Page 45 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 19 of 39  Guideline

                                                                    TABLE 14: Recommended second-line regimen in patients who have failed a
                          Pa ent on                                 first-line  regimen  of  two  nucleoside  reverse  transcriptase  inhibitors  +  non-
                        two NRTls + DTG                             nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
                                                                    Failing first-line regimen   Advised second-line regimen
                                                                    TDF + 3TC (or FTC) + NNRTI  AZT + 3TC + DTG‡
                       VL every 6 months                            AZT + 3TC + NNRTI  Resistance test: if fully active NRTI is available, then
                (can be reduced to 12-monthly if suppresed)                          combine this with:
                                                                                     3TC (or FTC) + DTG, or TDF + FTC + DRV/r†
                                                                    ABC + 3TC + NNRTI  AZT + 3TC + DTG‡
                                                                    NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase
                                          • Enhanced adherence      inhibitor;  TDF,  tenofovir  disoproxil  fumarate;  3TC,  lamivudine;  AZT,  zidovudine;  ABC,
                  VL < 50      VL > 50     counselling              abacavir; DTG, dolutegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; DRV, darunavir.
                  copies/mL   copies/mL   • Address poten al side effects  †, Provided that the patient has not potentially previously experienced virological failure on
                                           affec ng adherence        TDF, and has not experienced TDF nephrotoxicity previously.
                                                                    ‡, If the patient has chronic hepatitis B, then continue TDF, in addition, in the second-line
                               Repeat VL
                              in 3 months                           second-line therapy.  In this trial, a second-line regimen of
                                                                    DTG + two NRTIs was superior in terms of virological
                 Con nue       If VL > 500 copies/mL, then consider resistance  suppression and better tolerated than LPV/r + two NRTIs
                  regimen                                           in patients who had failed a first-line regimen of NNRTI +
                               testing in the case of:
                               • DTG monotherapy                    two NRTIs. An important caveat is that all patients enrolled
                               • Exposed to interacting drugs/drugs impairing
                                absorption without necessary adjustment  in this trial had a resistance test performed at entry and had
                               • VL > 500 copies/mL for > 2 years despite 100%  to have at least one fully active NRTI to be eligible for
                                adherence assessment
                                                                    inclusion.  Thus, the current evidence supports a DTG-based
                               Do not switch to second-line regimen unless   regimen in second line only when used with at least one fully
                               resistance shown on resistance test
                                                                    active  NRTI.  Whether  a  DTG-based  second-line  regimen
                                                                    would be equally effective with two NRTIs when there is
              DTG, dolutegravir; NRTIs, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; VL; viral load.  resistance to both those NRTIs is currently a knowledge gap
              FIGURE 4: Virological monitoring of patients receiving dolutegravir-based first-
              line antiretroviral therapy and response to results.   that is being addressed by several clinical trials – we do not
                                                                    advise such a strategy until the results of those trials are
              13.  Management of patients                           available.
                   starting or currently receiving                  In patients failing a first-line regimen in which the NRTIs are
                   second-line therapy                              TDF + 3TC (or FTC), the mutations selected are typically
              Key points                                            M184V by 3TC (or FTC) and K65R (or K70E) by TDF. None of
                                                                    these  mutations compromise  AZT; in fact, they render  the
              ÿ   When DTG is used in second-line therapy, there should   virus hyper-susceptible to it. Therefore, in this scenario, AZT
                 be at least one fully active accompanying drug until   remains fully active, and we can infer from the DAWNING
                 further evidence is available.                     trial results that a second-line regimen of AZT + 3TC + DTG
              ÿ   If the patient fails an NNRTI regimen with 3TC/FTC +   will  be  optimally  effective.  The  same  applies  for  patients
                 either TDF or  ABC, then  AZT + 3TC + DTG is the   failing an  ABC + 3TC + NNRTI regimen:  AZT retains
                 recommended second-line regimen.                   susceptibility and can be used with 3TC and DTG in a second-
              ÿ   If the patient fails other first-line regimens, then resistance   line regimen.
                 testing is advised to decide on the choice of NRTIs in a
                 DTG-based second-line regimen.                     Where patients have failed an AZT (or d4T) + 3TC + NNRTI
              ÿ   Boosted PI + two NRTI second-line regimens are effective   regimen, this could have resulted in the accumulation of
                 even if there is resistance to both NRTIs in the regimen.  thymidine analogue mutations (TAMs) and M184V. Certain
              ÿ   We advise DRV/r 800 mg/100 mg once daily as the first   TAMs  compromise  TDF,  meaning  that  it  is  unpredictable
                 choice PI for use in second-line therapy.          whether there is a fully active NRTI if a regimen of TDF +
                                                                    3TC (or FTC) + DTG is used in second-line therapy. We
              Recommendations for patients failing a first-line     therefore  advise  resistance  testing  in  such  patients.  If  the
              regimen                                               resistance  test  demonstrates  a  fully  active  NRTI,  then  that
              Failed first-line regimen of two nucleoside reverse   NRTI can be used with 3TC (or FTC) + DTG in the second-
              transcriptase inhibitors + non-nucleoside reverse     line regimen. If there is no fully active NRTI or a resistance
              transcriptase inhibitor                               test is not possible in this situation (e.g. public sector), then
              Table 14 shows the summary of the recommended second-  we recommend a regimen of TDF + 3TC (or FTC) + DRV/r.
              line regimen to start in patients who have failed a first-line   The reason for this is that boosted PI + two compromised
              regimen consisting of two NRTIs + NNRTI.              NRTIs retain activity as a second-line regimen (see below).

              Based on the results of the DAWNING trial, it is preferable   Women of childbearing potential should be counselled about
              to use a DTG-based regimen rather than a PI/r regimen in   the risks and benefits of DTG and allowed to make an

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