Page 302 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 302

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              As a counterpoint to SDI of  ART enthusiasm, there    Study setting and population
              are  concerns regarding the operational feasibility of   The study took place in the Ekurhuleni District (Gauteng
              SDI  in  public health facilities providing routine care.   Province) of South Africa. This district has the second-highest
              These  concerns include failure to rule-out important   district-level HIV prevalence (14.3%) in South Africa and is
              opportunistic  infections, challenges with assuring   comprised of urban and peri-urban settings. 21,22  The study
              adequate  renal function for some primary ART regimens   sites consisted of six primary healthcare clinics, three
              and patient readiness to cope with a new HIV diagnosis   community healthcare centres and one outpatient department
              and  initiate life-long  ART. 1,13,14,15,16  Furthermore, SDI of   at a district-level hospital. Facilities were selected to achieve
              ART  may not allow time (and focussed time) to provide   geographic diversity within the district.  All facilities had
              important HIV  education and adherence counselling that   HIV counselling and testing personnel (lay counsellors) and
              may be valuable for long-term ART success. 16,17,18  Moreover,   routinely provide free HIV testing services (HTS) according
              a recent South African study demonstrated a reduced rate   to the 2015 National HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) and
              of retention among same-day initiators.  These reports of   the UTT policy guidelines. 23,24
              early findings warrant further investigation to understand
              the  impact of  routine  delivery  of same-day  ART.  Lastly,   Sampling and data collection
              SDI  of  ART adds a further service burden to an already   We aimed to include 100 consecutive adult patients with
              overwhelmed system. The shortage of ‘nurse-initiation   an HIV-positive diagnosis from each of the 10 health facilities
              and  management of  ART’ (NIMART) trained staff,      for a total sample of approximately 1000 patients. This sample
              limited  resources and long waiting times in facilities   size was selected to provide an estimate of LTC within 20% of
              pose  system-level barriers that may impede the effective   the point estimate, assuming 50% LTC, an alpha of 0.05 and
              implementation of SDI of  ART and contribute to the   80% power. Consecutive patients were identified from the
              negative outcomes already reported.                   HIV testing registers and were included if they were aged
                                                                    18 or older and had a positive HIV test recorded in the clinic
              In spite of the challenges associated with SDI of  ART, it   HIV testing register between January 1st and July 31st 2017.
              still  offers important benefits to both the patient and   Approximately 1 year after the date of diagnosis, paper and
              healthcare system. In addition to early access to a definitive   electronic clinical records were abstracted for each selected
              management strategy, SDI obviates the need for repeat   patient,  from the  clinic  at which HIV  testing  occurred.
              visits and is likely a more attractive option for young   The  data abstracted included  sex, age, CD4 count,  viral
              working adults.  Furthermore, routinisation of SDI may in   load (HIV RNA), creatinine, ART initiation, HIV care visits,
              some way normalise ART initiation, by providing a similar   tuberculosis (TB) testing, TB test results and TB preventive
              approach to HIV management as other chronic health    therapy prescribing.
              conditions (i.e. high blood pressure management where
              antihypertensive medications are often started during the   Outcome measures
              clinic visit without the need for extensive repeat visits or   Linkage to care was defined as documentation of  ART
              referral to a specialised clinical setting).
                                                                    prescription. Same-day initiation of  ART was defined as
                                                                    having the same date of HIV diagnosis and ART initiation.
              This study seeks to describe our experience with SDI   Rapid ART initiation that did not occur on the day of HIV
              across  10  healthcare facilities in the Ekurhuleni District of   testing was defined as initiation between 1 and 7 days after
              South  Africa and characterise both patients- and health   HIV diagnosis.  Retention in care was defined as evidence of
              facility-associated factors that impact SDI success, namely   a care visit (in the same facility where patients had initiated
              retention in care and viral load suppression.         ART) or HIV-related laboratory testing between 91 and
                                                                    365  days after  ART initiation. Six-month viral suppression
              Materials and methods                                 was defined as a viral load of < 400 c/mL (for consistency with
              Study design                                          prior reports) between 4 and 8 months after ART initiation.
              This is a retrospective clinical review of patients who   Statistical analyses
              presented  for routine care and tested HIV positive at
              10 public sector health facilities in the Ekurhuleni District   Descriptive statistics were used to explore the relationship
              of South Africa between 01 January 2017 and 31 July 2017.   between patient characteristics and the timing of  ART
              We abstracted clinical data from patient charts (including   initiation (same-day, 1–7,  8–30, 31–90;  > 90  days).
              patient files and HIV testing registers) and electronic   Comparisons of factors associated with the timing of ART
              databases (Tier.Net  and the South African National Health   initiation were conducted using chi-square tests with
              Laboratory Service [NHLS] database).  All data were   particular interest in clinic attended, sex, age group,
              collected after the pathway of care was completed, there   CD4  count and TB testing. Log binomial regression
              was no interaction with patients and written informed   modelling (used to approximate relative risk) was used to
              consent was not obtained.  All data were de-identified   assess for associations between the timing of ART initiation
              prior to data capture and data analysis.              and viral suppression and retention in care while adjusting

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