Page 309 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
P. 309

Page 3 of 8  Original Research

              intended for use was pretested among 10 consenting    TABLE 1: Baseline demographic study data.
              individuals and adjusted according to pretest findings before   Variable   Cases (N = 100)  Controls (N = 100)
              final use. Time to complete a questionnaire survey ranged               Frequency (n)  %  Frequency (n)  %
              from 15 minutes to 20 minutes per participant. Cases and   Sex
              controls were followed up for 6 months, and data were   Male               41     41.0     41     41.0
              collected at 1-month intervals. The 6-month follow-up period   Female      59     59.0     59     59.0
                                                                    Age (years)
              allowed  for  repeated  measurements,  thereby  providing   30–39           7      7.0     6      6.0
              sufficient data ‘points’ to determine disease burden, healthcare   40–49   21     21.0     22     22.0
              costs and health experiences. To ensure that participants kept   50–59     28     28.0     27     27.0
              an accurate record of their healthcare costs during the study,   60–69     34     34.0     35     35.0
              participants were requested to keep all receipts of their medical   70 and above  10  10.0  10    10.0
              expenses and note down expenditure events within the month.   Marital status
              Medications for conditions under study required once-off   Married         45     45.0     46     46.0
              monthly refills, thereby reducing chances of recall bias.  Widowed         41     41.0     30     30.0
                                                                    Divorced             14     14.0     23     23.0
                                                                    Unmarried or single   0      0.0     1      1.0
              Data analysis methods                                 Level of education
              Data were analysed using Stata Version 13.1®. Descriptive   Primary        59     59.0     59     59.0
              statistics were used to summarise the data for each analysis   High school  33    33.0     33     33.0
              group. Frequencies and percentages were used for categorical   Tertiary     8      8.0     8      8.0
              data. Frequencies of numeric data were examined for   Employment status
              normality, and means, standard deviation or medians were   Formally employed  29  29.0     29     29.0
                                                                    Informally employed
              used as appropriate. A logistic model was used to examine   Unemployed     62     62.0     62     62.0
              other factors such as demographics, clinical data and   Area of residence
              behavioural data of the two groups that had been assumed   Urban           55     55.0     55     55.0
              to  be unchanged over the study period.  A random-effects   Rural          45     45.0     45     45.0
              mixed model including costs and other covariates was used   Mortality (deaths)  3  3.0     0      0.0
              to compare the groups in the final analysis.          Viral load (copies/mL)
                                                                    0 (undetectable viral load)  38  38.0  38   38.0
              Ethical consideration                                 < 20                 34     34.0     34     34.0
              Ethics approval for the study was obtained from the   51–100                9      9.0     9      9.0
              Biomedical  Research Ethics  Committee  (University  of   Health insurance status
              KwaZulu-Natal) - Ethical Clearance Number: BE086/19, and   Yes             26     26.0     25     25.0
              Ministry of Health and Child Care (from both the District   No             74     74.0     75     75.0
              Office in Gweru and the Head Office in Harare). Written   Alcohol intake
              informed  consent  was  sought  from  participants  and   Yes               4      4.0     9      9.0
              confidentiality was maintained throughout the study by   No                96     96.0     91     91.0
              removal of personal identifiers after entry into the electronic   Smokers   1      1.0     5      5.0
              database, and the use of non-identifiable coded numbers.   No              99     99.0     95     95.0
              Furthermore, all data were password protected  in the
              electronic subject-storage database.
                                                                    Over 98% of study participants were followed for the entire 6
              Results                                               months of the study with n = 3 deaths among the cases, and
              Demographics of study participants                    no loss to follow-up. In the analysis, the mixed-effects model
                                                                    was employed to deal with deaths, and all observations that
              Equal numbers of cases and controls (100 participants each)   contributed to the results were measured up to the point of
              were enrolled into each arm. The age of the participants   the participant’s death. Table 1 shows demographic and
              ranged from 33 to 80 years, with a mean age of 57 (SD ± 10.79)   other key characteristics of study participants.
              years. The proportion of female participants was greater than
              that of male participants (Table 1). The majority were   The non-communicable disease study group,
              unemployed  at  the  time  of  the study,  with  no significant   data and outcomes
              difference in financial status between cases and controls.
              Mean  monthly  income  per  participant  was  $17.56  (SD  ±   Table 2 shows that the proportion of cases with HTN alone
              28.37), and grants received from relatives had a mean of $6.66   was greater than that with DM alone, both at baseline and at
              (SD ± 24.26). Thirty-eight per cent of participants had viral   the end of the study. None of the controls had a diagnosis of
              loads of 0 copies/mL (undetectable viral load), whilst 34%   any NCD at baseline. The presence of ‘new’ NCDs in cases
              had viral loads of below 20 copies/mL (Table  1). Average   and controls at the 6-month follow-up census is shown in
              duration on ART at baseline for cases was 10.22 years (SD ±   Table 2. Three (n  = 3) deaths (HIV or comorbid disease
              3.165) and was 4.32 years (SD ± 2.12) among controls.  related) were recorded among cases during the study period.

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