reduce morbidity and improve symptoms in paradoxical TB-
                                                                    IRIS,  and can be used in mycobacterial and fungal forms of
              26.  Immune reconstitution                            IRIS when other causes of deterioration have been excluded,
                   inflammatory syndrome                            and particularly when IRIS features are severe.
              Key points                                            For paradoxical TB-IRIS, prednisone can be commenced at a
                                                                    dose of  1.5 mg/kg/day and  weaned over  4 weeks,  but a
              ÿ   Approximately 10% – 20% of patients who start ART with
                 advanced immunosuppression  experience  IRIS in the   longer course may be required if symptoms recur on
                 first few months of treatment.                     weaning.  Steroids should not be used in patients with
              ÿ   Two forms of IRIS have been recognised, namely    Kaposi’s sarcoma.
                 unmasking and paradoxical IRIS.                      °   Common pitfall: Using steroids in patients with
              ÿ   Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome is most    Kaposi’s sarcoma.
                 frequently described in association with TB and CM.
              ÿ   Integrase strand transfer inhibitors are not associated   Prophylactic prednisone
                 with an increased risk of TB-IRIS in clinical trials.
              ÿ   Early  ART  initiation  (defined  as  1–4  weeks  after  anti-  Key points
                 tuberculous therapy) doubles the risk of TB-IRIS compared   ÿ   Patients with active TB and who are improving on TB
                 with late ART initiation (defined as 8–12 weeks after anti-  therapy with a CD4  count ≤ 100 cells/μL upon starting
                 tuberculous therapy), but ART should not be delayed for   ART can be initiated on prednisone 40 mg daily for 14 days,
                 this reason in patients with CD4  < 50 cells/μL.     followed by 20 mg daily for 14 days to prevent paradoxical
              ÿ   There is no confirmatory diagnostic test for IRIS.  TB-IRIS.
              ÿ   In most instances, ART is continued in cases of IRIS, unless   ÿ   The use of prednisone in this context is not associated
                 IRIS is life-threatening (e.g. neurological involvement in   with high risk of severe infections, cancers or adverse
                 TB-IRIS with depressed level of consciousness).      events.

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