Page 42 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 16 of 39  Guideline

              BOX 1: Worked example of resistance testing.          TABLE  11:  Preferred  initial  antiretroviral  therapy  regimen  for  previously
              A patient was prescribed 3TC + TDF + EFV. When the patient failed this regimen   untreated patients.
              after 1 year, the regimen was switched to 3TC + AZT + LPV/r. After 2 years, the   First drug  Second drug  Third drug
              patient failed this regimen too; therefore, resistance testing was performed. The
              results showed the following:                         TDF 300 mg daily  3TC 300 mg daily, or FTC   DTG 50 mg daily
                                                                                    200 mg daily
                3TC/FTC:       Resistant
                                                                    3TC, lamivudine; DTG, dolutegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.
                TDF:           Susceptible
                ABC:           Low-level resistance
                AZT:           Resistant                            Reasons for this preferred regimen are:
                EFV:           Resistant                            •  This combination is available as a once-daily, one-tablet
                LPV/r:         Low-level resistance                   FDC from several suppliers.
              Interpretation:                                       •  Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is preferred over  ABC
              •   Since the patient was receiving 3TC + AZT + LPV/r at the time of resistance
                testing, it is possible to interpret the results reliably for these drugs. All three   because of the risk of hypersensitivity reactions with ABC
                drugs show at least a low level of resistance; thus, the patient should be
                switched promptly to an alternative regimen.          (HLA-B*5701  testing  is  not  widely  available  in  South
              •   Efavirenz shows resistance despite the patient not receiving the drug at the time   Africa), certain studies showing lower VL suppression
                of testing. This phenomenon is not uncommon with the K103N mutation.
              •   Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate shows susceptibility. The patient was previously   with  ABC when baseline VL is >  100  000 copies/mL
                exposed to TDF, however. Although it is possible that none of the patient’s HIV          6
                strains have evolved TDF resistance, the patient was not receiving the drug at   (although not confirmed in a meta-analysis)  and cost.
                the time of resistance testing. Consequently, the possibility of archived   •  Lamivudine and FTC are regarded as interchangeable in
                resistance to TDF cannot be excluded.
              3TC, lamivudine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; EFV, efavirenz; AZT, zidovudine; LPV/r,   terms of efficacy and safety.
              lopinavir/ritonavir; ABC, abacavir; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.  •  Dolutegravir is preferred over RAL and RPV because of its
                                                                      higher resistance barrier.  Raltegravir also requires a twice-
              •  Conversely,  it  is  only  possible  to  identify  mutations   daily dosing and is not co-formulated in FDC. Dolutegravir
                 reliably for drugs that the patient was currently taking   is preferred over EFV and PIs because superior efficacy and
                 when the resistance testing was performed, and for drugs   tolerability were demonstrated in clinical trials. 12,13
                 affected by cross-resistance. ‘Susceptible’ results to drugs   •  There is  an increasing prevalence  of pre-treatment
                 for which there is no drug pressure may be unreliable   resistance to NNRTIs in South  Africa (>  10% in some
                 because of archived resistance.                      studies), which may compromise the efficacy of EFV-
                 °   Common pitfall: Performing a resistance test in the   based regimens. 64
                   absence of drug pressure. If the patient has defaulted
                   therapy  for  more  than  a  few  weeks,  there  is  little   Dolutegravir has been associated with a small but significant
                   purpose for a resistance test. In this scenario, it is   risk of NTDs in women taking the drug during conception (0.3%
                   highly likely that the replication of wild-type virus   vs. 0.1% in women on EFV at conception in a large Botswana
                   will  overtake  and  obscure  any  resistant  strain,   birth outcomes surveillance study).  This risk is lower than
                   rendering them undetectable by commercial resistance   what was originally reported (see  section 19). Women of
                   testing.                                         childbearing potential should be counselled about the risks and
                                                                    benefits of DTG and allowed to make an informed decision
              11.  Initial antiretroviral therapy                   regarding the use of DTG and contraception, in line with WHO
                   regimens for the previously                      2019 recommendations. Dolutegravir has also been associated
                                                                    with a greater weight gain than EFV.  These issues have been
                   untreated patient                                discussed in section 3.
              Key points
                                                                    Alternative initial antiretroviral therapy

              ÿ   In  ART-naive patients, the preferred initial regimen is   regimens
                 TDF (300 mg) + 3TC (300 mg) (or FTC 200 mg) + DTG   Alternative regimens for previously untreated patients are
                 (50 mg) daily – available as a once-daily, one-tablet FDC.  summarised in Table 12.
              ÿ   In patients receiving RIF, DTG dosing needs to be increased
                 to 50 mg twice-daily until 2 weeks after stopping RIF.  Alternative initial antiretroviral therapy regimens in
              ÿ   Dolutegravir has been associated with a small excess risk   specific clinical situations
                 of NTDs in women taking the drug during conception –   There are specific clinical situations in which the preferred
                 WOCP should be counselled accordingly.             combination of TDF + 3TC (or FTC) + DTG cannot be used
                                                                    and the alternatives listed in Table 13 are advised instead.
              Preferred initial antiretroviral therapy regimen
                                                                    If both TDF and ABC are contraindicated and Hb is > 8 g/dL,
              The preferred initial regimen for previously untreated   then AZT can be considered as an alternative NRTI.
              patients is summarised in Table 11.
                                                                    Considerations for two-drug first-line regimen of
              In patients receiving RIF, the DTG dose needs to be increased   dolutegravir + lamivudine
              to 50 mg twice daily until 2 weeks after stopping RIF. Other   This regimen was shown to have an efficacy not inferior to a
              drug–drug interactions with DTG are discussed in section 3   three-drug regimen in RCTs.  However, these trials did not
              and section 17.                                       include patients with a VL > 500 000 copies/mL, and there

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