Page 332 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 5  Original Research

              TABLE 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of elderly patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at Newlands Clinic in March 2020, by sex.
              Characteristic                          Females                 Males                   Total
                                                n = 1008     %          n = 680      %         N = 1688      %
              Baseline age in years, median (IQR)  46.5    41.2–51.4     46.8      42.7–52.1     46.6      42.1–51.8
              Current age (years), median (IQR)  56         52–61        56         52–61        56         52–61
              Current age in years, n (%)
              50–60                              729         72          491         72         1220         72
              > 60–70                            246         25          158         23          404         24
              > 70                               33           3          31           5          64          4
              Marital status at enrolment
              Married                            308         31          556         82          864         51
              Widowed                            478         47          69          10          547         32
              Divorced                           74           7          27           4          101         6
              Single                             148         15          28           4          176         11
              CD4 count in cells/µL, median (IQR)  526      390–689      377       390–689       464       327–628
              HIV viral load expressed as RNA copies/mL, n (%)
              < 50                               939         93          617         91         1 756        92
              50–1000                            58           6          39           6          97          6
              > 1000                              9           1           21          3          30          2
              Body mass index category, n (%)
              Underweight                        48           5          88          13          136         8
              Normal                             380         38          406         60          786         47
              Overweight                         319         32          133         18          452         27
              Obese                              251         25          48           7          299         18
              ART duration, years, median (IQR)  11.3       8.1–14.1     10.4      8.1–14.1      10.9       7.1–13
              Current ART regimen, n (%)
              NNRTI† +2NRTI                      144         14          97          14          241         14
              TLD‡                               671         67          411         60         1 082        64
              ATV/r§ or LPV/r¶ + 2NRTI           171         17          143         21          314         19
              DTG†† + Darunavir + ≤ 2NRTI        17           2          28           4          45          3
              Other regimens                      5          0.5          1          0.2          6          0.3
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; IQR, interquartile range; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; RNA, ribonucleic acid; NNRTI, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NRTI, nucleoside reverse
              transcriptase inhibitor; TLD, tenofovir, lamivudine and dolutegravir; ATV/r, atazanavir/ritonovir; LPV/r, Lopinavir/ritonovir; DTG, dolutegravir.
              †, Either nevirapine or efavirenz.
              ‡, Tenofovir, lamivudine and dolutegravir.
              §, Atazanavir/ritonavir.
              ¶, Lopinavir/ritonavir.
              ††, Dolutegravir.

              TABLE  2:  Distribution  of  comorbidities  amongst  elderly  patients  receiving
              antiretroviral therapy at Newlands Clinic in March 2020, by sex.                 Addi onal medicines  Comorbidi es
              Comorbidity      Females      Males       Total           60
                             n = 1008 60%  n = 680 40%  n = 1680 100%
              Hypertension     489  48.5  215  31.6   704  41.2         50
              Diabetes mellitus  68  6.8  53   7.8    117  7.2          40
              Chronic kidney disease†  108  10.7  87  12.8  195  11.6  % of Pa ents  30
              Any malignancy   113  11.2  17   2.5    130  7.7
              Congestive cardiac failure  27  2.7  10  1.5  37  2.2     20
              Arthritis        247  24.5  89   13.1   336  19.9         10
              Tuberculosis     187  19    176  26     363  22
              †, Chronic kidney disease = glomerular filtration rates of <60 mL/min/1.73 m . 2  0  1  2      3+
                                                                            Number of addi onal chronic medicines and comorbidi es
              hypertension. A higher proportion of women as compared to   FIGURE 1: Distribution of comorbidities and additional chronic medicines amongst
              men had hypertension (48.5% vs. 31.6%, respectively).   elderly patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at Newlands Clinic in March 2020.
              Arthritis was the second most common comorbidity and
              higher amongst women compared to men (24.5% vs. 13.1%),
              as was any malignancy (11.2% compared with 2.5%). Other   Burden of malignancies ever diagnosed
              comorbidities  included  DM  (7.2%),  CKD  (11.6%)  and   Amongst women, the most common malignancy diagnosed
              congestive  cardiac failure (2.2%), which  were  similarly   was CIN3, accounting for 68% of the malignancy burden
              distributed in men and women. Nearly 20% of patients had   (Table 3). Other common malignancies in women included
              at least two chronic non-communicable comorbidities and   cancer of the cervix (12%) and VIN (9%). Amongst men, the
              5.6% had three (Figure 1). Almost half of the cohort (47%)   most common malignancy was Kaposi Sarcoma (41%),
              received an additional chronic medicine other than ART.  followed by lymphomas and penile cancer (24%).

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