Page 32 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 6 of 39  Guideline

              ritonavir (LPV/r).  Importantly, at least one fully active   TABLE  3:  Dosage  and  common  adverse  drug  reactions  of  integrase  strand
              NRTI was genotypically confirmed at baseline in this trial.  transfer inhibitors available in southern Africa.
                                                                    Drug  Recommended dosage  Common or severe ADR
                                                                    RAL   400 mg 12 hourly  Headache and other CNS side effects,
              Data  from  the  Tsepamo  surveillance  study  in  Botswana                   gastrointestinal upset, hepatitis and rash
              demonstrated a statistically higher rate of neural-tube                       (rare), rhabdomyolysis (rare). Weight
              defects (NTDs) amongst women who were taking DTG at   DTG   50 mg daily       Insomnia, headache and other CNS side
              the time of conception (0.3% vs. 0.1% in women receiving                      effects, gastrointestinal upset, hepatitis
                                                                                            and rash (rare). Possibly teratogenic.
              other ARTs in the periconception period).  Unlike in South                    Weight gain.
              Africa, folate fortification of staple foods does not occur in   ADR, adverse drug reaction; CNS, central nervous system; DTG, dolutegravir; RAL, raltegravir.
              Botswana. In contrast to the Botswana data, no NTDs were
              reported in a Brazilian cohort of 1468 women, 382 of whom   TABLE 4: Key drug–drug interactions with dolutegravir.
                                                                                      Action required
              were DTG-exposed.   Although additional data will     RIF               Administer DTG twice daily (i.e. 50 mg 12 hourly)
              undoubtedly  be  forthcoming,  it  should  be  noted  that  the         until 2 weeks after stopping RIF.
              absolute risk is <  0.5%, which may be outweighed by the   Metformin    Do not exceed metformin 500 mg 12 hourly.
              additional benefits of DTG over alternative therapies. We   Carbamazepine, phenytoin  Give alternative anticonvulsant if possible (e.g.
                                                                                      lamotrigine or topiramate). If carbamazepine is
              recommend that women of childbearing potential (WOCP),                  used, then administer DTG 12 hourly. Avoid
                                                                                      phenytoin with DTG altogether.
              particularly those who wish to become pregnant or who   Polyvalent cation-containing   For magnesium-/aluminium-containing antacids,
              have no reliable access to effective contraception, should be   agents (e.g. antacids, laxatives,  administer > 2 h after or > 6 h before DTG dose. For
                                                                                      iron/calcium supplements, either take with food or
                                                                    sucralfate, iron and calcium
              counselled adequately about the potential risks and benefits   supplements)  apply intervals above.
              of DTG- versus EFV-based  ART and should be offered a   Etravirine      Do not use DTG + etravirine together unless a
              choice of first-line regimens.                                          boosted PI is also used in the combination.
                                                                    DTG, dolutegravir; RIF, rifampicin; PIs, protease inhibitors.
              Common side effects                                   encourage appropriate exercise and dietary measures to
              Dolutegravir and RAL are generally well tolerated, with   limit this.
              most side effects being  mild and very rarely leading to
              discontinuation. Dolutegravir may cause a mild increase in   Dosage  and  common  adverse  drug  reactions  (ADRs)  of
              serum creatinine because of interference with tubular   InSTIs are described in Table 3.
              secretion. This does not represent renal damage and is not an
              indication of switching to another drug. The rise in creatinine   Key drug–drug interactions with dolutegravir
              occurs within the first few weeks and persists for as long as   Key drug–drug interactions involving DTG are summarised
              the patient remains on DTG.
                                                                    in Table 4.
                 °   Common pitfall: Assuming that the rise in creatinine
                                                                      °   Common pitfall: Forgetting to dose DTG twice daily
                   seen in patients on DTG necessarily represents        when RIF-based tuberculosis treatment is commenced.
                   renal failure. In reality, the effect of DTG on creatinine
                   secretion is of no consequence and does not represent   4.  Non-nucleoside reverse
                   a decline in renal function.
                                                                        transcriptase inhibitor class of
              Raltegravir and DTG can cause headaches when started, but   antiretroviral drugs
              this usually resolves. These drugs may also cause insomnia
              and neuropsychiatric side effects. Raltegravir and DTG can   Key points
              occasionally cause hypersensitivity rashes, including life-  ÿ   Efavirenz remains a good first-line  ART option for
              threatening rashes. Weight gain is more pronounced in   patients who tolerate DTG poorly, or where DTG is
              patients taking an InSTI as part of their ART regimen (with   contraindicated or declined.
              the exception of cabotegravir, which is not currently available   ÿ   Efavirenz 400 mg is not inferior to EFV 600 mg and offers
              in South Africa). Black women, patients with low baseline   a somewhat improved side-effect profile. However, it is
              CD4  counts and patients with high baseline VLs appear to   currently not available in FDC and has not been well
              be at greatest risk.  The risk also appears to be moderated by   studied in patients receiving rifampicin (RIF)-based TB
              the companion drugs in the patient’s ART regimen. In the   treatment or in pregnant women.
              ADVANCE trial, women on a tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) +   ÿ   Rilpivirine (RPV) is another good first-line option, but it
              FTC + DTG regimen were found to gain a median of 10 kg   is not available in FDC, cannot be co-administered with
              over 96 weeks, with little evidence of a plateau in the   RIF-based TB treatment and should not be started in
              increase.  In women, median weight gain in the same period   patients with a VL > 100 000 copies/mL.
              in the TDF + FTC + DTG arm was 5 kg, and 3 kg in the TDF   ÿ   Nevirapine  (NVP)  is  no  longer  recommended  for  new
              + FTC + EFV arm. In men, weight gain was approximately   patients because of its adverse side effect profile.
              half as much in each arm. The long-term health implications   ÿ   Etravirine (ETR) may be used as part of third-line therapy
              of these findings are currently unclear; however, clinicians   where appropriate, but is not recommended as a first-line
              should be aware of the possibility of weight gain and   agent.

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