Page 303 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 3 of 6  Original Research

              for age, sex, CD4 count and facility. Data were analysed   8  days; IQR: 0, 15).  A similar proportion of men and
              using STATA© v.14 (StataCorp, LLC, Texas).            women initiated ART (83% and 88%, respectively; p = 0.06).
                                                                    Of the 10  patients testing positive for TB, seven were
              Ethical consideration                                 initiated on ART within 30 days with the remaining three
                                                                    initiated on ART within 90 days.
              The study was approved by the University of the
              Witwatersrand Human Research Ethics Committee, the Johns   Antiretroviral therapy was initiated on the same day as
              Hopkins University School of Medicine Institutional Review
              Board and the Ekurhuleni District Research Committee.  HIV  testing for 221 patients (31.1%). The proportion of
                                                                    patients initiated on ART who had SDI varied considerably
              Results                                               by facility, ranging from 8.1% to 61% (10% – 69%
                                                                    for  women  and 0% – 45% for men).  A significantly
              A total of 993 patient records were identified and abstracted   higher  proportion of  women, compared with men,
              during the study period. Of these, 826 (83.2%) patients were   initiated ART on the same day (36% vs. 10.4%, p < 0.001)
              included in the analysis and 167 (16.8%) were excluded.   (Table 2). Same-day initiation of  ART was also more
              Reasons for exclusion included:  111 (66.5%)  had ART   common among those aged  < 29 years (102, 33.7%),
              recorded prior to testing date, 49 (29.3%) were documented   compared with those aged 30–40 years (89,  26.6%), and
              to have transferred out of the healthcare facility and 7 (4.2%)   those older than 40 years (30,  16%;  p = 0.009). Lastly, a
              were documented to have died. Of those included,      greater proportion of patients with a higher CD4  count
              528 (63.9%) were women, and the median age was 32 years   initiated on the same-day: 42 (30%) of those with a CD4
              (interquartile range [IQR]; 27, 39). Of the 10 study clinics,   count > 500 cells/mm  compared with 60 (21.6%) among
              the  number of patients included in the analysis ranged   those with a CD4 count between 200 and 500 cells/mm
              from 65 to 99 per clinic.
                                                                    and 23 (12%) of those with  CD4 count < 200 cells/mm
              Patient characteristics at human                      (p < 0.001;  Table 3). Notably, the  CD4  count results
              immunodeficiency virus testing                        were not available to clinicians on the day of HIV testing,
                                                                    so decisions around  SDI were not influenced by the
              The majority of patients had CD4 count documentation (610,   CD4 count.
              73.8%; Table 1) with a median CD4 count of 312 cells/mm
              (IQR; 156, 490). Of those with CD4 count documentation,   TABLE 1: Study population characteristics for 826 patients.
              nearly a third had a CD4 count of ≤ 200 cells/mm  (192, 31.5%)   Characteristic  N          %
              (Table 1). Serum creatinine was documented for less than half   Sites (n)  10               -
              of the patients (414, 50.1%), of which 14 (3.4%) had an   Age (years)     -                 -
              estimated glomerular filtration rate  of < 50 ml/min/m .   < 29          303               36.7
              Tuberculosis testing (GeneXpert MTB/Rif) was documented   ≥ 40           188               22.8
              for 45 (5.4%) patients, of which 10 tested positive for TB.  Sex
                                                                    Male               298               36.1
              Timing of antiretroviral therapy initiation           Female             528               63.9
                                                                    CD4 count
              Of the 826 patients included in the analysis, ART initiation   < 200     192               23.2
              within a year of HIV testing was documented for 710 (85.9%;   201–500    278               33.7
              Table 1). Of these, the majority, 654 (92.1%), of patients   ≥ 501       140               16.9
              initiated ART within 30 days after HIV testing (median of   Missing      216               26.2

              TABLE 2: Timing of antiretroviral therapy initiation.
              Characteristic  Same-day    1–7 days      8–30 days    31–90 days     > 90 days     No ART     p-value
                             (n = 221)    (n = 105)     (n = 328)     (n = 51)       (n = 5)      (n = 116)   (χ ) 2
                           n     %       n     %       n     %       n     %       n     %       n     %
              Age (years)
              < 29         102   33.7   31     10.2   106    35.0   20     6.6     1     0.3    43    14.2    0.009
              30–39        89    26.6   46     13.7   134    40.0   16     4.8     2     0.6    48    14.3
              ≥ 40         30    16.0   28     14.9   88     46.8   15     8.0     2     1.1    25    13.3
              Male         31    10.4   49     16.4   141    47.3   24     8.1     2     0.7    51    17.1   < 0.001
              Female       190   36.0   56     10.6   187    35.4   27     5.1     3     0.6    65    12.3
              CD4 count
              < 200        23    12.0   34     17.7   105    54.7   19     9.9     1     0.5    10     5.2   < 0.001
              201–500      60    21.6   44     15.8   131    47.1   23     8.3     2     0.7    18     6.5
              > 501        42    30.0   19     13.6   63     45.0    6     4.3     2     1.4     8     5.7
              Missing      96    44.4    8     3.7    29     13.4    3     1.4     0     0.0    80    37.0
              ART, antiretroviral therapy.

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