Page 325 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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              TABLE 2: A subanalysis of subclinical hypothyroidism in people living with human immunodeficiency virus and diabetes versus human immunodeficiency virus–uninfected
              people living with diabetes.
              Variables               PLWHD + Subclinical        HIV uninfected PLWD + Subclinical    p-value
                                     Hypothyroid group n = 34       Hypothyroid group n = 30  (Fisher exact test Mann Whitney Test)
                                 n      %    Median   IQR       n      %     Median  IQR
              Male              10     29.41   -       -        9     30.0     -      -               0.004
              Female            24     70.59   -       -       21     70.0     -      -               < 0.001
              Type of DM
              Type 1 DM          5     14.71   -       -        1     3.33     -      -               0.002
              Type 2 DM         29     85.29   -       -       29     96.67    -      -               < 0.001
              Age (years)        -      -     50.5   42–58      -      -      60     57–68            < 0.001
              Duration of DM     -      -     4.48    2–8       -      -      9.5    1–17             0.318
              BMI (kg/m ) 2      -      -     28.9  25–32.75    -      -      36     26–41            0.024
              HbA1c (%)          -      -      8     6.2–12.9   -      -       9   7.35–10.85         0.628
              Total cholesterol (mmol/L)  -  -  4.8  4.05–5.78  -      -      4.2    4–5.4            0.222
              Triglycerides (mmol/L)  -  -    1.69  1.12–2.53   -      -      1.53  1.18–2.42         0.667
              LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)  -  -   2.9   1.7–3.42   -      -      2.0   1.58–2.91         0.239
              HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)  -  -  1.15  0.98–1.52   -      -      1.11  0.91–1.31         0.451
              TSH (mIU/L)        -      -     8.85  6.46–11.68  -      -      7.39  6.06–8.82         0.270
              Number and percentage of patients with GFR
              < 60 mL/min        9     26.47   -       -       19     63.33    -      -               0.142
              > 60 mL/min       13     38.24   -       -       10     33.33    -      -               < 0.001
              Total Number of Patients   34  20.61  -  -       30      4.0     -      -               < 0.001
              with SCH/165 (%)
              Number and percentage of patients on
              Metformin monotherapy  5  3.03   -       -        2     0.27     -      -               0.006
              Insulin monotherapy  26  15.76   -       -       28     3.73     -      -               < 0.001
              Metformin plus insulin   9  5.45  -      -       11     1.47     -      -               0.022
              BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes mellitus;  GFR, glomerular filtration  rate; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HIV, human  immunodeficiency virus; IQR interquartile  range; LDL, low-density
              lipoprotein; PLWD, people living with diabetes; PLWHD, people living with human immunodeficiency virus and diabetes; SCH, subclinical-hypothyroidism; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

              TABLE 3: A subanalysis of people living with human immunodeficiency virus on antiretroviral therapy and those not yet started on antiretroviral therapy (antiretroviral
              Variables               PLWHD on ART (N = 136)           PLWHD ART-Naïve (N = 27)   p-value Mann Whitney Test
                                 n       %     Median   IQR        n      %      Median   IQR         Fisher Exact Test
              Male               42     30.88    -       -        10      37.04    -       -            < 0.001
              Female             94     69.12    -       -        17      62.96    -       -            < 0.001
              Type of DM
              Type 1             14     10.29    -       -         8      29.63    -       -            < 0.001
              Type 2            122     89.71    -       -        19      70.37    -       -            < 0.001
              Age (years)        -       -       47     40–55      -       -      42    33–49.25         0.025
              Duration of DM     -       -       5      2–8        -       -       3      1–9            0.710
              Duration of HIV    -       -       6.5    3–10       -       -       2     1–3.75         < 0.001
              BMI                -       -       30     25–34      -       -      32    25.5–39.5        0.215
              HbA1c (%)          -       -       9.3   6.95–11.2   -       -      10.2   9.3–11          0.294
              Total cholesterol (mmol/L)  -  -   5     4.2–5.6     -       -       4    3.33–4.45       < 0.001
              Triglyceride (mmol/L)  -   -       1.7   1.1–2.89    -       -      1.03   0.79–1.2       < 0.001
              LDL- cholesterol (mmol/L)  -  -   2.68   2.05–3.36   -              2.09  1.29–2.61        0.014
              HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)  -  -    1.26   1.07–1.65   -       -      1.05  0.92–1.33        0.007
              TSH (mIU/L)        -       -      2.08   1.28–4.32   -       -      2.52  1.42–5.45        0.424
              CD4 count (cells/mm ) 3  -  -     446   178.5–701.5  -       -      400    99–800          0.945
              Number (%) of patients   -  -      27     19.85      -       -       4      14.81         < 0.001
              with SCH
              Subclinical        -       -       3      2.21       -       -       -       -            < 0.001
              Hyperthyroidism n (%)
              ART, antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index; DM, diabetes mellitus; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IQR interquartile range; LDL, low-density lipoprotein;
              PLWHD, people living with human immunodeficiency virus; SCH, subclinical hyperthyroidism; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

              usage by PLWHD was 6 (2–9.25) and 5 (2–9) years,      than a percent (7/915, 0.77%) of patients with SCH were on
              respectively.                                         metformin.

              Despite the concomitant thyroid disorder, a group of 68 (7.43%)   Table 3 demonstrates that patients on ART were significantly
              patients continued to receive metformin monotherapy. Less   younger, female and had type 2 DM, and had a higher total,

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