Page 53 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 27 of 39  Guideline

              The time of the highest risk coincides with delivery, which   •  Dose adjustment of  ART during pregnancy is only
              spans a matter of hours; the risk during 24 months of   indicated for women taking both TDF and ATV/r during
              breastfeeding  is slightly  higher, but  over a  significantly   the second/third trimester; the dose should be increased
              greater timespan. Breastfeeding should not be stopped   from ATV/r 300 mg/100 mg to 400 mg/100 mg.
              because  of  a  new  diagnosis  of  HIV, or  an  elevated  VL in   •  Women taking LPV/r 800 mg/200 mg daily should be
              women already on  ART. Instead, initiation of  ART and   advised  to  adjust  this  to  400  mg/100  mg  12  hourly
              management of raised VL (together with infant prophylaxis)   (twice  daily) during pregnancy because of altered
              are interventions to ‘make breastfeeding safer’.        pharmacokinetics. These women should also be informed
                                                                      about the association between LPV/r and premature
              Antiretroviral therapy for women of                     labour and delivery.
              childbearing potential and during pregnancy           •  Particular importance should be placed on drug–drug
              and breastfeeding                                       interactions between DTG and divalent cation-containing
                                                                      medication in pregnancy, as pregnant women frequently
              All HIV-positive pregnant and breastfeeding women
              should be initiated on lifelong ART, ideally the same day   receive iron supplements and/or magnesium-/aluminium-
                                                                      containing antacids.
              that pregnancy is confirmed. Standard first-, second- and
              third-line regimens should be used in pregnancy (see the   Patients returning to care in pregnancy after defaulting a
              sections ‘Initial antiretroviral therapy regimens for the   first-line regimen or those exposed to previous PMTCT
              previously untreated patient’, ‘Management of patients   regimens should generally be put directly on a DTG-based
              currently receiving first-line therapy’, ‘Management of   regimen, rather than retrying an NNRTI-regimen
              patients starting or currently receiving second-line therapy’   (section 16). As per current PMTCT guidelines, women not
              and ‘Third-line antiretroviral therapy’). Regarding DTG   already on ART at the time of labour or delivery should
              use in pregnancy, it is important to note that the    commence TLD immediately and also receive an additional
              absolute risk of NTD is low (< 0.5%), and this risk may be   stat dose of NVP 200 mg. Women who are newly diagnosed
              outweighed by the additional benefits of DTG over     with HIV during the breastfeeding period may continue
              alternative therapies. We currently recommend that WOCP   breastfeeding as per maternal preference, provided that
              who wish to become pregnant or who have no reliable   maternal  ART and infant prophylaxis are initiated and
              access  to  effective  contraception  should  be  counselled   adherence support is given.
              adequately about the potential risks and benefits of
              DTG- versus EFV-based  ART, and should be offered the   Other key recommendations:
              choice of first-line regimens.                        •  All pregnant women should be screened at every visit for
                                                                      sexually transmitted infections and treated as needed.
              Other points regarding  ART in pregnancy include the   •  All pregnant and breastfeeding  women should be
              following:                                              screened  for  TB at  every  visit.  If  the  TB  screening
                                                                      is  negative, then  consider TB-preventive therapy
              •  Efavirenz 600 mg is a safe and effective regimen for use                                     +
                 by WOCP including during the time from conception to   during  pregnancy  only  in  women  with  a  CD4   count
                                                                      < 350 cells/μL (section 27).
                 the end of the first trimester. There are insufficient data to
                 recommend routine use of EFV 400 mg in pregnant
                                                                    °   Common pitfalls:
                                                                      °   Not performing VL monitoring at appropriate
              •  The current guidelines no longer recommend initiating   time. See Table 22 for the appropriate monitoring
                 NVP in any patients. Maternal deaths in pregnant women   intervals.
                 have been associated with NVP because of liver and skin   °   An elevated VL is not acted upon urgently. Viral load
                 hypersensitivity reactions.                             results should be fast-tracked, and women failing
              •  NRTIs: Note that commonly used CrCl calculations are    their current regimen must be identified early and, if
                 not validated for pregnant women; therefore, avoid TDF   necessary, a regimen switch should be made without
                 if serum Cr ≥ 85 μmol/L.                                delay.

              TABLE 22: Timing of viral load monitoring during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding.
              Variable   ART initiation in pregnancy  Already on ART at diagnosis of   Previously taken ART, not currently on   Newly diagnosed HIV infection
                                               pregnancy             treatment (ART interruption, ART for PMTCT) during delivery or breastfeeding
              Antenatal  VL at baseline and after 3 months of  VL at first ANC visit  VL at initiation of DTG-based regimen; repeat  -
                         ART: if > 28 weeks’ gestation, then         VL 3 months later – change in VL determines
                         repeat VL at delivery                       management
              Delivery   All women need VL measurement at  All women need VL measurement at   All women need VL measurement at delivery;  -
                         delivery; review result at day 3–6   delivery; review result at day 3–6   review result at day 3–6 postnatal visit
                         postnatal visit       postnatal visit
              Postnatal, up to   VL measure at 6 months postpartum;  VL measure at 6 months postpartum;  VL measure at 6 months postpartum; repeat   VL after 3 months of ART, then
              the end of   repeat VL 6 monthly during   repeat VL 6 monthly during   VL 6 monthly during breastfeeding  6 monthly during breastfeeding
              breastfeeding  breastfeeding     breastfeeding
              ANC, antenatal care; ART, antiretroviral therapy; DTG, dolutegravir; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission; VL, viral load; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

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