Page 308 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 308

Page 2 of 8  Original Research

              viral infection, accumulation of drug toxins in the body and   In addition to the age and gender inclusion criteria above, the
              acceleration of age-related degenerative changes by HIV. 4,5,6    cases had to be PLWH and concurrently diagnosed with DM
              According to the World Health Organization,  NCDs may be   and/or HTN. All subjects provided written informed consent
              present before HIV infection but could be worsened by HIV   to participate in the study. Those with a confirmed diagnosis
              or the side effects of some of the antiretroviral drugs.   other than the NCD-tracer conditions of HTN and DM, as
                                                                    required  for  the  study,  were  excluded.  Mentally  impaired
              HIV-NCD comorbidity could have implications for healthcare   PLWH and those not on ART were also excluded from the study.
              costs, health experiences and survival compared with HIV
              alone.  Although the effects of  HIV-NCD  comorbidity  on   As the ePMS and the Chronic Disease Register are
              healthcare costs, health experiences and treatment options   maintained separately, the identification and linkage of
              have previously been documented, especially in high-income   PLWH with the tracer NCDs were time-consuming and
              countries,  this  is  not  true  for  most  sub-Saharan  African   laborious.  A total of 2969 PLWH and comorbid NCDs
              countries, including Zimbabwe.  Conducting such studies   were  identified  during a  3-month screening or verification
              provides valuable information so that targeted intervention   exercise among patients registered for the ART programme.
              strategies can be developed. Studies on HIV-NCD comorbidity   The 3-month period (December 2018 to February 2019) was
              are limited to a few cross-sectional surveys that are mainly   ideal because all patients were expected to have visited the
              based on self-reported data without a comparison group. 2,8  ART sites for their monthly ART supply. After applying the
                                                                    eligibility criteria, 842 eligible participants from the six sites
              HIV-NCD comorbidity causes an additional healthcare   were identified. Proportional representation, as guided by
              burden. Whilst significant efforts have been made towards   the total number of eligible participants per site, was
              HIV control in Zimbabwe, untreated or under-treated NCDs   followed when selecting participants from rural and urban
              can potentially negate the gains achieved through the   regions, and from among men and women, within all six
              national ART roll-out. Currently, no integrated care for HIV-  sites. Simple random sampling was  then  performed to
              NCD comorbidity  is available in Zimbabwe. Despite    obtain a representative sample per site, coming up with a
              accessing free services for HIV and AIDS, PLWH have to pay   total of the required sample size.
              for the treatment of NCDs, mostly through out-of-pocket
              expenditure, which because of the financial burden, may
              prevent many patients from seeking care for NCDs.     Sample size and sampling criteria
                                                                    A sample size of 186 (93 per group) was required to detect a
              The study sought to determine the effects of HIV-NCD   characteristic difference of ± 20% between the two groups
              comorbidity, using hypertension (HTN) and diabetes mellitus   with a probability of 95% and power of 80%, assuming 50%
              (DM) as NCD-tracer conditions, on healthcare costs, health   in the control group.  A 10% assumption was made for
              experiences and treatment options in PLWH in the Gweru   missing data and lost to follow-up. As such, a final sample
              district of Zimbabwe.                                 size of 208 (104 per group) was needed to ensure sufficient
                                                                    numbers for analysis.
              Materials and methods
              Study design                                          Two hundred of those providing informed consent, namely
                                                                    100 pairs, instead of the initially calculated 208 participants
              A repeated-measures, longitudinal quantitative study design   or 104 pairs, were enrolled in the study and followed up for
              was employed.
                                                                    6 months. (It is anticipated that the use of 100 pairs instead of
                                                                    the initially calculated 104 would not significantly affect the
              Study setting                                         study power because 100 per group is still larger than the
                                                                    originally  calculated sample size of 93 pairs needed to
              The study was conducted at six high-volume government
              ART sites that had the highest number of PLWH and     achieve the given power at the desired standard error.)
              collectively representing over 80% of all PLWH on ART in
              Gweru district. The six study sites consisted of four urban   The 100 cases were purposively matched by viral load (± 5
              and two rural  sites. The four urban  sites are directly   copies per milliliter of blood [copies/ml]), age (± 1 years),
              administered by Gweru City Council Health Department,   gender (male, female), distance to  ART site (± 2 km) and
              whilst the two rural sites are administered by the Ministry of   geographical location (rural, urban) in the ratio of 1 case : 1
              Health and Child Care.                                control to get a total of 200 study participants.

              Study population and participant selection            Data collection methods
              procedures                                            Quantitative data on participants’ demographic profile,

              In this study, HIV patients of either gender, aged ≥18 years,   disease-related factors, healthcare costs and health experiences
              registered for  ART programme in the electronic Patient   were  collected  using  an  interviewer-administered
              Monitoring System (ePMS) and able to respond to the study   questionnaire. Health experiences were measured as the
              questionnaire in Shona, Ndebele or the English language,   number of days spent by participants without carrying out
              were considered.                                      usual daily activities because of ill health. The questionnaire

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