Page 47 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 21 of 39  Guideline

              Viral load > 50 copies/mL
                                                                                     VL > 50 copies/mL and on
              In patients on a second-line regimen containing a boosted             Pl- or DTG-based second-line
              PI, if the VL is not suppressed, then we do not advise                 ART regimen for >2 years
              switching to DTG. We advise for enhanced adherence       Adherence, tolerability drug
              counselling and switching to an alternative boosted PI if   interac ons, psychological issues
              there is intolerance. If the VL subsequently re-suppresses to
              an undetectable VL < 50 copies/mL, then the advice in the             Repeat VL a er 2–3 months
              section above should be followed. If the VL remains
              elevated, then the patient may be eligible for a resistance
              test, with consideration for a third-line therapy if they fulfil   VL ≤ 500 copies/mL  VL > 500 copies/mL
              the criteria outlined in section 14.
              14. Third-line antiretroviral therapy                      Continue second-line
                                                                           ART regimen
              Key points                                               If VL is 50–500 copies/mL,      Perform
                                                                        then repeat in  3 months        resistance
                                                                                                        tes ng
              ÿ   For patients with a detectable VL on second-line therapy for   If VL < 50 copies/mL then
                                                                        repeat in 6–12 months
                 < 2 years, intensified adherence counselling and support
                 are required rather than a switch to a third-line therapy.  ART, antiretroviral therapy; DTG, dolutegravir; PI, protease inhibitor, VL, viral load.
              ÿ   For a patient on a second-line regimen for > 2 years with   FIGURE 5: Indications for performing resistance (genotype) testing in second-
                 two or three VL measurements > 50 copies/mL within a   line antiretroviral therapy.
                 6-month period despite adherence interventions that
                 have been assessed to be satisfactory (see text), a resistance   TABLE 17: Third-line regimen recommended for the majority of patients failing
                                                                    protease inhibitor-based second-line therapy.
                 test should be performed. (Note:  A resistance test can   Failing second-line regimen  Advised third-line regimen
                 only be performed if VL > 500 copies/mL.).         Protease inhibitor-based therapy TDF 300 mg daily,  3TC 300 mg daily, DTG 50 mg
              ÿ   The choice of the third-line regimen should be made in               daily (given as TLD) plus DRV/r 600 mg/100 mg
                                                                                       twice daily
                 consultation with an HIV expert.                   3TC,  lamivudine;  DTG,  dolutegravir;  DRV/r,  ritonavir-boosted  darunavir;  TDF,  tenofovir
                                                                    disoproxil fumarate; TLD, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + lamivudine + dolutegravir fixed-
              Management of patients with a detectable viral        dose combination.
              load on second-line therapy and initiation of         developed within 2 years. The exceptions include a patient who
              third-line therapy                                    in error was not prescribed LPV/r double dosing with

              As outlined  in  the previous  section,  there should  be   concurrent RIF use, and subsequently demonstrates a detectable
              documented PI or DTG resistance before switching to a third-  VL, and a patient who has been taking an incorrectly low dose
              line regimen. Resistance tests should be interpreted by an   of medication. Such patients should be eligible for resistance
              expert in conjunction with a full  ART history. In many   testing even if they have been on second-line therapy for
              patients failing second-line regimens, there are no PI (or   < 2 years.
              DTG) mutations. In these patients, improved adherence is
              required rather than switching to a third-line regimen. If side   Adherence counselling before third-line therapy
              effects interfere with adherence, then consideration should
              be given to switching to a more tolerable regimen, provided   Specific  adherence  counselling  should  be  provided  for
              that this regimen is predicted to be effective based on the   patients preparing to start third-line  ART, with a clear
              treatment history (see section 13).                   discussion that this regimen is likely to be their last option for
                                                                    the foreseeable future.
              Figure 5 shows the outline of indications for performing   Third-line regimen choice after failing a protease
              resistance testing in second-line ART regimens.
                                                                    inhibitor-based second-line regimen
              In a patient who has been on a second-line regimen for > 2 years,   A third-line regimen including a combination of DRV/r and
              if there are two or three VL measurements > 50 copies/mL in a   other drugs decided on the basis of resistance testing results
              6-month period, despite adherence interventions, and adherence   in virological suppression in the majority of patients,
              is assessed to be satisfactory (e.g. 100% pharmacy claims over 6   provided that adherence is optimal. 74,75,76,77
              months), then a resistance test should be performed (resistance
              test can only be performed if VL > 500 copies/mL). If a patient   For most patients who require third-line therapy (i.e. patients
              who has been on second-line therapy for < 2 years is found to   who experience virological failure on a second-line LPV/r or
              have a detectable VL, then a resistance test should not be   ATV/r regimen with a low-, intermediate- or high-level
              performed; rather, the same regimen should be continued and   resistance to the PI, i.e. Stanford Score > 14), we recommend
              adherence counselling and support should be intensified. The   the third-line regimen outlined in  Table 17. However, the
              regimen may be switched if there are significant side effects. It is   final decision will be based on treatment history and
              unlikely that significant resistance to the PI or DTG will have   resistance test results for the individual patient.

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