Page 48 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 22 of 39  Guideline

              Exceptions                                            •  Maraviroc (a CCR5 blocker) is a consideration in third-
              There are exceptions:                                   line therapy; however, it is currently extremely costly and
                                                                      can only be used after a tropism test demonstrates that
              •  In patients with renal impairment, replace TDF + FTC with   the patient’s circulating virus has sole tropism for the
                 ABC + 3TC, or AZT + 3TC. The choice between ABC and   CCR5 co-receptor. We advise only considering this when
                 AZT will depend on Hb (anaemia: do not use AZT if Hb <   there is intermediate- or high-level resistance to all PIs, all
                 8 g/dL) and resistance testing.                      NNRTIs and all NRTIs, and DTG is not fully susceptible.
              •  If the AZT Stanford score is lower than the TDF score,   •  If viral suppression is not achieved on third-line therapy,
                 then use AZT + 3TC rather than TDF + FTC.            then there is still benefit in continuing failing ART because
              •  Patients with a DRV score of 0 on Stanford score (and   of  the  residual  partial  activity  and  ‘crippling’  effect  of
                 no  DRV mutations, see  section 5) can take DRV/r    such  ART. ‘Crippling’ describes the fact that mutant
                 800 mg/100 mg once daily.                            viruses often have less replicative capacity. Provided that
              •  Patients with prior virological failure on RAL and/or   the VL can be maintained at < 10  000 copies/mL, the
                 with a DTG score > 0 on integrase resistance testing   CD4  count will usually be maintained or even increase. 59
                 should receive DTG 50 mg twice daily.
              •  In patients with extensive resistance (e.g. DRV score > 29   Third-line regimen choice after failing a
                 and  NRTI score  > 29),  consider adding  RPV  or  ETR   dolutegravir-based second-line regimen
                 (provided that the score for these drugs is <  30) or
                 maraviroc (MVC) (provided that the virus is CCR5-tropic   The  choice  of a regimen  will  be guided  by resistance  test
                 on the tropism test).                              results and should include DRV/r with two NRTIs (generally
                                                                    3TC or FTC with the NRTI with the lowest Stanford score). In
              Additional points and explanatory notes               patients failing a second-line DTG regimen who have not
                                                                    failed a PI/r previously, it can be assumed that DRV/r is fully
              •  We generally advise the continuation of NRTIs in the   active and can be used at 800 mg/100 mg daily. Based on the
                 third-line regimen, even if there is documented NRTI   results of the EARNEST, SELECT and SECOND LINE trials,
                 resistance.                                        it can be concluded that a DRV/r regimen with two NRTIs
              •  Lamivudine (or FTC) resistance with the M184V mutation   will be an active regimen even if there is documented
                 impairs viral replication. Another NRTI (generally TDF,   resistance to the two NRTIs. 60,61,72  However, decisions
                 but based on resistance testing) should be added. This is   regarding the third-line therapy need to be individualised in
                 not essential if there are more than two other active drugs   consultation with an expert, taking into account the treatment
                 in the regimen. 78                                 history (which drugs and classes the patient previously
              •  Because most patients are not receiving an NNRTI at the   failed) and previous and current resistance test results.
                 time of failing second-line therapy when a genotype
                 resistance test is typically performed, prior NNRTI   Raltegravir  may  still  be  active  in  patients  with  DTG
                 mutations related to first-line NNRTI failure may be   resistance – it depends on the specific resistance mutations
                 archived at this time. Therefore, it is difficult to be certain   in the integrase gene – but it is usually not necessary to
                 from a  (this)  genotype  performed  at second-line  ART   include it in the regimen. Etravirine and RPV are other drugs
                 failure whether ETR/RPV is still active; however, data   that can be considered depending on resistance test results
                 from South Africa suggest that the majority of patients who   and treatment history.
                 have failed NVP or EFV are still susceptible to ETR/RPV.
              •  In the SAILING trial, in treatment-experienced patients, a   15.  Laboratory monitoring of the
                 DTG regimen proved superior to RAL and fewer patients
                 in the DTG arm developed treatment-emergent InSTI       efficacy and safety of
                 resistance. Consequently, we no longer recommend the use of   antiretroviral therapy
                 RAL in third-line therapy unless DTG is not tolerated or   Key points
                 otherwise contraindicated or unavailable. We also recommend
                 switching patients currently using RAL in third-line   ÿ   Antiretroviral therapy efficacy is monitored with VL and
                 therapy to DTG because of its higher barrier to resistance.    CD4  count – discussed in the sections ‘Viral load’ and
                 If such patients have a suppressed VL, then they can be   ‘CD4  cell count’.
                 switched to standard dose DTG (50 mg daily); however, if   ÿ   The key efficacy endpoint in ART is sustained virological
                 they are not virologically suppressed, then we suggest a   suppression with a VL < 50 copies/mL.
                 resistance test with a request for integrase sequencing   ÿ   CD4  count monitoring can be stopped when the CD4
                 before switching. If there are InSTI mutations present that   count is > 200 cells/μL and the VL is suppressed.
                 are associated with reduced susceptibility to DTG, then   ÿ   Creatinine monitoring is advised in patients on TDF, and
                 the DTG dose should be 50 mg twice daily.            an FBC is advised in patients on AZT.
              •  Women of childbearing potential should be counselled   ÿ   In most patients taking PIs, only one lipid measurement
                 about the risk and benefits of DTG and allowed to make   is advised (at 3 months).
                 an informed decision regarding the use of DTG and   ÿ   In patients on TDF who are admitted to hospital, it is
                 contraception.                                       important to check creatinine even if it does not fall

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