Page 58 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 32 of 39  Guideline

              In patients  with  severe  hepatitis  or jaundice,  features  of   °   Performing routine LFT monitoring in patients on
              hepatic encephalopathy (i.e. features of hepatic failure) must   ART, in an attempt to detect DILI earlier. There is no
              be clinically assessed, and the international normalised ratio   evidence to support this approach.
              (INR) and serum glucose should be checked.
                                                                    25. Dyslipidaemia
              If the concentration of canalicular enzymes is more
              significantly elevated than that of  ALT, or if conjugated   Key points
              bilirubin is elevated, then an ultrasound of the liver should   ÿ   Protease inhibitors can cause hypertriglyceridaemia and
              be conducted to exclude biliary obstruction.
                                                                      elevated LDL-C.
                                                                    ÿ   Atazanavir/ritonavir and DRV/r are associated with less
              Isolated  unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia  (drug-induced
              Gilbert’s syndrome) is associated with ATV. In this case, all   significant lipid abnormalities than LPV/r.
              other LFTs are normal and the patient has no other symptoms   ÿ   Efavirenz can cause elevated total cholesterol and mild
              of hepatitis. Although this is a benign condition (it does not   hypertriglyceridaemia.
              reflect liver injury, but isolated competitive inhibition of the   ÿ   Dolutegravir does not significantly affect cholesterol.
              enzyme in the liver which conjugates bilirubin), it is often   ÿ   Lipids should be assessed routinely after 3 months on a PI
              cosmetically unacceptable to patients, necessitating a switch   regimen.
              from ATV to an alternative drug.
                                                                    Protease inhibitors can cause hypertriglyceridaemia and
              Although EFV has been recognised as an infrequent cause of   elevated LDL-C. Atazanavir/ritonavir and once-daily DRV/r
              DILI since it first became available, a novel pattern of DILI   (800 mg/100  mg DRV/r)  are associated  with less  severe
              associated with the drug has recently been recognised in   dyslipidaemia than other boosted PIs; AZT can cause mild
              South Africa.   Amongst such patients, many had a     hypertriglyceridaemia, and EFV can cause elevated total
              particularly severe pattern of liver injury found on liver   cholesterol and mild hypertriglyceridaemia.
              biopsy  (termed  ‘submassive  necrosis’,  and  associated  with
              severe jaundice and a raised INR). The overall mortality was   We  suggest  that  lipids  should  be  assessed  routinely  after
              11%. Whilst severe EFV-related DILI is likely to be uncommon,   3  months on a PI regimen. If normal at this stage, then re-
              clinicians should be aware of the features observed:
                                                                    assessment should be performed only in those with
              1.  The diagnosis of DILI was generally made after a longer   cardiovascular  risk  factors.  Diet  and  lifestyle  modification
                 duration on EFV (~ 3–6 months) than what is seen with   should always be advised. Diet is more effective for controlling
                 DILI related to NVP or TB medication.              hypertriglyceridaemia than hypercholesterolaemia. Other
              2.  The DILI was not associated with features of      cardiovascular risk factors should be addressed. Clinicians
                 hypersensitivity (e.g. drug rash) and often the first   should consider and investigate secondary causes of
                 symptom was jaundice rather than abdominal symptoms.  hypertriglyceridaemia and hypercholesterolaemia (e.g. diabetes,
              3.  Once EFV was stopped, it typically took several months   nephrotic syndrome, alcohol abuse and hypothyroidism).
                 for LFTs to normalise (median resolution > 6 months).

                                                                    If patients receiving LPV/r develop significant dyslipidaemia,
              We do not advise routine LFT monitoring in patients on ART, as   they should be switched to DRV/r or ATV/r, rather than
              there is no evidence that this would lead to early detection of
              this DILI or improve outcomes. Those managing patients on   adding lipid-lowering therapy. However, lipid-lowering
              EFV should monitor for symptoms and signs of hepatitis   therapy is indicated in patients with persistent elevations
              (nausea, vomiting, right-sided abdominal pain or jaundice). If   despite switching to DRV/r or ATV/r. Switching the PI to
              these occur, then  ALT should be assessed, and the patient   DTG is another option because DTG has a more favourable
              should be examined for jaundice. The patient should be   lipid profile than PIs. However, DTG should only be used in
              managed appropriately for DILI if there are hepatitis symptoms   a regimen in which at least one other ART drug is known to
              with ALT > 120 U/L, or if there is jaundice. Efavirenz should   be fully active. In patients with hyperlipidaemia on EFV, the
              be switched to an alternative drug (e.g. DTG).        drug should be switched to DTG or RPV.

              Many  other  drugs  can  cause  hepatotoxicity, notably  anti-  Marked hypertriglyceridaemia  (>  10 mmol/L) can cause
              tuberculous agents (including prophylactic isoniazid) and   pancreatitis and requires urgent treatment with diet
              azoles. Cotrimoxazole is an uncommon cause of hepatitis,   modification (restrict total TG intake to < 30 g/day), fibrates
              often as part of a systemic hypersensitivity reaction.  and switching LPV/r to DRV/r, ATV/r or DTG (fibrates can
                                                                    be stopped after 1 month, followed by reassessment within
              Recommendations for the management of DILI in patients   4–6 weeks).
              receiving TB treatment have been published by the Southern
              African HIV Clinicians Society in 2013 (see link here). 90  Indications for statin therapy in HIV-positive patients should
              °   Common pitfalls:                                  be the same as in HIV-negative patients, using the
                 °   Failing to recognise other drugs apart from ART as a   Framingham heart disease risk score. As a general rule, in
                   cause of hepatotoxicity.                         young patients with isolated elevated cholesterol but no

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