Page 34 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 8 of 39  Guideline

              TABLE 5: Dosage and common adverse drug reactions of non-nucleoside reverse   TABLE  6:  Dosage  and  common  adverse  drug  reactions  of  protease  inhibitor
              transcriptase inhibitors available in southern Africa.  drugs available in southern Africa.
              Drug  Recommended dosage  Common or severe ADR†       Drug/      Recommended     Common or severe ADR
              EFV  600 mg at night (400 mg at night   CNS symptoms (vivid dreams, problems   combination  dosage
                   if the patient is < 40 kg). A dose   with concentration, dizziness, confusion,   ATV/r†  ATV/r 300 mg/100 mg   Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
                   of 400 mg can also be used in   mood disturbance, psychosis, late-onset   daily   (visible jaundice in a minority of
                   patients > 40 kg.   encephalopathy), rash, hepatitis        •   If given with EFV:   patients), dyslipidaemia (low
                                       gynaecomastia                            ATV/r 400/100 mg   potential), renal stones (rare) and
              NVP  200 mg daily for 14 days and   Rash, hepatitis               daily          hepatitis (uncommon)
                   then 200 mg 12 hourly                            LPV/r      400 mg/100 mg   Gastrointestinal upset,
              RPV  25 mg daily with food  Rash, hepatitis, CNS symptoms (all   12 hourly or    dyslipidaemia and hepatitis
                                                                               800 mg/200 mg daily
                                       uncommon)                               (only if PI-naïve)
              ETR‡  200 mg 12 hourly   Rash and hepatitis (both uncommon)  DRV/r  600 mg/100 mg   Gastrointestinal upset, rash,
              ADR, adverse drug reaction; CNS, central nervous system; EFV, efavirenz; ETR, etravirine;   12 hourly  dyslipidaemia, hepatitis
              NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NVP, nevirapine; RPV, rilpivirine.  800 mg/100 mg daily   (uncommon). Contains
              †, Life-threatening reactions are indicated in bold.             (only if no DRV   sulphonamide moiety (use with
                                                                                               caution in patients with sulpha
              ‡, NNRTI combinations to be avoided include (1) ETR + ATV/r (because of drug interaction)   Consider 400 mg/100 mg   allergy)
              and (2) ETR + DTG unless a boosted PI is also used in the combination (because of drug   daily (only if no
              interaction).                                                    DRV mutations)
                                                                    ADR,  adverse  drug  reaction;  ATV/r,  atazanavir/ritonavir;  DRV/r,  darunavir/ritonavir;  EFV,
              blistering, then the NNRTI should be discontinued immediately   efavirenz; LPV/r, lopinavir/ritonavir; PI, protease inhibitor.
              and re-challenge must not be performed as these are features of   †, Avoid the combination of ETR + ATV/r (because of drug interaction).
              life-threatening reactions. If the rash is mild and occurs without   Ritonavir is a PI in its own right, but is used principally as a
              these features, then the NNRTI can be continued and the rash   pharmacokinetic ‘booster’. As a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4, its
              can be treated symptomatically with antihistamines and   use results in higher drug levels and prolonged half-lives of its
              possibly topical steroids. Systemic steroids should not be used.   companion PI. This allows for lower or less frequent PI dosing
              If there is a severe reaction to EFV or NVP, then we do not   and decreases the chances of developing viral resistance. In rare
              recommend switching to RPV or ETR – rather use DTG or a PI.
                                                                    situations, ATV is used without boosting in first-line therapy.
                                                                    However, this inhibition of CYP3A4, together with several
              Dosage and common ADRs of NNRTIs available in southern   other cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and p-glycoprotein,
              Africa are described in Table 5.
                                                                    results in numerous drug–drug interactions with other
                 °   Common pitfall: Immediately discontinuing NNRTIs   medications (see section 17).
                   in the case of a mild rash without systemic features.
                                                                      °   Common pitfall: Not using a drug interaction checker
                   Such rashes often resolve if treatment is continued,   when prescribing PI-based ART with other
                   although close monitoring is required.
                                                                         medications. Clinically relevant drug–drug interactions
              5.  Protease inhibitor class of                            are common with this class.
                  antiretroviral drugs                              All PIs may be associated with cardiac conduction

              Key points                                            abnormalities (especially PR interval prolongation). This
                                                                    seldom results in clinically significant effects, but caution
              ÿ   Three PI combinations are recommended in southern   should be taken when co-prescribing other drugs that cause
                 Africa: lopinavir (LPV), ATV or darunavir (DRV), each   delayed cardiac conduction, such as macrolides or
                 given with low-dose ritonavir (RTV, indicated as /r) for   bedaquiline.  All PIs are, to some extent, associated with
                 pharmacokinetic boosting.                          metabolic side effects. Elevated triglycerides (TGs) and
              ÿ   Ritonavir-boosted lopinavir is the only PI combination   elevated  low-density  lipoprotein  cholesterol  (LDL-C)  are
                 that can be used with RIF-based TB treatment, but the   class effects, although these side effects are more pronounced
                 dose of LPV/r must be doubled.                     with LPV/r than with other PI combinations.
              ÿ   Atazanavir and DRV offer a better side effect profile than
                 LPV.                                               Dosing and common ADRs of PIs are presented in Table 6.
              ÿ   Darunavir has the highest barrier to resistance of any
                 drug in this class.                                Individual protease inhibitors
              Overview of protease inhibitors                       Lopinavir is co-formulated with ritonavir (e.g. Aluvia): In
                                                                    general, this twice-daily regimen has greater gastrointestinal
              Protease inhibitors are a class of agents that inhibit HIV’s   (GI) side effects than other PI combinations, and is associated
              protease  enzyme,  which  is  required  to  cleave  HIV’s   with a worse metabolic profile. Lopinavir is the only PI that
              polyproteins into the final protein products that permit the   can be used concurrently with RIF-based TB treatment;
              production  of  infectious  viral  particles.  Inhibition  of  this   the  LPV/r dose has to be doubled in this instance to
              process results in immature, non-infectious virions.  800 mg/200 mg twice daily until 2 weeks after RIF has been
                                                                    stopped (see section 18).
              Three PI combinations are recommended for use in southern
              Africa: LPV,  ATV and DRV, each given with low-dose     °   Common pitfall: Forgetting to double the dose of
              ritonavir.                                                 LPV/r when starting RIF-based TB treatment.

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