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Page 7 of 8  Original Research

              elevated total cholesterol and triglyceride in this cohort will   Acknowledgements
              serve to further increase their cardiovascular risk.
                                                                    Competing interests
              Although not statistically significant, glycaemic control was   The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.
              poorer in the PLWHD compared to the PLWD with regards
              to those:
                                                                    Authors’ contributions
              •  with overall total thyroid disorders
              •  with SCH                                           S.P. made substantial contributions to conception and design
              •  on ART                                             of the work, writing of the paper and final approval and
                                                                    agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the research. D.P.
                                                                    and R.P. made substantial contributions to conception of the
              Future prospective studies are needed to determine  the
              extent of this glycaemic difference between these groups of   work, critically reviewed and edited the draft paper and final
              patients which may aid in providing another therapeutic   approval and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the
              avenue in improving overall diabetes control.         research. D.S. made substantial contribution to the generation
                                                                    of statistics and critically reviewed the article and agreed to
              Strengths and limitations of study                    be accountable for all aspects of the research.

              •  Results of this  study will help strengthen the case for   Funding information
                 evaluation of thyroid disorders in PLWD but more
                 especially in PLWHD.                               This  research  received  no  specific  grant from any  funding
              •  The limitations of this study include that we only used a   agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
                 single TSH level for diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction.
                 Assay-related analytic errors and transient thyroid   Data availability statement
                 dysfunction secondary to drugs like lithium and    Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data
                 amiodarone were not assessed.                      were created or analysed in this study.
              •  People living with HIV  are at heightened risk of developing
                 the euthyroid sick syndrome. During periods of recovery
                 from acute illness, the TSH might be increased in this   Disclaimer
                 condition and may result in an overdiagnosis of SCH.  The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of
              •  Another limitation included that no T4 or T3 testing was   the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or
                 performed in patients with low or high TSH. As this was   position of any affiliated agency of the authors.
                 a retrospective first visit study, we were able only to
                 collect TSH data that were gathered during screening on   References
                 first visit.
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