Page 333 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 333

Page 4 of 5  Original Research

              TABLE  3:  Distribution  of  malignancies  amongst  elderly  patients  receiving   increased morbidity and mortality.  Screening and optimal
              antiretroviral therapy at Newlands Clinic in March 2020, by sex.  management of hypertension must become part of the
              Malignancy type  Female      Male      Frequency
                            n = 113  %  n = 17  %  n = 130  %       comprehensive care of elderly PLWH.
              CIN 3          77    68    -     -    77    59
              Cancer of the cervix  14  12  -  -    14    11        The prevalence of CKD was high. Numerous risk factors
              Kaposi sarcoma  4    4     7     41   11     9        are involved in renal disease in PLWH, such as age, black
              VIN 3          10    9     -     -    10     8        race,  DM, hypertension,  low CD4 counts  and  certain
              Lymphomas†      3    3     4     24    7     5        ART  medicines like tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.  All
              Penile cancer   -          4     24    4     3        HIV-positive patients especially the elderly must have annual
              Vulvar cancer   3    3     -     -     3     2        measurements of their renal function. Diabetes mellitus was
              Multiple myeloma  1  1     1     6     2     2        far less common than hypertension. As has been previously
              Anal cancer     1    1     0     -     1     1
              Cancer of eye   1    1     0     -     1     1        reported, the risk of developing DM in PLWH is not well-
              Cancer of rectum  1  1     0     -     1     1        established, and studies have not consistently shown a
              CIN, cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia; VIN, vulvar intra-epithelial neoplasia.  relationship between DM and HIV. 20,21  However, some
              †, Lymphomas, four non-Hodgkin’s, one central nervous system, one Hodgkin’s, and one   studies have shown that the risk of DM increases amongst
                                                                    patients receiving ART. 22
              Discussion                                            A large number of elderly patients suffered from different
                                                                    forms of malignancies, which were differently distributed by
              We found that a quarter of PLWH receiving care at NC were   sex. Human papilloma virus (HPV)-related malignancies
              older than 50 years. The majority of these elderly patients   were the leading diagnosed cancers.  Almost 70% of the
              had received ART for over 10 years. Most men were married;   women with malignancies had HPV-related CIN3. The
              the  majority  of  women  were  widowed.  This  cohort  of   HPV-related anogenital malignancies will remain a challenge
              elderly patients had well-controlled HIV infection with   amongst HIV-infected men and women even in the era of
              evidence of good immunological status. A high prevalence   effective ART.  Screening for high-risk HPV infection
              of overweight or obesity was reported, particularly amongst   should become part of the care of HIV-positive women. The
              women. Comorbidities were common, notably hypertension,   estimated cumulative incidence for other cancers such as
              malignancies (far higher in women than in men) and CKD   non-Hodgkin’s  B-cell  lymphoma,  lung  cancer,  liver  cancer
              (higher in men than in women). Nearly 20% of patients had   and Hodgkin’s lymphoma increased amongst HIV-infected
              at least two chronic comorbidities, and 5.6% had three.  patients.  Routine screening for common cancers should be
                                                                    part of the comprehensive care of HIV-infected elderly
              The goal of ART is sustained suppression of HIV replication.   patients.
              Our results show that elderly patients with HIV achieve high
              rates of viral suppression. This finding is consistent with the   Our study was strengthened by very high levels of data
              results from other studies.  Older patients receiving  ART   completeness. However, our study was limited as we used
              have  demonstrated  good  medication  adherence  and  this   data from a single clinic only. Frailty, cognitive impairment
              plays a key role in achieving high rates of viral suppression. 14,15  and other geriatric syndromes that are common and
                                                                    important in HIV were not included in comorbidities as
              Although only half of our patients were married at the time   data on these are not routinely collected. Furthermore,
              of enrolment into care, over 80% of men were married. The   assessing cancers cross sectionally as we did, without
              higher proportion of marriage amongst men may be because   consideration of those who have died of cancer prior to
              of the fact that men are more likely to remarry after the loss   the  data pull, underestimates the true cancer burden.
              of a spouse or after divorce.  Older patients with HIV face a   We  assessed  all  cancers  ever  diagnosed  (historical).  We
              number of challenges that may affect their quality of life.   acknowledge that although these data are interesting, they
              Loss of partners and friends may lead to social isolation,   are  potentially  misleading.  Despite  these  limitations,  we
              depression and poor adherence to medicines.  Additional   believe that our results are important to healthcare providers
              stressors such as unemployment and poverty may further   and policymakers.
              worsen the quality of life. The high number of comorbidities
              and pill burden may negatively affect medicine adherence.   Conclusion
              Interactions between ART and other medications are a major
              consideration amongst the ageing population.          Our data demonstrates that in Africa high rates of virological
                                                                    suppression can be achieved amongst elderly patients on
              The high prevalence of chronic non-AIDS diseases in this   ART. However, the high rates of obesity (especially amongst
              cohort  is  consistent  with  the  findings  from  other  studies   women) and hypertension in this population need to
              which have showed an increased number of comorbidities   be  addressed. The prevalence of pre-malignant cervical
              in PLWH at all ages, but particularly as this population   disease amongst elderly women is high; and hence, routine
              ages.  Hypertension is now recognised as an important   cervical cancer screening is essential for elderly women
              chronic comorbid condition of PLWH and is associated with   living with HIV.

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