Page 323 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              dysfunction in PLWH was rare.  Harslof et al. found no   the  result transferred  onto  the  data  sheets.  Screening
              difference between treated PLWH and HIV-uninfected    thyroxine (T4) levels were not performed at this clinic
              persons with regard to the prevalence of hypo- or     because of cost  implications. The TSH test, measured in
              hyperthyroidism.  Madge et al. has stated that neither HIV   mIU/L, was performed by the National Health Laboratory
              nor  ART increases the risk of overt or subclinical   Services  (NHLS)  using  the  Siemens®  Avdia  Centaur  XP
              hypothyroidism (SCH) in PLWH. 12                      analyser. The NHLS’s normal TSH range was 0.35 mIU/L
                                                                    to 5.5 mIU/L. A history of pre-existing thyroid disorders
              People living with HIV who are on ART are now living longer   was noted in the medical history and documented as either
              and have become susceptible to chronic conditions such as   pre-existing hyper- or hypothyroidism. For this study,
              DM. In some instances, HIV-infected patients have developed   patients without a history of a thyroid disorder but with a
              insulin resistance resulting from the inflammatory changes   TSH  level < 0.35 mIU/L were classified as  having
              that accompany long-term HIV infection and the metabolic   subclinical hyperthyroidism, whilst those patients with a
              toxicities of the early antiretrovirals used at the time. 13,14  TSH > 5.5 mIU/L and no history of a thyroid disorder were
                                                                    captured as having SCH. Patients with elevated TSH were
              The prevalence of thyroid abnormalities in a United Kingdom   further subdivided into two groups (5.5–10 mIU/L vs. > 10
              population  (the  Whickham  Survey)   was reported  to  be   mIU/L). This was done as both categories have specific
              approximately 6.6%. These data are not specific to PLWD and   therapeutic  implications.  Total  thyroid  disorders  were
              precede the HIV pandemic by several years. The Colorado   categorised as all patients with either a history of hyper- or
              (USA) thyroid disease prevalence study of 1995 (n = 25 862)   hypothyroidism plus all those who were found to have
              found that 9.5% of attendees at a state fair had an elevated   subclinical hypo- or hyperthyroidism. The Bio-Rad D-10
              TSH test result whilst 2.2% had decreased levels.  The overall   machine (Bio-Rad, USA) was used for the HbA1c analysis.
              prevalence of thyroid abnormalities in PLWD is between 12%
              and  16%. 1,17,18,19   Although  a  Nigerian  and  an  Indian  study   The device and the operator (the NHLS) are National
              found higher prevalence rates, namely 46.5% and 30%,   Glycohaemoglobin Standardisation Program (NGSP)
              respectively,  these  PLWD  subjects  may  have been  non-  accredited. Estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFR)
              randomly recruited. Subclinical hypothyroidism was the   were calculated by the NHLS using the Modified Diet in
              most frequent diagnosis. 20,21                        Renal Disease (MDRD)  formula.  The  CD4 results are
                                                                    reported in cells/µL or cells/mm .
              Screening guidelines for thyroid disorders in PLWD remain
              varied globally. 1,21,22,23,24  Thyroid-stimulating hormone is the   This is a retrospective cross-sectional study of demographic,
              most sensitive screening test and establishes the diagnosis of   clinical and biochemical data, including TSH results,
              hypo- and hyperthyroidism. 19,25,26  In the context of HIV, Parsa   extracted and analysed from the datasheets of all first-visit
              et al. recommend that TSH be the initial screening tool for the   patients attending the diabetic clinic from 1 January 2016 till
              diagnosis of thyroid disorders in PLWH.  Global and South   31 December 2017.
              African data on the prevalence of thyroid abnormalities in
              PLWHD are scarce. International guidelines vary with regard   Categorical and continuous variables were noted as median
              to TSH screening in PLWH and/or PLWHD.                and interquartile ranges (25% – 75% IQR). Numbers (n) and
                                                                    percentages (%) are provided for categorical variables.
              The primary aim of this study was to provide an initial   Since  data was non-parametric,  all data were log-
              description of some of the thyroid/TSH abnormalities found   transformed. The  results shown are back-transformed
              in South African PLWHD and in those South African PLWD   values. A  p-value <  0.05  was used as an indicator of
              who are HIV uninfected. A secondary aim was to identify the   significance. Data were analysed by Statistical Package for
              extent, if any, of differences in thyroid/TSH abnormalities   Social Science (SPSS) version 25 for windows (SPSS Inc.,
              between PLWHD and HIV-uninfected PLWD.                Chicago, IL, USA)  and Medcalc (version 19.3.1, Ostend,

              The visits of all patients attending the Edendale Hospital   Patient and public involvement
              diabetic clinic are recorded on specially designed data sheets.   Informed consent was not sought as the study is retrospective
              These were introduced in September 2012 and are completed   and all patient-identifying information was anonymised in
              in triplicate and have been approved by the University of   the study database. Neither patients nor the general public
              KwaZulu-Natal Biomedical Research and Ethics Committee   were involved in the design, the operation, the reporting or
              (BCA 194/95). This ensures that all patients are consulted in   the dissemination of this research.
              a standardised  and  comprehensive  manner.  Demographic,
              clinical and biochemical variables for the patients are   Ethical consideration
              captured on these data sheets.
                                                                    Ethics approval for this study was received from the
              In order to identify concomitant thyroid disorders, TSH   University  of  KwaZulu-Natal  Biomedical  Research and
              tests are performed routinely at all initial clinic visits and   Ethics Committee (BE 137/19).

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