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Page 26 of 39  Guideline

              There is also uncertainty regarding the optimal dose of RFB   °   Combining linezolid and AZT. These drugs should
              with PI/r; these guidelines recommend 150 mg daily         not be combined because both can cause bone marrow
              (Table 20) for efficacy reasons, but careful monitoring for   suppression (especially anaemia and neutropenia).
              toxicity is required (ALT, neutrophil count and visual
              symptoms at least monthly).  RFB may be considered in   19. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
              patients who are not able to tolerate co-treatment with
              double-dose LPV/r and RIF-based TB treatment (i.e.    Note: It is beyond the scope of these guidelines to provide
              patients unable to tolerate the increased LPV/r dose   comprehensive  guidance  for  the  management  of  pregnant
              because  of  hepatotoxicity  or  GI  side  effects)  or  in  ART-  women. Key recommendations relating to the mother are
              experienced patients on an  ART regimen that is not   included, but providers are encouraged to refer to national
                                                                    guidelines. All women should be linked to routine antenatal
              compatible with RIF (e.g. third-line ART with DRV/r). If   care when pregnancy is confirmed.
              RFB is unavailable and adjusted doses of LPV/r are poorly
              tolerated in patients receiving second-line ART, then DTG   •  The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
              (50 mg 12 hourly) may be substituted for the PI. However,   (PMTCT) programme includes periconception, pregnancy,
              it should be noted that good evidence is lacking regarding   delivery and breastfeeding and encompasses the
              the  robustness  of  DTG  in  second-line  therapy  with  both   prevention of unplanned pregnancies.
              NRTIs compromised, as exists for PI/r (section  13).   •  In low-resource settings, breastfeeding commonly
              Nevertheless, the short-term use of DTG with two        continues for up to 24 months. Breastfeeding transmission
              compromised NRTIs over 6 months is preferable to treating   is now the most  common  mode of mother-to-child
              TB without RIF, which has a high risk of failure or relapse.   transmission of HIV in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa,
                                                                      rendering post-natal retention-in-care vital to successful
              Antiretroviral therapy and TB medication share many side   PMTCT intervention.
              effects (Table 21).                                   •  Virological suppression on ART is essential for maternal
                                                                      health, and to prevent HIV transmission to the infant. An
              °   Common pitfalls:                                    elevated VL > 50 copies/mL in a pregnant or breastfeeding
                 °   Rifampicin is co-administered with LPV/r, but    woman requires urgent action.
                   the  dose of LPV/r is not adjusted.  This results   •  In well-functioning PMTCT programmes, a significant
                   in   sub-therapeutic  LPV  concentrations  and     proportion of infections in infants result from undetected
                   development of PI resistance. Rifampicin should not   seroconversion during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
                   be co-administered with ATV/r or DRV/r at all.
                                                                      Repeated HIV testing throughout these periods is
                                                                      essential for women initially testing HIV-negative.
              TABLE  20:  Dosage  of  antiretroviral  drugs  and  rifabutin  when  prescribed
              concomitantly.                                        •  Interventions that support HIV risk reduction in women
              ART drug  ART dosage       RFB dosage                   include male partner HIV testing and linkage to ART for
              EFV    No change           Increase to 450 mg/day       ‘treatment as prevention’, encouraging consistent condom
                                                                      use throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, and
              InSTI class  No change     300 mg/day
                                                                      providing PrEP to women who are at substantial risk of
              ATV or PI/r No change      Decrease to 150 mg/day (monitor
                                         ALT, neutrophils and visual   HIV infection.
                                         symptoms at least monthly)  •  Maternal health is central to healthy infants, and is an
              RPV    Do not co-administer or increase  300 mg/day (or 150 mg/day with   essential focus of PMTCT services: advanced HIV results
                     RPV to 50 mg daily  PI/r)
              ETR    Preferably avoid, but if used, then  300 mg/day (or 150 mg/day with   in life-threatening OIs, leading to miscarriage, stillbirth,
                     administer standard doses of ETR PI/r)           premature delivery and maternal death.
              ALT, alanine transaminase; ART, antiretroviral therapy; ATV, atazanavir; EFV, efavirenz; ETR,
              etravirine;  InSTI,  integrase  strand  transfer  inhibitor;  PI/r,  ritonavir-boosted  protease
              inhibitor; RFB, rifabutin; RPV, rilpivirine; RTV, ritonavir.  Mother-to-child transmission of human
                                                                    immunodeficiency virus
              TABLE  21:  Shared  side  effects  ofantiretroviral  therapy  and  tuberculosis
              treatment.                                            Overall, the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is
              Side effects  ART       TB treatment                  ~ 40% in the absence of any intervention (see Box 5 for more
              Nausea      AZT, ddI and PIs  Pyrazinamide, ethionamide and PAS  information). Timing of such transmission is as follows: in
              Hepatitis   EFV and PIs  RIF, RFB, INH, pyrazinamide, bedaquiline   utero: 5%; during delivery: 15% – 20%; up to 24 months of
                          (NRTIs can cause   and many second-line drugs, including
                          steatohepatitis)  quinolones              breastfeeding: 20%.
              Renal impairment  TDF   Aminoglycosides and RIF (rare)
              Rash        EFV, RAL and DTG  RIF, RFB, INH, pyrazinamide, ethambutol,   BOX 5: South African national guidelines for the prevention of mother-to-child
                                      streptomycin and many second-line   transmission of human immunodeficiency virus.
                                      drugs, including quinolones
                                                                    South African National Department of Health. Guideline for the Prevention of
              Neuropsychiatric   EFV and DTG  Terizidone/cycloserine, quinolones, INH  Mother to Child Transmission of Communicable Infections. Pretoria, South Africa:
              complications                                         National Department of Health, 2019.
              Prolonged QTc  RPV      Bedaquiline, quinolones, clofazimine and
                                      delamanid                     PRINT%20v7.pdf
              Myelosuppression  AZT   RFB and linezolid             South African National Department of Health. 2019 ART Clinical Guidelines for the
              ART,  antiretroviral  therapy;  AZT,  zidovudine;  d4T,  stavudine;  ddI,  didanosine;  DTG,   Management of HIV in Adults, Pregnancy, Adolescents, Children, Infants and
              dolutegravir; EFV, efavirenz; INH, isoniazid; NRTIs, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors;   Neonates. Pretoria, South Africa: National Department of Health, 2019.
              PIs, protease inhibitors; RAL, raltegravir; RFB, rifabutin; RIF, rifampicin; TB, tuberculosis; TDF,
              tenofovir; QTc, corrected QT interval; RPV, rilpivirine; PAS, p-aminosalicylic acid.  October%202019.pdf

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