Page 35 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 9 of 39  Guideline

              Atazanavir                                            presenting with CM or tuberculosis meningitis (TBM) –
              Atazanavir is generally better tolerated than LPV and can be   see below.
              taken once daily: It has important drug interactions with drugs   Benefits of antiretroviral therapy in reducing morbidity
              that reduce stomach acidity, such as PPIs. Atazanavir may cause   and mortality
              an unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia as a result of inhibition of the                       +
              hepatic enzyme Uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase.   With ART-induced viral suppression, the CD4  lymphocyte
              Although the hyperbilirubinaemia is harmless and does not   count usually increases, which is accompanied by a
                                                                    restoration of pathogen-specific immune function. For most
              reflect a drug-induced liver injury (DILI), a minority of patients   patients, this results in a dramatic reduction in the risk of
              will become visibly jaundiced, and this may require changing   HIV-associated  morbidity  and  mortality.  For  patients  who
              ART regimens for cosmetic reasons.
                                                                    start ART with preserved CD4  counts, ART is able to prevent
                 °   Common pitfall: Mistaking the unconjugated     the decline in CD4  count observed in untreated patients
                   hyperbilirubinaemia sometimes seen with ATV use   and thereby prevent clinical complications of HIV infection.
                   with a DILI.  Conversely, it is equally important to   The benefits in morbidity and mortality extend to patients
                   note that  ARVs can also cause a true DILI, and   with relatively preserved CD4  counts. The START and
                   therefore a complete liver function test (LFT) panel   TEMPRANO  ANRS 12136 trials showed significant
                   should be performed to distinguish between the two   individual clinical benefits when starting ART immediately
                   possibilities.                                   in patients with CD4  counts > 500 cells/μL rather than
                                                                    deferring until a certain lower CD4  threshold or clinical
              Darunavir                                             indication was met. 35,36
              Darunavir has the highest barrier to resistance of any PI:
              Mutations selected by  ATV or LPV can compromise DRV   Benefits of antiretroviral therapy in reducing transmission
              efficiency. For patients with mutations that confer any degree   The HPTN 052 trial showed that treating the HIV-positive
              of  resistance  to  DRV  (e.g.  I50V,  L76V  and  I84V),  the  dose   partner in a serodiscordant relationship with  ART was
              should be DRV/r 600 mg/100 mg twice daily. For patients   associated with a 93% reduction in transmission risk to the
              without any DRV mutations, the drug can be taken at a dose   uninfected partner, with the only linked transmissions
              of DRV/r 800 mg/100 mg once daily. There is evidence,   occurring from partners without a suppressed VL.  Further
              however, that DRV/r 400 mg/100 mg once daily may be   evidences in serodiscordant couples from the PARTNER,
              sufficient in this scenario, especially for patients with   PARTNER2 and Opposites  Attract trials have confirmed
              suppressed VLs at the time of the switch. 33,34  Compared with a   that  HIV is essentially not transmittable when the VL is
              twice-daily dosing, a once-daily dosing offers the benefits of   suppressed. 38,39,40  Community-level evidence has also
              reduced pill burden and better side effect profile. As with ATV,   demonstrated a reduction in HIV incidence as ART rollout is
              DRV cannot be co-prescribed with RIF-based TB treatment.
                                                                    scaled up. Therefore, early  ART initiation  has significant
                 °   Common pitfall: Prescribing ATV or DRV in      public health benefits.
                   patients  receiving  RIF-based  TB  treatment.
                   Lopinavir/ritonavir is the only PI combination that   Antiretroviral therapy in primary human
                   can be co-prescribed safely with RIF, but the dose of   immunodeficiency virus infection
                   LPV/r must be adjusted as above.                 In patients who are diagnosed with HIV during  acute
                                                                    seroconversion, we advise counselling and initiating ART as
              6.  Initiation and timing of                          soon  as possible. Expedited ART  initiation  is  preferable  as
                  antiretroviral therapy                            there is evidence that this may limit the size of the HIV
                                                                    reservoir.  Once the patient is established on ART, additional
              Key points                                            counselling may be required for patients who start ART in
                                                                    this acute stage because there is limited time for extensive
              ÿ   All individuals diagnosed with HIV should be initiated   pre-ART counselling, and there is often considerable
                 on ART.                                            psychological distress around this time.
              ÿ   Delays to start ART should be minimised. Several studies
                 have demonstrated that it is safe to initiate.     Antiretroviral therapy initiation in ‘elite
              ÿ   ART on the same day as diagnosis or on receipt of CD4    controllers’
                 count result, with the main benefit being improved
                 retention in care.                                 A minority of patients (<  1%) have very effective immune
              ÿ   Screening for TB, cryptococcal meningitis (CM) and   control  of HIV  infection  and  can  control  HIV  viraemia  at
                 other OIs prior to ART initiation is important, as these   undetectable levels even in the absence of ART; these patients
                 conditions may necessitate delaying ART initiation.  are termed ‘elite controllers’.

              Overview                                              Although definitive data are lacking for this patient subgroup,
                                                                    we advise initiating ART in elite controllers too, as indirect
              All patients who are diagnosed with HIV should be initiated   evidence suggests a potential benefit. Elite controllers still
              on  ART  as  soon  as  possible.  Exceptions  include  patients   have evidence of chronic immune activation and

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