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Page 37 of 39  Guideline

              DRV/r  darunavir/ritonavir                            TBM    tuberculosis meningitis
              DTG    dolutegravir                                   TC     total cholesterol
              eGFR   estimated glomerular filtration rate           TDF    tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
              ELISA  enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay              TG     triglycerides
              ETR    etravirine                                     TST    tuberculin skin test
              FBC    full blood count                               ULN    upper limit of normal
              FTC    emtricitabine                                  VL     viral load
              GGT    gamma-glutamyl transferase                     WHO    World Health Organization
              GI     gastrointestinal                               WOCP   women of childbearing potential
              Hb     haemoglobin
              HBsAg  hepatitis B surface antigen                    31. References
              HBV    hepatitis B virus
              HIV    human immunodeficiency virus                   1.   Johnson LF, Mossong J, Dorrington RE, et al. Life expectancies of South African
              ICU    intensive care unit                               adults starting antiretroviral treatment: Collaborative analysis of cohort studies.
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              INR    international normalised ratio                 2.   1001418
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              IPT    isoniazid preventive therapy                   3.   Benhamou Y, Bochet M, Thibault V, et al. Long-term incidence of hepatitis B
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              LDL-C  low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
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              LP     lumbar puncture                                   nephrotoxicity:  2011  update.  AIDS  Res  Treat.  2011;2011:354908.  https://doi.
              LPV    lopinavir                                      5.   Venter WDF, Fabian J, Feldman C. An overview of tenofovir and renal disease for
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              MDRD   modification of diet in renal disease          6.   Cruciani  M,  Mengoli  C,  Malena  M,  et  al.  Virological  efficacy  of  abacavir:
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              NGT    nasogastric tube                               7.   D.  A.  D.  Study  Group,  Sabin  CA,  Worm  SW,  et  al.  Use  of  nucleoside  reverse
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              NRTI   nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
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              NtRTI  nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor
              NVP    nevirapine                                     9.   Majluf-Cruz A, Luna-Castanos G, Trevino-Perez S, Santoscoy M, Nieto-Cisneros L.
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              OI     opportunistic infection                 <189::AID-AJH2>3.0.CO;2-6
              PCR    polymerase chain reaction                      10.  Cohen  K,  Viljoen  C,  Njuguna  C,  Maartens  G.  Emtricitabine-associated  red  cell
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              PI     protease inhibitor                                000002136
              PI/r   ritonavir-boosted ritonavir                    11.  Raffi F, Jaeger H, Quiros-Roldan E, et al. Once-daily dolutegravir versus twice-
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              PMTCT  prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV  Lancet  Infect  Dis.  2013;13(11):927–935.
              PPIs   proton pump inhibitors
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              PrEP   pre-exposure prophylaxis                          for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. N Engl J Med. 2013;369(19):1807–1818.
              RAL    raltegravir                                    13.  Molina JM, Clotet B, Van Lunzen J, et al. Once-daily dolutegravir versus darunavir
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              RIF    rifampicin                                        2015;2(4):e127–e136.
                                                                    14.  Cahn  P,  Pozniak  AL,  Mingrone  H,  et  al.  Dolutegravir  versus  raltegravir  in
              RFB    rifabutin                                         antiretroviral-experienced,  integrase-inhibitor-naive  adults  with  HIV:  Week  48
              RNA    ribonucleic acid                                  results from the randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority SAILING study. Lancet.
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              RPV    rilpivirine                                    15.  You J, Wang H, Huang X, et al. Therapy-emergent drug resistance to integrase
                                                                       strand transfer inhibitors in HIV-1 patients: A subgroup meta-analysis of clinical
              RTV or /r ritonavir                                      trials.  PLoS  One.  2016;11(8):e0160087.
              sCr    serum creatinine
                                                                    16.  Orrell C, Hagins DP, Belonosova E, et al. Fixed-dose combination dolutegravir,
              sCrAg  serum cryptococcal antigen                        abacavir,  and  lamivudine  versus  ritonavir-boosted  atazanavir  plus  tenofovir
                                                                       disoproxil  fumarate  and  emtricitabine  in  previously  untreated  women  with
              TAF    tenofovir alafenamide                             HIV-1 infection (ARIA): Week 48 results from a randomised, open-label, non-
                                                                       inferiority,  phase  3b  study.  Lancet  HIV.  2017;4(12):e536–e546.  https://doi.
              TAM    thymidine analogue mutation                       org/10.1093/ofid/ofw194.89
              TB     tuberculosis                                   17.  Aboud  M, Kaplan  R, Lombaard  J, et  al.  Dolutegravir  versus  ritonavir-boosted
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