Page 304 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 4 of 6  Original Research

              Retention in care by timing of antiretroviral         between the timing of ART initiation and viral suppression
              therapy initiation                                    or retention in care. Furthermore, we identified that same-
                                                                    day  ART achieves  similar  retention  in  care  and viral
              A total of 477 patients (67.2% of patients who initiated ART)
              met our definition of retention in care at 6 months. There   suppression when compared with later initiation. These
                                                                    findings suggest that provision of SDI does not adversely
              was  no association between retention  in  care  and  time  of   impact long-term care outcomes. It is plausible that the
              ART initiation; 69.2% (153) of those who initiated same-day   overall  retention and viral  load suppression is a superior
              ART were retained at 6 months compared with 66.1%     strategy to delayed ART initiation, because of less time lost
              (286) who initiated ART between 1 and 30 days post-diagnosis   from care, by reducing the time between the testing visit and
              (p = 0.47;  Table 3). In a model-adjusted for sex, age and   subsequent clinic visit. These are important and encouraging
              CD4 count, time of ART initiation did not significantly impact   early findings from the routine implementation of SDI that
              the relative likelihood retention in care at 6 months (Table 4).  help to expand the understanding of the use of SDI beyond
                                                                    clinical trial settings.
              Viral load suppression by timing of antiretroviral
              therapy initiation                                    TABLE 4: Log-binomial logistic regression adjusted for age, gender, CD4 count
                                                                    and antiretroviral therapy initiation group.
              A total of 455 patients (64.1% of patients who initiated ART)   Characteristic  Viral suppression    Retention in care
              had a 6-month viral load result documented, of which                 at 6 months        at 6 months
              359 (79%) were virally suppressed (viral load < 400 c/mL;         Risk ratio  p-value  Risk ratio  p-value
              Table  3).  There  was no  significant  association  between     n   95% CI          n     95% CI
                                                                    Age (years)
              viral  suppression and time to  ART initiation; 78.1% (118)   < 29  Ref  -    -      Ref    -      -
              of  patients who initiated same-day  ART were virally
                                                                    30–39     0.93   0.49–1.78  0.84  1.19   0.78–1.82  0.41
              suppressed  compared with 80.3% (216) patients who    ≥ 40      1.64   0.74–3.61  0.22  1.50   0.90–2.48  0.12
              initiated ART between 1 and 30 days post-diagnosis (p = 0.5;   Sex
              Table 4). In a model adjusted for sex, age group and   Male     Ref    -      -      Ref    -      -
              CD4  count, time of  ART initiation did not significantly   Female  1.46   0.80–2.64  0.21  0.93   0.63–1.40  0.75
              impact the relative likelihood of viral suppression (Table 4).  CD4 count
                                                                    < 200     Ref    -      -      Ref    -      -
              Discussion                                            201–500   1.58   0.85–2.92  0.15  0.82   0.53–1.25  0.35
                                                                    ≥ 501
              We found that just over a quarter of patients at 10   Time to ART initiation
              routine care facilities in South Africa initiated same-day ART.   Same-day  1.92   0.77–4.90  0.16  0.93   0.51–1.71  0.82
                                                                    1–7 days
              Of  those initiating  ART,  58%  were  retained  in  care  at  the   8–30 days  1.34   0.67–2.65  0.41  0.73   0.45–1.17  0.19
              same clinic at 6 months, and 58% of those retained in care   31–90 days  1.04   0.37–2.96  0.93  0.79   0.38–1.64  0.52
              at 6 months had a viral load of < 400 c/mL (80% of those with   > 90 days  0.26   0.03–2.17  0.21  1.44   0.15–13.56  0.75
              viral load test results). There was no significant association   ART, antiretroviral therapy.
              TABLE 3: Viral suppression and retention in care at 6 months for those who are on antiretroviral therapy.
              Characteristic      Viral suppression (< 400) at 6 months            Retained in care at 6 months
                                           (n = 455)                                     (n = 710)
                            Suppressed       Not suppressed  p-value      Retained          Not retained    p-value
                                                           (Chi-squared)                                   (Chi-squared)
                           n       %        n        %                  n        %         n        %
              Age (years)
              < 29        131     80.0      33      20.1      0.31     171       65.8     89       34.2      0.36
              30–39       136     75.6     44       24.4               189       65.8     98       34.2       -
              ≥ 40        92      82.9      19      17.1               117       71.8     46       28.2       -
              Male        123     77.4      36      22.6      0.55     169       68.4     78       31.6      0.61
              Female      236     79.7      60      20.3               308       66.5     155      33.5       -
              CD4 count
              < 200       93      75.0      31      25.0      0.16     128       70.3     54       29.7      0.45
              201–500     124     81.6      28      18.4               168       64.6     92       35.4       -
              ≥ 501       74      85.1      13      14.9                93       70.4     39       29.6       -
              No value    68      73.9      24      26.1                88       64.7     48       35.3       -
              Time to ART
              Same-day    118     78.1      33      21.8      0.50     153       69.2     68       30.8      0.47
              1–7 days    56      83.6      11      16.4                76       72.4     29       27.6       -
              8–30 days   160     79.2      42      20.8               210       64.0     118      36.0       -
              31–90 days  23      74.2      8       25.8                34       66.7     17       33.3       -
              > 90 days    2      50.0      2       50.0                4        80.0      1       20.0       -
              ART, antiretroviral therapy.

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