Page 39 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 39

Page 13 of 39  Guideline

              population even in the absence of drug pressure. Transmitted   Role of CD4  count monitoring
              drug resistance to other drug classes is unusual; therefore,   +
              first-line therapy with a DTG-based regimen is unlikely to be   A CD4  count < 200 cells/μL indicates the need for CTX
              affected by this phenomenon.                          prophylaxis,  principally  to  prevent  Pneumocystis  jirovecii
                                                                    pneumonia, although CTX is also active against other
              Interpreting a high viral load result of a patient receiving   opportunistic pathogens, including  Toxoplasma gondii,
              dolutegravir                                          Cystoisospora belli and Nocardia spp. A baseline CD4  count
              Dolutegravir has been proved to be a remarkably robust   < 200 cells/μL is also an indication to reflexly perform
              drug in InSTI-naive patients when paired with at least one   sCrAg testing.  If the CD4  count is > 200 cells/μL at
              active NRTI. To date, less than five cases of DTG resistance   baseline or it increases above this threshold on ART, then
              have been described in this scenario. Thus, although a high   CD4  testing can be stopped, as therapeutic monitoring on
              VL has traditionally been a marker of possible resistance, this   ART is best accomplished with VL, not CD4  count or
              paradigm  no  longer  applies  for  the  most  part  in  patients   clinical criteria.  However, if virologic or clinical failure
              receiving a DTG-based regimen, provided that:         occurs, then the CD4  count should be repeated, as CTX
                                                                    prophylaxis should be commenced if the count drops to
              1.  The patient has not had previous exposure to InSTIs as   < 200 cells/μL on ART.
                 part of a failing regimen.
                                                                      °   Common pitfall: Routinely checking CD4  counts
              2.  The patient is known to have at least one fully active
                 NRTI  as  part  of  their  regimen.  (Note  that  patients   if  the previous result was > 200 cells/µL. This is
                 who  contract  HIV  whilst  on  pre-exposure  prophylaxis   unnecessary unless virological or clinical failure
                 [PrEP] are at risk of not having a fully active NRTI    subsequently occurs.
                 backbone).                                         Timing of CD4  count measurements
              3.  The patient was not recently exposed to a scenario
                 where a drug–drug interaction would have substantially   CD4  counts should be performed:
                 decreased DTG concentrations (e.g. RIF-based TB therapy   •  at baseline (to guide decisions about CTX prophylaxis)
                 without increasing DTG dosing frequency to 12 hourly).   •  every 6 months thereafter if the previous CD4  count was
                                                                      < 200 cells/μL.
              Provided  that none  of  the  above  conditions  are met,  a
              detectable VL should not be assumed to reflect possible   CD4  count response
              resistance. Rather, it can be assumed that the detectable   In patients who start  ART with an abnormally low CD4
              VL, if not fulfilling criteria for a viral blip, merely   count, the CD4  count typically increases rapidly in the first
              represents  poor  adherence,  and  efforts  to  address  this   month of ART, by ~75 cells/μL – 100 cells/μL, with a more
              should be undertaken.  We do not recommend performing   gradual rise thereafter (50 cells/μL per year – 100 cells/μL
              resistance testing for patients on a DTG-based regimen within 2   per year).  Most patients achieve a CD4  count > 500 cells/
              years of commencing the drug, provided that the above conditions   μL after several years of ART, provided that the VL remains
              are met.
                                                                    suppressed. However, CD4  count responses are highly
              9. CD4  count                                         variable and may fail to increase despite virological
                                                                    suppression in about 10% – 20% of patients.
                                                                                                          Such patients
              Key points                                            have a delayed or absent CD4  count response to ART despite
                                                                    viral suppression, which is termed an ‘immunological
              ÿ   All  HIV-positive  patients  should  be started  on  ART   discordant  response  to  ART’,  previously  ‘immune  non-
                 irrespective of their CD4  counts.                 responders’. Some studies have suggested that older patients
              ÿ   CD4  counts should be used only to establish whether   are at a higher risk of this response. There is no evidence that
                 CTX prophylaxis and sCrAg testing are required (CD4  <
                 200 cells/μL).                                     such  patients  benefit  from  a change  in  ART  regimen;
              ÿ   Monitoring ART efficacy is best established using VL, not   therefore, the same regimen should be continued.
                 CD4  count.                                        Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis should be continued if the CD4
              ÿ   Most patients newly initiating ART with an abnormally   count  remains  <  200  cells/μL.  There  is  evidence  that  the
                 low CD4  count will see a rapid initial CD4  count increase   prognosis of such patients is worse than in those who have a
                 (75 cells/μL – 100 cells/μL), followed by a more gradual   CD4 response, but better than that of patients experiencing
                 rise thereafter (50 cells/μL – 100 cells/μL per year) until a   both virological and immunological failure.  If patients with
                 normal CD4  count > 500 cells/μL is achieved.      an immunological discordant response to ART are clinically
              ÿ   If CD4  count does not rise despite viral suppression, the   unwell, then TB or lymphoma should be considered as the
                 ART regimen does not need to be altered. This      cause of persistent CD4  lymphopenia. CD4  counts may
                 phenomenon may reflect an ‘immunological discordant   remain stable in the presence of incomplete viral suppression
                 response to ART’; however, if the patient is unwell, then   in patients receiving ART until the VL is high (approximately
                 other secondary causes should be sought.           ≥ 10 000 copies/mL). 59
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